Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 576 The City of Saints

Zhengu Ruins a year and a half later.

The Heaven-Seizing Banquet is about to attract countless geniuses.

There is a sacred city in the Sea of ​​Stars. This city is called the City of All Saints, and it is under the authority of the Divine Gate of the Holy State.

There are many statues of gods in the City of All Living Beings. They are not real gods, but statues of saints, saints, and saints from generations of saints. They represent the gods here and guard the city of saints from generation to generation.

Every once in a while, there will be a day of pilgrimage in the City of All Saints, attracting people from all over the world to come and worship.

On this day, among the crowd, there was a thin figure wearing a bamboo hat. His level was not high. He was in the lower three realms of the Emperor, but he did not attract much attention.

This person is Chu Yan who came out of the ancient ruins. Now he has just completed the cultivation of the demonic true self. Although he has not reached the peak like other true self, he still has the top human emperor realm.

Because the emperor's breakthrough cannot be achieved overnight, he did not stay, but left with the help of the teleportation array of the ancient ruins and descended on the holy gates.

"People in front, get out of here!"

At this moment, there was a scolding from behind, and people on the street dispersed. Chu Yan frowned, turned around and saw a group of extremely domineering people riding on monster beast carriages trampling over.

The monsters all have the imperial realm, but they don't have the air control. It seems to be because of the day of worship.

Chu Yan wanted to leave, but he saw a girl still on the street. With only the realm of the Venerable, how could he avoid being trampled by the emperor-level monster?

The next moment, he took a step forward and protected the little girl with his cloak.

There were several young men on the monster beast. They were dressed noblely. One of them frowned slightly when he saw Chu Yan saving people. Then he showed no intention of stopping. Instead, he showed a playful smile, which made the monster horse go faster: " You really don’t know how to live or die, you can’t protect yourself, how dare you save others?”

"Go straight over." Another young man next to him sneered.

"Da da da!" The sound of horse hoofbeats came quickly, and soon a few people arrived in front of Chu Yan. People on the street frowned slightly when they saw this, and even some little girls couldn't bear to turn their heads.

"If you dare to block Master Yun's way, this guy is in trouble." Some people laughed.

Chu Yan originally wanted to save the girl and leave, but when he saw the other party speeding up, his face turned cold. Then he gently lifted up his bamboo hat, revealing a pair of enchanting eyes. His eyes condensed, and a ray of evil light shot out.

"Ouch!" For a moment, he saw that the demon horse was about to trample him, but when he reached Chu Yan, he let out a scream, raised his front hooves, and became frightened.

"Bang!" The sudden scene made the faces of several young people on the demon horse change with shock. One of them fell directly from the demon horse, which was extremely funny.

"Bold!" the young man yelled angrily after he got up. Then he raised his hand and slashed at Chu Yan with a sword light: "You dare to block my young master's way, you don't know what is good or bad!"

"Seal!" Looking at the sword, Chu Yan had a thought, and the surrounding air condensed, and then the sword light was sealed in place, motionless.

"Presumptuous!" The young man is a disciple of the Yun family in the Holy City. Although Yun Yi is not a genius, he still has the strength of the emperor's fifth level. Seeing that he failed to kill this person with one sword, he became even more angry.

"Kill him!" Yun Yi directly ordered to the people behind him, and several guards immediately stepped out, all with strength at the sixth level of the Emperor.

Chu Yan frowned slightly, this person is really domineering. He was here, he wanted to trample on him in the past, and now he directly wanted to kill him?

"Whoosh!" The next moment, Chu Yan moved first. He strolled out. It felt very slow, but in a few breaths, he actually closed the distance of 100 meters from Yun Yi and appeared in front of Yun Yi. , there is a terrifying dark demonic shadow behind him, covering all directions, pressing down on Yun Yi.

The next moment, Chu Yan raised his hand, and Yun Yi felt that his throat was being sealed, and he was full of panic, as if the other party could kill him with just a thought.

