Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 573: Xutian Great Sage

"Jiejie, funny little guy, if you want to die so much, I can help you." On the sarcophagus, there was an ancient man sitting, smiling obscenely.

"Senior is joking." Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the ancient man hurriedly laughing. He finally survived, but he didn't want to die.

He rushed towards the blood-light barrier that day, actually holding on to a glimmer of hope. He had the devil's arm, and Tianjun's ruins were choosing inheritance. He thought that giving it a try would be better than waiting to die.

"It seems that I made the right bet." Chu Yan thought to himself.

"The blood in your body is very interesting. Who are your parents?" The ancient man looked at Chu Yan interestingly. After the ancient ruins, Chu Yan entered the blood light barrier and was in a coma. During this period, he unexpectedly discovered that in Chu Yan There is a power like an ancient monster inside the rock, which is vigilant about the surroundings and guarding Chu Yan.

Even when he tried to get closer, the monster almost counterattacked.

"Ordinary people." Chu Yan responded calmly, and the ancients rolled their eyes: "No matter, with your blood to protect you, not to mention the land of the sea of ​​​​stars, even in the upper world, it is rare, will you be an ordinary person? But forget it , I guess you have this kind of blood, but you appear in the small sea of ​​​​stars, I’m afraid you don’t even know it.”

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. The ancients guessed it right. He really didn't know. He only knew that both Chu Hanfeng and Qin Ruomeng were very strong.

"Senior is the master of Tianjun's ruins?" Chu Yan sat up and asked.

"Tianjun?" The ancient man was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Bad boy, who told you that this is the ruins of Tianjun?"

"Isn't it?" Chu Yan was puzzled for a while. Did he leave the ruins? But when he looked at the sarcophagus he was sitting on, he saw that this was the right place.

"I am the Great Sage Xutian! A generation of heavenly saints."

The ancient man smiled brightly and said, at this moment he revealed the terrifying holy power, like a destined emperor, asking all living beings to surrender, which was many times stronger than the holy will of the ancestor Beiming.

Chu Yan's heart trembled. The ancient man in front of him was not a heavenly king, but a saint?

"It seems that the rumors are false. They mistakenly thought that this place was the ruins of Tianjun, but they had no idea that this was actually the ruins of a saint." Chu Yan thought in shock.

"Now you know how powerful this saint is, right?" The ancient man grinned, looking extremely proud, but Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "So what about the saint, he's not dead yet."

"..." The ancient man blew his beard and was speechless for a while. What was hateful was that he had no words to refute.

"You broke into my saint's sarcophagus and disturbed my peace. In this case, you must pay some price. Whether you live or die next depends on your destiny." The ancient said angrily, and then he paused and said to Chu Yan asked: "Do you know what Jun is?"

"A king is one who towers above heaven and earth, has great spirit and a big mind, and is regarded as a king." Chu Yan hesitated and responded seriously.

"You idiot, you have a big spirit? A big heart? Then I force you to death. Are you an idiot? With such understanding, I really don't know how you reached the imperial realm." The ancient man directly interrupted Chu Yan and said with contempt, The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched, and he asked unconvincedly: "How dare you ask senior, what is a king?"

"Idiot, you are indeed an idiot. You are really the most ignorant person I have ever seen." The ancient man cursed again: "What am I going to tell you now? You, king, are just a realm of practitioners."

"..." Chu Yan's head was full of black lines, Damn, you are using your nonsense.

"Forget it, forget it, now I am using my power for you to realize it. Just once, you can see it clearly." The ancient man raised his hand, and a terrifying celestial phenomenon suddenly changed between the sky and the earth, which was a huge evil demon shadow. The evil demon was so real that he couldn't distinguish between true and false. He just stood behind the ancient man and stared at Chu Yan, which made Chu Yan feel horrified.

