Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 574 Heaven-stealing Banquet [Three updates]

The Heaven-Snatching Banquet is approaching, and many disciples from several major sects gather at the foot of Tianbei Mountain.

Although there is still half a year left, the cities under Tianbei Mountain are already overcrowded, and many top people have come, and the restaurant is the most lively place.

People from various sects get along well in the restaurant, and the top geniuses in the starry sea are their talk after drinking.

"This year's Heaven-Snatching Banquet is really lively." Someone laughed in a vast city at the foot of Tianbei Mountain. This place is more magnificent than the land of a dynasty. At this time, someone looked up and saw a huge thunder dragon flying over the sky, and several boys and girls stood above them, all very arrogant and arrogant.

"They are people from the Purple Thunder Dynasty. The leader is Zi Feng, a genius of the Purple Thunder sect. He has practiced for forty years and has broken the top emperor. He is one step away from becoming a king." Someone laughed while drinking.

"Well, Zi Feng is really good. This time, he should have no problem getting into the top 100." Others nodded, but his words caused many people to frown: "Only a genius like Zi Feng can get into the top 100. Brother, isn't your statement a bit exaggerated? A genius like Zi Feng should have no problem getting into the top 10."

"Exaggerated?" The man smiled indifferently, with a hint of longing in his eyes: "Have you forgotten those nine people?"

"Nine people?" Someone frowned, but after a moment, the man paused and said: "Oh, I forgot, now it should be eleven people."

"Son of Destiny." The man smiled again, and many people seemed to remember something, showing a serious look: "Yes, they will also participate in the Duotian Banquet this time. In that case, Zi Feng will definitely not be able to get into the top 10."

"What Son of Destiny?" Someone who didn't know asked curiously.

"The Sons of Destiny, the most outstanding geniuses in the Star Sea in the past fifty years, are all disciples of the Tai elders of Tianbei Mountain. There were nine people before, and now there are Lin Daoyan and Beiming Shatian, a total of eleven people, who are called the Sons of Destiny of the Star Sea. Rumor has it that these eleven people represent the future destiny of the entire Star Sea. The fate of the Star Sea is in their hands. These are the Sons of Destiny!"

"So exaggerated?" Everyone in the restaurant was shocked. Eleven people represent the future destiny of the entire Star Sea. It does sound a bit exaggerated.

"It's not an exaggeration. These eleven people all have their own strengths and talents. They are invincible in the same realm. They kill people across borders like a child's play. The country is so beautiful, but they always walk in the forefront and lead an era. Is it really impossible for such people to change the fate of the Xinghai?" The man drank and laughed wildly: "Back then, there was Mo Wangchen, the head of destiny. Didn't he change the fate of the Xinghai?"

When Mo Wangchen was mentioned, countless people took a breath of cold air. If Mo Wangchen was the son of destiny, then this rumor was credible.

"Son of destiny, the strongest eleven people in the Xinghai? Haha." A sneer suddenly came from the restaurant, attracting many eyes. The person who spoke earlier looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man in white sitting there. His eyes were bloodshot, there was a terrible demon shadow behind him, and there was a demon wolf next to him.

"Demon Sect, Wang Feng?" Someone immediately recognized Wang Feng. In the past year, Wang Feng has been very famous. He first became famous from the Beiming Dynasty, and then teamed up with Xiaolang to kill many people from the other two dynasties. However, the Tiandi Sect was there, and the two dynasties could only endure it.

"Wang Feng, what does your laughter mean? Did I say something wrong?"

"Wrong? Of course I was wrong. Back then in the Emperor Road, my senior brother turned into the leader of the Tiandi Sect and suppressed Beiming Shatian in three battles. He was much stronger than Beiming Shatian, but he was forced to death by Beiming Emperor. Is he worthy of being called the son of destiny?" Wang Feng said coldly.

"In the battle of the Emperor Road, Chu Yan did perform outstandingly, but so what? He is a dead man after all. What's more, the two of them fought three times without a winner. Now Beiming Shatian has become a monarch. Even if Chu Yan is alive, he will lose if he fights again." The young man said unconvinced.

Hearing the young man's words, Wang Feng's heart ached again. His senior brother never came back, and Xiaolang also made a whining sound.

"Wangfeng, you are here, today is your death day!" Just at this moment, a terrible might descended outside the restaurant, and a group of figures in the distance came walking over, led by a monarch, all of them were from the Purple Thunder Dynasty, with a strong killing intent.

"A bunch of drunkards from Purple Thunder, are you here to die again? It seems that I haven't killed enough of you, and you don't remember." Wangfeng's demon wings spread out and sneered.

"Kill him!" Since the destruction of Beiming, the Purple Thunder Dynasty has been harassed by Wangfeng and Xiaolang, and even many of the descendants of the emperor have died. Now they meet at the foot of Tianbei Mountain, and they have to fight to the death.

"Purple Thunder Dynasty, my disciples of the Demon Sect are not something you can kill casually." The people of the Purple Thunder Dynasty descended, and there were people from the Demon Sect in the sky.

"Demon Sect, you can't protect him today!" A land monarch of the Purple Thunder Dynasty roared.

But the next moment, the space twisted, and a young man stood out. He held a dragon spear and was good at the power of space. He stood side by side with Wang Feng. When he looked up, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the young man, the people of Zi Lei Dynasty became alert.

"Zi Lei Dynasty, do you want to die?" Ye Xun pointed his spear, his voice was flat and his eyes were cold: "Get out of here, otherwise tomorrow, my Tiandi Sect will go to your Zi Lei Dynasty."

The corners of the mouths of the people of Zi Lei Dynasty twitched, but they didn't dare to make trouble again. Ye Xun's appearance meant that the strong men of Tiandi Sect were nearby.