"Who are you going to kill?" Chu Yan asked calmly, but like the judgment of death, Yun Yi's face turned extremely pale.

"Your Excellency, please show mercy!" At this moment, several powerful emperors suddenly appeared in the void. They were all Heavenly Emperors of the Yun family. They looked embarrassed when they saw this scene.

Chu Yan glanced at the Heavenly Emperors who were staring blankly, and let out a cold snort. Then Yun Yi was shocked. He felt that his blood was out of control, and the explosion caused him to vomit blood continuously.

"Your Excellency, we are members of the Yun family!" The Emperor of the Yun family turned cold and roared again.

"Oh" Chu Yan nodded calmly, and Yun Yi showed a hint of pride. However, Chu Yan's next words made everyone's mouth twitch.

"never heard of that."

"We are members of the Holy Sect!" Emperor Yun was speechless for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, this time he didn't believe Chu Yan hadn't heard of it.

"So what?" He guessed right, Chu Yan had heard of All Saints Sect, but so what?

The expressions of those Heavenly Emperors were stiff. All the Saints? so what? What's helpless is that with their level, they can definitely kill Chu Yan instantly, but they don't dare. The reason is very simple, their young master is in the opponent's hands.

"This time is just a warning. When you go out, you should keep a low profile. You can't offend anyone." Chu Yan waved his hand and threw Yun Yi out like garbage, then turned around and was about to leave.

The members of the Yun family immediately caught Yun Yi, and then looked at Chu Yan indifferently. A terrifying imperial power enveloped Chu Yan. He was the existence of the top heavenly emperor: "I'm afraid it's hard for you to leave so easily!"

"What do you want?" Chu Yan stopped, still calm and calm. At this moment, Yun Yi became ferocious. He glared at Chu Yan: "Uncle, I want him to die!"

The top Heavenly Emperor also had the intention to kill. In the Holy City, if someone dared to hurt his people, it would be absolutely not allowed.

"The Yun family is so impressive. Do you really think that the Holy City is your home?" At this time, a woman walked out of the crowd, followed by a top Heavenly Emperor.

"It's Zhou, Zhou Tingqiu." The people on the street whispered.

Chu Yan looked at the woman and was also a little surprised, but at this time, the little girl in Chu Yan's arms said: "That's my sister!"

Chu Yan suddenly realized, so he stopped making a move and watched from the side.

"Zhou wants to intervene?" The top Heavenly Emperor of the Yun family said, Zhou Tingqiu said coldly: "This is the place under the jurisdiction of my Zhou family. When will it not be your turn to make trouble?"

"Very good, let's go." The people of the Yun family looked cold and nodded vigorously. Yun Yi seemed a little unwilling, but he still endured it and left together.

After Yun left, Zhou Tingqiu looked at Chu Yan with a cold look, then moved away and said to the little girl: "Go back!"

After that, Zhou Tingqiu left alone. As for Chu Yan, it was as if she didn't see it, which made Chu Yan speechless.

"Hehe, sister is just like this, big brother, don't mind." At this time, another beautiful girl came out and smiled after seeing Chu Yan: "Big brother, you are an outsider, right? My name is Zhou Yu, thank you big brother just now."

"It's okay, my name is Moshi." Chu Yan smiled. Since both of his true selves have names, this demonic true self naturally needs one.

"Big brother, if you don't mind, you can go to Zhou's house with me and rest for a while." Zhou Yu has a lively personality and a kind heart, and took the initiative to invite Chu Yan.

Chu Yan had just come to the Holy City and knew nothing about this place. In addition, he also needed to know some news about the Demon Sect behind the True Ancient Ruins, so he agreed.

"Okay." Chu Yan smiled and followed Zhou Yu to Zhou's.

On the way, Chu Yan learned that there are three major clans in the City of All Saints, the Yun clan, the Zhou clan, and the Fang clan. The three clans are all affiliated clans of the All Saints.

