Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 577 is actually sad [3rd update]

"Miss!" The Zhou family frowned and hurried forward.

"I'm fine." Zhou Tingqiu stood up, her face pale, and turned away.

This incident caused a lot of commotion in the Zhou family, and many people became unhappy.

The next day, seven or eight young men came to Zhou Yu's door. They were all members of the Zhou family. The leader came here and ordered directly: "Go and catch the person!"

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yu couldn't help but frown. Several young men said coldly: "Zhou Yu, it was because of this outsider that my elder sister was seriously injured. Do you still want to protect him now? Bring him out quickly and hand him over to the Yun family."

"Asshole, the Yun family is so bullying. If it weren't for Brother Mo, I would have been killed. Don't you want to become stronger, but sell Brother Mo to the Yun family to protect yourself?" Zhou Yu shouted.

Several young men were speechless, but one of them said immediately: "Yun Yufeng's momentum is rising now. He will even participate in this year's Duotian Banquet. If he wins a place and joins Tianbei Mountain, the status of the Yun family will be greatly different. At that time, the balance of power among the three clans in the holy cities will be broken. Now it is the right choice to rely on the Yun family."

"How can the Zhou family have such shameless people like you!" Zhou Yu stamped his feet in anger.

"He is only a third-level emperor, so humble. For him, do you really harm our family? Zhou Yu, you have to think clearly!" Another young man said.

"No matter what, I will never hand over Brother Mo. Get out of here!" Zhou Yu pushed them away with force. Several young men were helpless. They were all emperors, but in terms of status, they were not as good as Zhou Yu, so they naturally did not dare to hurt Zhou Yu.

In desperation, one of them turned into an emperor, instantly explored the guest room, and landed beside Chu Yan.

"At this time, you still have the heart to practice here? Zhou Yu is kind and took you in. If I were you, I would get out of Zhou's family immediately and not bring trouble to Zhou's family." The disciple attacked with his divine thoughts and said coldly.

Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a very cold light. Then he looked at the divine thoughts. With just one glance, a terrible dark light swallowed it, which frightened the divine thoughts. It wanted to retreat, but it was too late. It was directly torn apart by Chu Yan's dark power.

"If you don't want to die, get out!" Chu Yan said coldly, and then the emperor in the outside world froze. He was a level 5 emperor, and at this moment he actually felt a threat of death from Chu Yan.

"Asshole!" The emperor growled, and looked at Zhou Yu fiercely: "Zhou Yu, if something happens to the Zhou family, you will be the sinner of my Zhou family!"

"Snob!" Zhou Yu said angrily as she looked at the young men who left. Then she returned to the guest room and looked at Chu Yan with some self-blame: "Brother Mo, I'm sorry, it's a pity that my talent in the family is average, otherwise, you wouldn't be excluded by them."

"Silly girl, what does it have to do with you." Chu Yan shook his head and smiled cleanly: "They will regret it."

Zhou Yu Blinking, not understanding what Chu Yan meant, but not asking any more questions, Zhou Yu stared at Chu Yan curiously: "Brother Mo, why do you always wear a bamboo hat?"

"Because I look so good, I'm afraid others will be jealous." Chu Yan smiled calmly, Zhou Yu pouted: "Blow! I want to see."

Chu Yan smiled and actually took off the bamboo hat, revealing an almost impeccable face, very handsome, especially the smile, very clean, and a pair of fascinating eyes, with a faint demonic light.

Zhou Yu was stunned watching from the side, and whispered in a nymphomaniac voice: "It's really beautiful."

"Brother Mo, you are so handsome, you must not be an ordinary person."

Zhou Yu blinked, Chu Yan smiled calmly, and did not answer, but asked: "Zhou Yu, do you know the ruins of the Tianjun of the Beiming Dynasty?"

"Of course I know." Zhou Yu said with excitement: "A year and a half ago, the ruins of the Tianjun gave birth to many Tianjiao, and there was also Chu Yan of the Demon Sect. He was a sensation. It is said that he is as beautiful as Brother Mo, but he is very talented and has the strength of the Emperor of Heaven. He was a great hero, but unfortunately he fell. Because of him, the Beiming Dynasty was destroyed. "

"The Beiming Dynasty was destroyed?" Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and Zhou Yu nodded vigorously: "Yes, it is said that it was a man named Ye Xun and a sister named Qingyi. A saint appeared in the Beiming Dynasty that day, but it was still destroyed. Sister Qingyi had a very powerful guard behind her. "

Chu Yan listened, his heart was moved, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten. Zhou Yu looked at him in surprise: "Brother Mo, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Chu Yan regained his mind, and then he laughed again. Did Ye Xun come? Brothers have been together for many years, and finally they are going to get together again. And Qingyi, I'm glad she's okay.

"By the way, Brother Mo, why are you asking this?" Zhou Yu asked. It has been a long time since the incident of the Tianjun ruins.

"I'm Chu Yan." Chu Yan said with a smile, Zhou Yu burst out laughing: "Brother Mo, you're really a joker."

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, smiled bitterly, and didn't explain anything. Now everyone in Xinghai believes that he is dead, which is a good thing for him.

"It's ridiculous. If you are Chu Yan, I am Bei Ming Sha Tian!"

But at this time, a sneer suddenly came from outside the door. The young man who was the fifth level of the emperor before actually came back. After hearing Chu Yan's words, his eyes were full of ridicule.

