Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 575: Eighth-Rank Soul

Chu Yan's heart skipped a beat. The third Xuantian fragment was marked in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda, but it was dark, indicating that it had been obtained by someone, so he had never had the chance to find it.

Now, it was in the hands of the Great Saint Xutian.

"Xuantian Fragment?" The Great Saint Xutian repeated: "Is that the name of this thing? It seems that I was right. Your bloodline and soul transformation are indeed related to this thing."

The Great Saint Xutian did not know the Xuantian Fragment. Ten thousand years ago, he got it by chance, and it was because of this thing that he suffered a catastrophic disaster. However, after ten thousand years, he finally studied some clues.

This thing seemed to record a kind of law, which could cultivate the Dharma body. When it was fully developed, it could become an incarnation outside the sky and be with the original body. Even if the original body was destroyed, it could still live.

He also regretted that if he had practiced in his lifetime and had an incarnation outside the sky, even if the original body fell, he might still be able to survive.

"Buzz!" As the Xuantian Fragment came out, it made a buzzing sound, and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda in Chu Yan's body also rotated at high speed, echoing and resonating.

"It seems that this thing really belongs to you." Xutian Great Sage said enviously, letting go of the Xuantian Remnant Chapter and flying towards Chu Yan.

"My Gu Hai is here. I used the Demon Hand to deduce my whole body and practiced it into a peerless demon armor. Humph, I'll help you, little guy." Xutian Great Sage snorted coldly, and Chu Yan laughed dryly. He also knew that he had misunderstood the ancients. Although the Demon Immortal Art of Casting Demons was an immortal method, it was far different from the true self world cultivated by the Xuantian Remnant Chapter.

The true self world can perfectly integrate itself. The best example of this is the Tiandi Sect Master in the Emperor Road. As for Gu Hai, the ancients also gave him, but it was not used to cast a demon body, but to create a terrible demon armor.

Like the Demon Hand, the Demon God Armor can be transformed into a Tongtian Ancient Demon with terrible defense, but Chu Yan also understood that once Gu Hai was broken, the ancients' divine thoughts would also dissipate.


"It doesn't matter. This saint has fallen for ten thousand years. In fact, I should have been annihilated long ago. I just don't want to be resigned, so I am waiting for the inheritance here. Although you are a little dull, you are barely worthy of this saint's mantle. If I can show up through the bone horror in the future, maybe I can go to the height I haven't reached and take a look at the world there." The ancients laughed. Chu Yan was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

The road of cultivation is endless. Some people are born in the land of the galaxy and fall in the realm of the honorable and the emperor. Some people break through the emperor and enter the monarch to see the vast sea of ​​stars, but what is the world above the sea of ​​stars?

Many people don't know and have no chance to see the scenery. Now the ancients put their hopes on Chu Yan.

"You practice, and when you're done, get out of here by yourself." The ancient man laughed and scolded, and then his mind disappeared. He only appeared in a void, looking at Chu Yan, full of smiles: "Little guy, let me see what your fate is."

After the ancient man disappeared, Chu Yan was alone in the True Ancient Ruins. After obtaining the third piece of Xuantian Remnant, he gathered his soul and entered his Dantian. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower emitted a dazzling light curtain, and the originally dim third floor finally became bright at this moment.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

Nine layers of heaven, nine worlds.

Each layer here seems to be an independent space. Chu Yan's soul stood outside the Xuantian Tower and looked down at the three layers below. There was a figure in each layer, born with him, but different from each other.

The first layer, the body is ten feet tall, with an extraordinary physique, bare-chested, muscles jumping, as if bursting with the power of a beast, and a starry sky giant hammer suspended behind him, like a god of war.

The second level is a dynamic posture. There is wind under his feet, and there are terrible thunder wings behind him. His left and right hands control the power of space and time respectively. The purple bow behind him, the bowstring is hooked, and the arrow can penetrate the clouds and shoot the sun, tear the space, and soar into the sky.

The third level is still very ethereal. He stands there quietly, and can't feel any fluctuations of vitality. Like a newborn baby, he has no blood, soul, or magical powers, and needs to re-understand.

"It's a new life again." Chu Yan thought, but he was not discouraged at all. The corners of his mouth were raised, and there was a hint of excitement.

"The nine-life true self, the choice of this life doesn't seem to be so troublesome." Chu Yan thought. He thought countless times about how to choose after getting the true self again, and now that it really came, he found that his goal was very clear.

With the advent of evil demons, the devil's hand, and the devil's armor, does the third true self need to be considered?

The true self of the devil!

Chu Yan began to retreat, and his vitality rolled wantonly. After more than ten years of practice, in addition to a powerful realm, he also has a heart.

Now with his comprehension, he can break through the Three Dust Realm directly by absorbing the vitality. It can be said that there is no shackles. Therefore, in just three days, the terrible dust light in his body broke, and the king shadow was born, reaching the limit of the Absolute Dust Realm.

"The next is the choice of bloodline, four bloodlines, pure magic power."

The choice of bloodline between magic cultivators and human cultivators is no different. There is no special bloodline, which makes Chu Yan feel helpless.

But this time when he comprehends the bloodline, he will definitely not choose speed and strength. He already has the first two true self, so this time he hopes to choose more magic cultivation.