The three clans are equally powerful and fight openly and secretly. This is why Yun Yi saw Zhou Yu and not only did not stop, but also trampled on him.

In the three clans, each clan has a good descendant. Zhou Tingqiu is the proud daughter of the Yun clan this year. She is a disciple of the All Saints. She has practiced for less than 90 years and has the hope of becoming a monarch within a hundred years. She is trained by the Zhou clan.

In addition to Zhou Tingqiu, the Yun clan and the Fang clan each have a proud son of the day, and their strength is comparable to Zhou Tingqiu.

The Zhou Mansion is very large, with beautiful buildings and jade buildings. Rather than being a family, it is more like a sect. There are many people from other surnames, and there are more than a dozen stars under the rule.

Like the Zhou Mansion, it is a dominant force in the six domains of the galaxy.

"Brother Mo, you can stay here temporarily." When they arrived at Zhou Mansion, Zhou Yu asked the housekeeper to arrange a guest room for Chu Yan, which was very thoughtful and smiling.

"Who asked you to bring him back?" A scolding voice suddenly came from a distance, and Zhou Tingqiu walked over and said coldly.

"Sister, Brother Mo offended the Yun family for me. If my Zhou family doesn't help him, he will be hunted to death." Zhou Yu frowned and looked at Zhou Tingqiu begging.

"As long as he leaves my Zhou family, what does his life or death have to do with my Zhou family?" Zhou Tingqiu said indifferently. Zhou Yu said unhappily: "I am also a lady of the Zhou family. I have the right to entertain my own guests."

Zhou Tingqiu frowned, looked at Chu Yan and said coldly: "You'd better be quiet. If you dare to do anything out of line, I will be the first to kill you."

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. After all, he is your Zhou family's benefactor, right? What kind of attitude is this?

But he didn't say anything. As for the Zhou family, if they don't like him, he will leave.

As for him now, no one below the Lord can do anything to him. Even if he is a human Lord, if he wants to leave, it is difficult for me to keep him with my speed.

After Zhou Tingqiu left, Zhou Yu said to Chu Yan: "Brother Mo, don't mind. My sister is not bad, but she is a little picky. You stay in Zhou Mansion temporarily, I will protect you."

Zhou Yu waved his fist again, Chu Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly, but nodded without caring.

For the next three days, Chu Yan stayed in Zhou Mansion to practice. On the fourth day, his magic true self broke through and reached the fourth level of the emperor.

On this day, the situation outside Zhou Mansion changed. A group of strong men came here, led by the top emperor of the Yun family, Yun Yi was also there.

"Zhou, hand over the people." A young man from the Yun family said coldly. Many people from the Zhou family looked up and frowned slightly: "It's Yun Yufeng, the Yun family's genius!"

Zhou Tingqiu walked out and stood alone in the air, looking at the other party with a cold expression: "I am Zhou's people. When is it your turn to talk nonsense? Get out!"

"Zhou Tingqiu, why are you doing this?" Yun Yufeng looked at Zhou Tingqiu with a trace of greed in his eyes and smiled calmly.

"Get out!" Zhou Tingqiu repeated, Yun Yufeng snorted coldly and looked at the people around him: "Forced action!"

"Do you really think that my Zhou family is easy to bully?" Zhou Tingqiu frowned, and the imperial power was immediately sacrificed, turning into a terrible phoenix and blasting out. Yun Yufeng immediately slashed out, controlling the clouds in the sky and blasting towards Yun Yufeng.

Zhou Tingqiu's delicate face changed slightly, and she felt that she was shrouded in a terrifying cloud. Sword beams emerged from the cloud and stabbed at her. She quickly retreated, but the sword beams seemed to be infinite, there were tens of millions of them. With a puff, her phoenix wings were broken, and a cloud sword seriously injured her chest, causing her to spit out blood and fall to the ground.

"Zhou Tingqiu, you are not my opponent. I will come again in three days. I hope you can make the right decision." Yun Yufeng said proudly, then turned around: "Let's go!"

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