Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5834 Origin of the Ore Vein

The city emperor almost cursed his mother after hearing the words of divine punishment, but there was nothing he could do!

Because he has no way to clear himself of suspicion!

Thinking of this, he glanced at Chu Yan fiercely. In his opinion, all this was blamed on Bai Hao. If he hadn't leaked his information, why would he be suspected by God's Punishment?

But then I thought about it, didn't Bai Hao also tell me about the divine punishment?

Why does no one doubt divine punishment?

The City Emperor was dissatisfied, but he thought about it and didn't say anything more.

There is no way, the status of divine punishment is there.

Even if I raise doubts, no one will believe me.

Because everyone knows very well that once Divine Punishment is impersonated by Chu Yan, what will happen to Divine Court?

There is no way to fight.

Just surrender.

Just like that, without any further words of divine punishment, he took everyone back to the sacred mountain.

In this way, Chu Yan sneaked into Shenting smoothly, and everything went surprisingly smoothly.

at the same time.

In addition to the sacred mountain in the Shura Field, there is also a place called the Demon Mountain.

The Magic Mountain corresponds exactly to the Sacred Mountain.

In the magic mountain, many people gathered at this time.

It is worth mentioning that the leader turned out to be a woman, the woman named Yin Shan.

Yinshan raised his head and kept tapping the table and chairs with his fingers, and suddenly said: "No news yet?"

Everyone shook their heads helplessly: "Sir... no."

Yin Shan pondered for a moment and said, "How long has it been since the Demon Lord said Chu Yan came in?"

The person below recalled: "It's been three hours."

At this time, someone suddenly broke into the hall and brought news: "Master Yinshan, there is news."

Yin Shan looked at the person coming.

The man said in a low voice: "Just now, someone from Shenting near the Holy Mountain was attacked, and it was said that it was Chu Yan who did it."

Yin Shan narrowed his eyes: "Near the Holy Mountain? How many people died?"

The visitor shook his head and said: "There are no dead people. The injured person is a disciple of the Divine Court named Bai Hao."

"Bai Hao?" Someone next to him answered: "I know this person, but isn't he only a ninth-level self-centered person? Chu Yan didn't even kill him?"

The visitor continued: "I don't know, but he is indeed not dead. He seems to be just a little injured."

"What kind of joke?" The side frowned: "Don't people say that Chu Yan is evil? He can't even kill a ninth-level person instantly?"

At this time, someone sneered and said: "This is not the point. The point is that when Chu Yan entered the Shura Field, he did not come to the Magic Mountain to report to Lord Yinshan as soon as possible. Instead, he went to the vicinity of the Holy Mountain alone. This did not involve us at all. Take it seriously."

Everyone nodded slightly.

Someone said: "Master Yinshan, this guy is too crazy. He didn't even look for us when he entered the Shura field. He has no intention of cooperating with us at all."

Yin Shan pondered for a moment and said, "Then just ignore him!"

"But didn't the Demon Lord say... let us cooperate with him?"

Yinshan said coldly: "That's what the Demon Lord said, but since the general is outside, military orders are not obeyed. Since he won't come to the Demon Mountain, we should just pretend that he doesn't exist."

Everyone nodded slightly.

In fact, they also have this opinion.

When the Demon Lord just sent a message asking them to cooperate with Chu Yan, they all expressed their displeasure.

Just as Chu Yan guessed, each of them is extremely proud, how could they be willing to bend their knees?

Yinshan continued: "Keep an eye on the movements at the Dianting Court. If God's Punishment waits for the Son of God to enter, they may make some moves."


At this time, someone frowned: "God's Punishment has entered the Shura Field, why doesn't our Demon Palace give us support?"

"God's Punishment, the City Emperor and the others have all come in. These people are very powerful. It stands to reason that they have already surpassed the top level of Shura Field."

Someone sneered: "I'm afraid the Demon Lord thinks that Chu Yan can solve all the troubles. The Demon Lord doesn't take us seriously at all."


Yin Shan shouted coldly: "Facing a strong person, all you can do is wait for help. That is the behavior of a weak person!"

"Furthermore, since you know that the Demon Lord values ​​Chu Yan, you should be thinking about how to show yourself and let the Demon Lord know that we can still win without Chu Yan."

Everyone hurriedly shut up.

Yin Shan raised his head and looked toward the sky.

"Chu Yan? No matter who you are, I will let the Demon Palace understand that the Demon Palace does not need you at all! I can also take over this Shura Field."

sacred mountain.

Chu Yan is here.

As soon as he arrived, his eyes lit up.

"What a rich source of power!"

Chu Yan sensed that the energy near the sacred mountain was ten times that of other places, and a hundred times that of outside the Shura Field!

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in his body: "This sacred mountain is not an ordinary mountain."

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "Check the underground."

Chu Yan was startled, his mind moved slightly, and he was shocked.

Because he discovered that there was an extremely rough mineral vein hidden under the sacred mountain!

Over time, that mine accumulated trillions of source stones!

"Is this the Origin Mineral Vein?" Chu Yan was shocked. This was the first time he had seen the Origin Mineral Vein.

In the outside world, source stones are condensed artificially.

Killing people can also be used to refine many Origin Stones.

A person practices and obtains energy from heaven and earth. If you kill him, that power will form some source stones.

But this was the first time he had seen a mineral vein like this.

Can source stones be automatically generated between heaven and earth?

Chu Yan asked curiously: "How is this kind of mineral vein formed?"

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "There are generally two types of mineral veins."

Chu Yan said: "Which two types?"

Xiao Jiu said: "The first type is that the source power between heaven and earth is too strong, and it will form this kind of mineral vein after a long period of precipitation. And the sources will attract each other, so they will accumulate more and more, and finally form this kind of mineral vein."

After speaking, Xiao Jiu added: "Of course, the premise for the appearance of this mineral vein must be that the energy of this world is too strong. Even if there is no mineral vein, the source power is several times that of other places."

"The mineral vein of this Shura Field is that this place was once the remains of an ancient saint. The power of the ancient saint is too strong, so the source power is formed by the strong precipitation."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

He admitted that the source power of this Shura Field is very strong, more than ten times that of the outside world.

The power possessed by an ancient saint must be very terrifying.

This is also the reason why the God Court and the Demon Palace like to send some juniors here to practice.

Because the source power here is too strong.

Even if there are some sacrifices here, it will be faster than practicing in the outside world.

Chu Yan even discovered that the source power of this Shura Field is even more concentrated than that of the Heavenly Abyss.

The Heavenly Abyss is also an ancient saint relic, but it is not as good as this Shura Field.

Of course, the Heavenly Abyss has existed longer than the Shura Field. The Heavenly Abyss was discovered in the Ancient Era, so there is some consumption.

As for the Shura Field, it was discovered in the God and Demon Era.

So it is normal that it is more concentrated than the Heavenly Abyss.

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