Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5835 was predicted

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly asked: "What about the second type?"

Xiaojiu was silent for a while and said: "Ling!"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Zero? What zero? I still want one!"

Xiaojiu said angrily: "Spirit! The spirit of aura, the spirit of heaven and earth, the spirit of the spirit of all things."

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Oooh, spirit! What do you mean by this spirit?"

Xiaojiu said: "In the outside world, if the original power is weak, it will not naturally settle, because there is no way for the world to be fully filled."

"But in the outside world, there are still some original mineral veins, and the reason is that they rely on some spirits!"

"What spirit?"

"All kinds of spirits! Mountain spirits, sea spirits, spirits of heaven and earth, including me, are actually one kind of spirit." Xiao Jiu said.

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Xiaojiu, the spirit of the nine realms in the universe.

Xiaojiu continued: "The birth of a spirit is wonderful... You can't tell what will give birth to a spirit. It may be a stone, a mountain, a river, it's all possible! Of course, the spirit of heaven and earth is the most powerful. It’s common because the more perfect the world is, the higher the chance of spiritual enlightenment.”

"Once the spirit becomes wise, it needs to be cultivated. The movement of the spirit will affect the original power between heaven and earth, thereby precipitating and accumulating, so that some original mineral veins will be born."

Chu Yan suddenly realized: "In other words, most of the original mineral veins in the outside world are caused by the influence of spiritual bodies?"


Xiaojiu said: "But there are also some surprises."


"The retreat of some strong people will also cause it." Xiao Jiu continued: "Like the retreat of some strong people, some of the source power they exhaled during practice will also be precipitated, especially the retreat of some strong people. , one time is ten thousand years and one million years, so it is easy to form some original mineral veins. "

"And once the veins are formed, if there is no artificial destruction, they will continue to swallow up the original power around them, getting bigger and bigger."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

Then he pondered for a while and his eyes lit up: "Xiaojiu, according to what you said... I suddenly have a bold idea."

When Xiao Jiu saw Chu Yan's expression, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Your idea... made me suddenly feel unreliable."

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "Am I that kind of person?"

"You are! You are so."

Chu Yan: "..."

He ignored Xiao Jiu's contempt and continued to talk to himself: "When strong people retreat, mineral veins will appear... Then I can catch some strong people, throw them all into the universe, and then let them retreat!"

"Artificial mineral vein, completed!"

Xiao Jiu's eyelids jumped: "Haha, I just said that when you look like this, you must have some outrageous thoughts! I guessed it right."

Chu Yan said excitedly: "What do you think of my method? I'll catch a group of people and throw them into the universe, build a big iron prison for each of them, and then I won't kill them and just let them practice. How good is that? ”

Xiao Jiu chuckled and simply shut up.

Chu Yan didn't take it seriously, thinking that what he said was right.

If I have a chance, I can really give it a try.


At this time, Divine Punishment led everyone to the Holy Mountain Hall.

God Punishment said: "Everyone, we enter the Shura Field with one goal this time, to kill Chu Yan. Do you have any good opinions?"

Chu Yan immediately said: "Master Divine Punishment, I think the first task now is to find Chu Yan."

Divine Punishment nodded: "Indeed, the prerequisite for killing is to find it! Does anyone have any idea?"

At this time, the city emperor said directly without getting bored: "If you ask me, let's go directly to fight against the Demon Palace. Isn't Chu Yan working with the Demon Palace now? Let's go and destroy the Demon Palace. I don't believe he won't come out."

As soon as this statement came out, many people nodded slightly.

"This works."

"Take action against the Demon Palace and force Chu Yan out."

After hearing the words, God Punishment also fell into thinking.

However, Chu Yan suddenly became anxious.

Can you go to the Demon Palace?

Although I don't care about the Demon Palace, if the Demon Palace is really destroyed and I go out by myself, the Demon Lord won't kill me?

Chu Yan immediately said: "Master Divine Punishment, I think this method is inappropriate."

Divine Punishment looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "Why?"

Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "There are two points in total. First, Chu Yan is not from the Demon Palace. He just cooperates with the Demon Palace, but he is a person from the universe. Everyone now knows that the Demon Palace and Chu Yan are Taking advantage of each other is not a sincere cooperation! When the mystery of the universe emerges, the Demon Palace will probably turn against it, and Chu Yan will definitely know it."

"At this time, we are attacking the Demon Palace. Maybe it is Chu Yan's idea, and we have weakened the Demon Palace for him."

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard this.

"It makes sense."

But someone immediately sneered: "Even if Chu Yan thinks so, he still has to dare! We really destroyed the younger generation of the Demon Palace, how can he communicate with the Demon Palace?"

Divine Punishment looked at Chu Yan again.

Chu Yan continued: "What this Son of God said makes sense, but this is the second thing I'm worried about!"


"If Chu Yan doesn't show up now, wouldn't he think that we would use the Demon Palace to force him to defeat him? He must be able to think of it, what if he ambushes in the Demon Palace?"

At this point, Chu Yan suddenly glanced at the City Emperor and said quietly: "After all... there may be Chu Yan among us in disguise."

The corner of the city emperor's mouth twitched slightly, and he said angrily: "You brat, what do you mean?"

"City Emperor!"

Divine Punishment shouted sharply: "Let him continue talking."

Chu Yan then said: "I am just giving an example, but what if... I mean what if, Chu Yan is among us, even if it is not the Son of the City King, but someone else, or even me! If we go to attack the Demon Palace now, the information will be leaked. What would you do if you were Chu Yan?"

All the people in the God Court fell into deep thought.

One of them said, "Set up an ambush and wait for you to fall into the trap?"


Chu Yan nodded and said, "When the time comes, we will just arrive at the Demon Palace and may fall into the trap he set! That's when we will be in trouble."

The City Emperor sneered, "What are you afraid of? We, the Sons of God, are here. Even if there is a trap, will we still lose?"

Chu Yan said unhappily, "City Emperor, Son of God, are you a member of the Divine Court? Or are you simply Chu Yan in disguise? Have you forgotten the instructions of the Star Lord and Lord Shura? Don't be careless!"

The City Emperor's eyelids jumped: "You..."


The God's punishment looked at the City Emperor coldly: "City Emperor, if you continue to make trouble, I will send you out now. When that time comes, I can also investigate your identity."

The City Emperor clenched his fist in anger, but he didn't say anything more.

The God's punishment fell into thought.

Because he felt...every word Chu Yan said made sense, but he felt that something was not right...

As for what was wrong, he couldn't say it!

It was as if...someone else had predicted himself, and every word Chu Yan said...was ahead of him.

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