"Eavesdropping on others outside is the style of Zhou people?" Chu Yan's eyes turned slightly cold, and the devil flame was born, but this time the young man was not afraid at all. A top-level emperor walked out from behind him, and with a thought, he shattered Chu Yan's devil flame.

"Uncle, this is the person the Yun family wants." The young man pointed at Chu Yan and said.

The middle-aged emperor of that day nodded, and the terrifying imperial power turned into the shape of a net, trying to capture Chu Yan.

Zhou Yu's face changed slightly, and she immediately stood in front of Chu Yan: "What are you going to do?"

"Catch him and send him to the Yun Sect!" Tiandi said coldly.

"I'm here, no one is allowed to bully Brother Demon!" Zhou Yu only had the respect level, and her face turned pale just standing under the power of the Emperor of Heaven. However, at this time, her eyes were firm and she stood firmly in front of Chu Yan.

"Zhou Yu, this person is so low-level that he still wants to lie to you that he is Chu Yan. Who knows that Chu Yan has died in the Zhengu ruins now? He did this just to promote himself and deceive you." The young man was cold again. He shouted: "He has ulterior motives, don't be deceived by him."

"Brother Chu offended the Yun family to save me. If you want to catch him, just kill me." Zhou Yu said calmly.

"Zhou Yu, you are going to destroy the Zhou family!" The Emperor's expression became even heavier.

"Zhou Yu, get out of the way!" At this moment, another majestic voice came. The young man and the Heavenly Emperor raised their heads, and when they saw a beautiful figure in the sky, they showed respect: "Miss!"

"Sister!" Zhou Yu also frowned. She might be able to stop the others, but if her sister wanted to catch Chu Yan, she knew she couldn't stop them.

"Since you saved Zhou Yu's life, go away by yourself." Zhou Tingqiu ignored Zhou Yu, looked at Chu Yan and said indifferently.

"Sister!" Zhou Yu said hurriedly: "Brother Mo has offended the Yun family. Now if you let him leave, you are asking him to die!"

Chu Yan sneered and looked at Zhou Tingqiu: "Has one defeat destroyed your confidence? It seems that the so-called geniuses of the three races are equally matched, but they are just in vain."

Zhou Ting Qiuyu's face turned cold, and she turned to Chu Yan with a cold feeling: "I have practiced ninety years of practice, step by step, and have my own way of practice. When will it be your turn to talk about it?"

"Of course you don't need my evaluation, but what you did today is that you consider yourself inferior to Yun Yufeng. You don't even have the courage to fight with him again. You are called Tianjiao, but in fact you are pathetic." Chu Yan said indifferently. He said that he also knew about Zhou Tingqiu's defeat, but he didn't care about it. He even thought that if the Yun family came three days later, he would take action. But now that Zhou Tingqiu let him go, he had no confidence in his heart.

Defeat is not terrible, but timidity is tragic.

"You are looking for death!" Zhou Tingqiu's eyes became colder, obviously unwilling to acknowledge Chu Yan's words.

"Zhou Yu, farewell!"

Chu Yan ignored Zhou Tingqiu's threat, said plainly, turned around and left. He came to Zhou's because of Zhou Yu's invitation. Now that the other party didn't want to see him, why should he humiliate himself?

Looking at Chu Yan's back, Zhou Yu became even more anxious. In her opinion, if Chu Yan left the Zhou family, it would be a dead end, and the Yun family would never let him go.

"Sister!" Zhou Yu looked up at the sky begging, while Zhou Tingqiu looked coldly and remained silent.

"Do you really think that you can come to my Zhou family whenever you want? In that case, stay alive!" At this moment, murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the top Heavenly Emperor on the side, and the terrifying imperial power shrouded Chu Yan, as if there was a demon dragon in the void. When it was poked out, it caused strong winds, as if it was about to crush Chu Yan at any time.

Zhou Yu's heart became even colder, that was the full blow of the Emperor of Heaven.

"It's so presumptuous." Chu Yan felt the intimidation behind him, and his expression finally turned cold. Because of Zhou Yu, he originally didn't want to do anything to the Zhou family, but now the other party has become more aggressive. It turns out that he was a little too polite.

"Boom!" Chu Yan turned around, and with just one look, the demonic dragon's shadow froze in the air, and then a look of great fear appeared in the demonic dragon's eyes, and he did not dare to move a step.

The next moment, Chu Yan's body was filled with sword intent, as if there were countless swords condensed between heaven and earth, trapping the top Heavenly Emperor of the Zhou family. In a moment, the figure of the top Heavenly Emperor was buried by the sword. No one can see his figure at all.

The top Heavenly Emperor was shocked. He felt that he was surrounded by swords, all of which were aimed at him, making clanging sword sounds.

Chu Yan stepped out and walked towards the top emperor. Then he slowly raised his head and looked at the top emperor. The swords around him resonated with him.

"Do you want my life?" Chu Yan asked calmly, but everyone else was shocked, including Zhou Tingqiu, a look of shock flashed across her beautiful eyes. At this moment, Chu Yan was so strong, so confident, and inadvertently It was revealed, as if the world was revolving around him at this time.

"People like you think you are righteous because of the top emperor. I have killed many people. If it were not for Zhou Yu's sake, you would be a dead person now."

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