Zi Feng was on the purple thunder dragon. He looked at Wang Feng: "You'd better not go to the Tianzhao Banquet."

"I will take your life myself." Wang Feng said coldly. After he became a demon, his temperament changed a lot. When he was angry, he was entangled by the demon shadow.

The talents of the Purple Thunder Dynasty have retreated again, and others are still frightened. This Heaven-Seizing Banquet will probably be very lively.

"Wangfeng, do you have to participate in this Heaven Seizing Banquet?" Meng Jun frowned. After Chu Yan's incident, the Demon Sect was targeted. Normally, it was fine. At the Heaven Seizing Banquet, only people of fifty years can participate, and they can Killing people, once Wangfeng takes part in the competition, there will be a crisis.

"That was supposed to be my senior brother's stage. If he's not here, I'll take his place." Wangfeng's eyes were determined. He must go to the heavenly banquet.

Meng Jun sighed. He originally wanted Ye Xun to persuade Wangfeng, but Ye Xun was crazier than him. If the Demon Sect hadn't intervened to stop him, Ye Xun would have led the Heavenly Emperor Sect to attack the other two dynasties.

"A bunch of lunatics!" Meng Jun had no choice but to curse.

Chu Yan still didn’t know about the Heaven Seizing Banquet. Now he was enlightened at the ancient ruins and practiced Wu Jiazi. Three months passed in a blink of an eye. When Chu Yan entered the selfless state, time passed quickly and passed by in a flash.

Three months later, a terrifying storm formed outside Chu Yan's body. His life soul and bloodline bloomed in the sky above him, and they were all dazzling. The three major bloodlines were so extreme that they had a vague intention of merging.

The next moment, Chu Yan's three major bloodlines merged and turned into a terrifying true meaning.

"Is this the ultimate state of existence of bloodline? The true meaning of bloodline?"

Chu Yan was overjoyed. He unexpectedly discovered that his bloodline was no longer independent at this moment, but perfectly integrated with himself, his magical power, and his life soul. His power could contain the sound of swordsmanship, and he could still perform it at a very fast speed. Can burst out terrible power.

"The so-called bloodline means that you first practice separately, and then finally merge and become one, becoming a unique power." Chu Yan was extremely surprised, and then he couldn't wait to practice with the true meaning of bloodline. After that, his sword skills became stronger Now, his swordsmanship is no longer just fast or terrifying, but swift and violent.

"Now that all the bloodline has reached the true meaning, it should be considered qualified. It is just short of a breakthrough in realm." Chu Yan thought, and then he started to practice again, running the Tianxing Juechen Canon thousands of times, breathing in spiritual energy.

He was surprised to find that after realizing the true meaning of bloodline, his breakthrough was extremely smooth, without any shackles, and everything came naturally.

The emperor's light fell from the sky. As soon as Chu Yan opened his eyes, a terrifying and strange light shot out. Then the corners of his mouth raised: "Three months, have you done it?"

"Whoosh!" At this moment, the space in front of Chu Yan was distorted, and the thoughts of the Great Sage Xutian appeared. He looked at Chu Yan and nodded.

"Senior, is this junior's talent okay?" Chu Yan was a little proud. After all, he himself would not dare to think about this kind of thing unless he reached his limit.

"It's okay, it's not that difficult. If I give you three months, you're already a dull person. The real talent only lasts for a day or two. If it were that girl, it would only take a few hours. You, still Too stupid."

Chu Yan was furious. He could swear that if this old immortal didn't have the strength of a saint, he would definitely take action now. He would beat him first.

Lao Bu Die definitely did it on purpose. Chu Yan simply didn't care about it. Now he is the ninth level emperor and can be regarded as the top emperor.

When he was in the mortal world, the Emperor of Heaven was already the supreme existence. He didn't dare to think that now he had reached this state. The next step was to break through the Emperor and reach the realm of the Lord.

"Okay, now that you have made a breakthrough, I can promise you one thing, and then go away and don't disturb my peace here." Great Sage Xutian said without boredom, Chu Yan's eyes lit up, although in Zhengu It was not very pleasant to get along with this old immortal in the ruins, but he would not miss taking advantage of him.

Then he thought of the Demon-Forging Immortal Technique. He originally controlled an evil demon that came into the world, but it was not a demon body and could not be used. The Demon-Forging Immortal Technique could shape the demon body and switch with oneself. However, practicing this Immortal Technique required a period of time. Skeletons of Demon Lord and above, Demon Saint, should be better, right?

Thinking of this, Chu Yan said: "Senior, this junior has an immortal secret in his hand. I want to practice it, but I haven't been able to understand it thoroughly. I hope senior can help."

"Bring it to me and have a look." The ancient said calmly. Chu Yan took out the bamboo slips of the Immortal Technique for Casting Demons. After the ancient's thoughts swept over it, he let out a cold snort: "Can't understand it thoroughly? Do you want the corpse of this saint?" "

"Uh..." Chu Yan laughed dryly for a while, but the next moment, his eyes turned cold, and he saw an ancient thought, and the bamboo slips in his hand spontaneously ignited the terrifying demonic fire, which did not allow Chu Yan to react at all, and turned into powder in an instant.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?" Chu Yan was really angry when the Demon-casting Immortal Technique was destroyed, and said coldly: "Even if Senior doesn't want to help, there is no need to destroy my Immortal Technique, right?"

"What's the use of such a useless method? Cultivation is a waste of time, it's better to destroy it." Naihe said very calmly: "You want a demon body?"

Chu Yan remained silent, still a little displeased in his heart. Seeing this, the ancient man didn't say anything nonsense. He waved his arm, and a broken light shone in the void.

Chu Yan looked up and saw the light, and his pupils immediately shrank.

"Xuan Tian Fragment Chapter?"

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