Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5836: Disappearance of Chu Yan

Shenfa was thinking alone, feeling a little strange, but he couldn't say it.

What Chu Yan said makes sense... It does, but these reasons are too subversive and completely different from normal phenomena.

At this time, all the sons of God looked at Shenfa.

Although everyone had their own ideas, everyone knew that the person who made the final decision could only be Shenfa.

Should we attack the Demon Palace?

After hesitating, Shenfa finally spoke: "Don't attack the Demon Palace first, use static to control dynamic. There are still some risks for us to attack the Demon Palace now."

The Emperor of the City said: "What are the risks! We have so many sons of God here, and you, Shenfa, are in charge in person."

Shenfa glanced at the Emperor of the City and said coldly: "Are you so sure that the Demon Palace will not send their son of the Demon Ancestor in?"

The Emperor of the City was silent for a moment.

Shen Fa said: "At this time, if we attack the Demon Palace, it would be fine if there is no ambush there. If there is an ambush, we will be passive! Besides, Bai Hao was right just now. Chu Yan is not from the Demon Palace. Even if we attack the Demon Palace, even if we win in the end, we will both lose and it will only make things easier for Chu Yan."

Chu Yan nodded immediately: "Yes! Just now everyone thought that Chu Yan would not give up the Demon Palace, but even if we really destroyed the Demon Palace, if Chu Yan sneaked into the God Court at this time and took more resources from the Shura Field, do you think the Demon Court would care about the death of some juniors?"

Speaking of this, Chu Yan laughed at himself: "Now I will say something unpleasant. If it weren't for the sons of gods entering, but only the group of people in our original Shura Field, even if we all died, we could exchange for all the resources of the Shura Field. What do you think the God Court would do?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those who were not sons of gods in the God Court all changed.

Because the result is obvious.

The God Court will definitely give up their resources.

This is a big force.

Always put interests first.

Shen Fa frowned slightly when he heard this, because Chu Yan's words obviously divided the minds of the disciples of the Divine Court, but he also understood the reason.

Shen Fa thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, everyone. How could my Divine Court do such an unjust thing? This time, the Divine Court sent us, the sons of God, to give you a moment of peace of mind."

Chu Yan nodded repeatedly: "Of course, we are definitely relieved that Lord Shen Fa is here."

Shen Fa nodded, and then he hesitated and said: "Okay, let's take a rest first, let the scouts continue to patrol the Shura Field, and report any news about Chu Yan immediately."

"Also, send some people to keep an eye on the Demon Palace, and tell me immediately once Chu Yan meets with the Demon Palace."


Just like that, the people of the Divine Court temporarily dispersed.

Chu Yan naturally came to Bai Hao's residence.


A Divine Palace.

Bai Hao's.

Although Bai Hao is not a son of God, he is a ninth-level ego after all. Such a person is considered the strongest in the current universe, so the Palace of God is still very luxurious.

After Chu Yan entered, Xiao Jiu immediately said: "Why didn't you let the Divine Court attack the Demon Palace just now? Isn't this exactly what you want?"

Chu Yan said indifferently: "Do you think the Demon Palace can stop the Divine Court with its current capabilities?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "No, if you don't take action, the Demon Palace will be destroyed."

The Divine Court sent too many sons of God.

Chu Yan nodded and said, "Yes, the Demon Palace will be destroyed."

"Just destroy it, don't you just want to weaken them?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I want to weaken each other, but the premise is that both sides will suffer losses. Now the gap between the God Court and the Demon Palace is too big. If I don't take action, the Demon Palace will only be crushed. In that case, once the Demon Palace is destroyed, the God Court will be the only one here. This is not the scene I want to see."

Xiao Jiu thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, then what are you going to do now?"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with cunning: "Of course, divide the God Court first!"

Xiao Jiu said, Stunned: "Division? What can you do?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Xiao Jiu, do you think anyone is suspicious of the City King now?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "I don't know, but after what you said just now, they will definitely not trust him 100%."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, so what I have to do now is to find a way to prove that the City King is fake, and I am pretending! Let the problems arise inside the Divine Court first."

Xiao Jiu was stunned: "What are you going to do?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I have my own way."

Immediately, he sat cross-legged alone and began to practice.

The Shura Field is the ancient saint's ruins, and the power of the origin is extremely rich. Chu Yan will naturally not miss this opportunity.

In this way, he practiced for three consecutive days.

For three days, the Shura Field has been very quiet.

The people of the Divine Court and the Demon Palace are looking for Chu Yan, but there is no movement at all.


In the main hall of the Divine Court.

Shen Fa has been sitting cross-legged.

A disciple below came forward: "Your Highness."

"Are there any news?" Shen Fa said directly.

The disciple shook his head: "No, our people have searched the Shura Field for the past three days, but there is no trace of Chu Yan."

"What about the Demon Palace? There is no trace of Chu Yan either?"

"No." The disciple said helplessly: "Our people have been guarding outside the Demon Mountain for the past few days, and found that the Demon Palace is also looking for Chu Yan."

Shen Fa narrowed his eyes slightly: "It seems that as we guessed, Chu Yan does not really trust the Demon Palace."

"But the Shura Field is so big, where else can he hide if he is not in the Demon Mountain?"

They have searched all other places.

Shenfa tapped the table with his fingers and suddenly said, "This is also what I am curious about."

At this time, the disciple below hesitated and said, "Your Highness... In fact, there is one place we haven't searched."


"Shenshan!" The disciple said in a low voice.

He had searched all the places in Shura Field, but there was only one place he didn't check.

It was Shenshan!

The headquarters of Shenting.

When this was said, the face of Chenghuang, who had been beside him, sank, and he said angrily, "Asshole, who are you targeting?"

This disciple was Shenfa's confidant, so he was not afraid of Chenghuang, and said faintly, "I am just telling the truth. We have searched all the Shura Fields, but only Shenshan has not been searched!"

"You..." Chenghuang clenched his fist in anger, but he was speechless.

Because he knew that Shenfa had never ruled out his suspicion.

Chenghuang took a deep breath and suddenly said, "Shenfa, do you think I am Chu Yan? If I am, I dare to stay by your side? Isn't this courting death?"

Shenfa was also a little helpless.

He actually didn't believe that Chu Yan dared to pretend to be the City King, but there were some things that he had to guard against.

Shen Fa thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, City King. I'm keeping you by my side, isn't it also giving you a chance to prove your innocence?"

City King was silent.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the God's Court, startling everyone present.

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