For example, darkness and devouring, such bloodlines are more suitable for this true self.

So after another half a month, Chu Yan's four bloodlines were initially formed, namely: darkness, devouring, blood power, and a special bloodline, seal.

Dark bloodline is not in the category of five elements, but it is a kind of attribute bloodline that can strengthen magical powers and has dark attributes.

Devouring is easier, the fat man's blood is devouring, but what Chu Yan comprehended is stronger than the fat man's. After practicing to perfection, he can devour the sun, moon and stars.

Blood power is evil cultivation, which can control blood, either your own or your opponent's. One of the nine inheritances of Zhen Tianjun back then had a blood seal control technique that could refine human puppets.

The seal is a little special. Chu Yan had seen this bloodline once in the mortal world. Luan Zhiyi practiced the bloodline of sealing, and when he succeeded, he could seal a piece of heaven and earth.

When the four bloodlines awakened, the breath of the devil's true self suddenly changed. The evil spirit was all over the sky, the long hair was flying, and the eyes were extremely strange, giving people the illusion of returning from hell.

"The soul has chosen." Chu Yan thought, and terrible creativity immediately formed around him.

After this transformation of the true ancient ruins, his creativity became stronger. With a thought, he could create a world. Then he kept exploring, and the first soul also changed crazily.

Soon, a purple-gold light was born, and then it rose up, from dark gold to real dragons and phoenixes, and the prototype of the seventh-grade soul emerged.

But Chu Yan didn't seem satisfied. His creativity was still rising, and the power of the devil burst out and rose up.

"Seventh-grade soul?" Chu Yan's soul looked up at the sky, watching the light of the dragon and phoenix mating, but it did not condense, but shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"With my current creativity, maybe I can try to cast the eighth-grade holy soul." Chu Yan had a crazy idea in his heart.

"If it is the first soul, it is to cast the eighth-grade holy soul. How terrible will this true self be?" Chu Yan murmured. If others heard it, they would probably think he was crazy.

Cultivation cannot be achieved overnight, and the soul is an element that must be passed during the cultivation process. If you don't cast the soul, you can't enter the throne.

The level of the soul is of great help to future cultivation. This is why some children of big families would rather slow down the speed of cultivation and strengthen their creativity.

High-level souls will determine a person's future achievements, as well as many other elements such as combat power.

As kings, people with the first soul from the fifth grade can kill the fourth-grade soul of the same realm in seconds, and kill enemies across two or even three levels. This is the difference in souls.

Those whose first soul is cast as the sixth grade are evildoers. Even in the land of the sea of ​​stars, there are few people like Chu Yan.

The first soul is the seventh grade, which is almost unheard of. Chu Yan has two such true selves, and he directly casts the eighth grade, which is a soul that even the monarchs could not cast in the past. What kind of existence is it?

This means that Chu Yan's demonic true self is cultivated, even if it is just the soul crushing, he can be truly invincible in the same realm, and this gap will become more obvious in the future. When you reach the monarch, five eighth-grade souls can break everything.

Chu Yan thought of this and couldn't help getting excited.

"So I did it."

Chu Yan looked up at the seventh-grade soul that had taken shape and made up his mind.

"Give it to me, break it!" Chu Yan waved his hand, and the terrible sword light slashed out, cutting off the soul in his dantian. The strong pain spread throughout his body. Chu Yan felt as if he was going to fall apart. His limbs were in great pain and he vomited blood continuously, but he still endured it.

"Huh?" The ancient man saw this scene in the sky and frowned slightly. The seventh-grade soul was cut off?

But then, his eyes focused, and he found that Chu Yan's creativity was even more terrifying, like a roc in the clouds, flying against the sky, spreading his wings, and soaring into the clouds.

Chu Yan's eyes were determined, his creativity rose, and the blood in his body burned with it. All the pain was just a dream.

Chu Yan didn't know how many souls he had destroyed in the casting of souls. He recast them thousands of times, and his body was overdrawn, but he never stopped, as if he would never give up until he achieved his wish.

In a blink of an eye, nearly a month had passed. During this month, the ancient man had been watching in the void, and his heart was shocked. This willpower alone was moving.

Since ancient times, there has never been a lack of geniuses in the world, but there are so many beautiful rivers and mountains, and how many people can reach the top?

Is the genius not outstanding enough? No, but a lack of perseverance.

Because they are the prodigies, they are more likely to be arrogant, complacent, and look down on others. They are lazy in their practice and have high expectations. Their practice is ultimately limited. Therefore, those who really reach the peak are often the dull ones.

But once the prodigies work hard, their achievements are limitless. Chu Yan is such a person. He has been up and down for ten years. Even the ancients sighed for such practice.

"Not enough!" At the peak of the seventh rank, the dragon and the phoenix have reached an extremely terrifying level, but Chu Yan is still not satisfied, so he will destroy it and start over.

"Destroy it for me!" When he raised his hand, his soul was cut off again. Chu Yan continued, and soon after, a dazzling light suddenly rose from his soul, like a holy will, with a brilliance like the sun shining on the earth, and the corners of his mouth finally rose slightly.

The ancients jumped in the air.

"The first soul cast an eighth-grade soul? Tsk tsk, every soul in the future is above the eighth grade."

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