"What a terrifying big demon!" Chu Yan said in shock, and the ancient man spoke again: "This ancient demon is my king's figure. I have seen some of your performance in the Emperor's Road. Although your combat power is good, after understanding A bit of monarchy, but pitifully weak, not even as good as Beiming Shatian. I really don’t know why that girl would protect you for such a stupid guy like you!”

"..." Chu Yan's teeth are itching. As you talk, do you have to belittle yourself with every sentence?

"Oh, it's a pity. That girl is so talented. If she could inherit this saint's mantle, this saint would be worthy of her life. It's a pity..."

"..." Chu Yan was completely speechless. He naturally knew that the girl the ancients were talking about was Qing Yi. He also admitted that Qing Yi was very talented and probably had a good background, but he was not that weak, right?

Besides, if you want to accept Qing Yi as your disciple, they have to agree to it.

Qing Yi's refusal to pass on the inheritance was widely spread in the Dilu.

"I have no choice but to settle for the next best thing."

"Asshole!" Chu Yan really couldn't bear it anymore this time, but then a coldness enveloped him. The ancient man smiled and looked harmless: "Who are you talking about, bastard?"

"You bastard said that to me, senior, I'm scolding myself." Chu Yan hurriedly changed his words, and the coldness gradually receded. The ancient man nodded with satisfaction: "Well, it's not bad. You have a little self-awareness, but don't worry, although your talent is not good. Some, but since you follow me and practice well, I will try my best to help you, so don’t belittle yourself.”

"..." Chu Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He finally figured out that this old immortal guy definitely did it on purpose. He was taking it out on himself because he didn't receive Qing Yi.

Simply, Chu Yan ignored him, thinking about what the ancients had just said.

Is it your picture? He had seen it in Beiming Shatian and Qingyi. Every time Beiming Shatian transformed into an ancient emperor, there would be a terrifying picture of the country, like a dynasty.

Qing Yi is the Qingtiantu, which controls the power of the day. He didn't understand it at that time. Now, after listening to the words of the ancients, he gradually knew that it was the Juntu.

Juntu is similar to Diwei, but Diwei is the power gained by relying on one's own power after becoming an emperor. People with strong Diwei will make many people feel terrified and full of deterrence just by standing there.

This Juntu is stronger. It can condense the virtual into reality and turn it into a real picture that can be used for fighting. Just like the terrible demon statue of the ancients just now, Chu Yan was frightened at a glance. If he launched an attack, it would be even more terrible.

"It's too early for you to understand Juntu. Let me see your blood first."

Chu Yan closed his eyes, and his blood bloomed, turning into a sword, power, and speed in the air. As for the ancient blood, it was not under his control.

"Too weak, the third level of bloodline is just subtle. Next, I will give you three months to break through the top level of Heavenly Emperor and reach the extreme of bloodline power, otherwise you will die. Okay, let's start." The ancient man left a sentence and then suddenly disappeared, leaving Chu Yan alone, stunned in the same place.

Three months, breaking through the top level of Heavenly Emperor, the bloodline must reach the extreme of the third level?


Chu Yan's mouth twitched. Not to mention that the top level of Heavenly Emperor is not achieved overnight, just the bloodline, is it so easy to comprehend? He now has the heart to kill, but he can also vaguely feel that the ancient man is not joking. If he can't meet the requirements in three months, he may really die.

"Bastard!" Chu Yan cursed in his heart this time, and then he sighed: "It seems that I really have to practice hard."

The next moment, a fierce look flashed in his eyes. In addition to the words of the ancient man, there was another thing that was his motivation, which was the hatred of that day.

He wanted to avenge the three great dynasties, Jian Wuya, the Beast King Palace, and the Western Region Galaxy. He also wanted to avenge Ji Longyu. If Ji Longyu hadn't revealed his identity that day, he wouldn't have fallen to this point.

"I wonder what happened to Qingyi and the Demon Sect." Chu Yan thought, then closed his eyes and began to practice.

After this, he understood a truth. In the face of absolute strength, his talent was useless. He had to become stronger. Only in this way could he save his life and protect others.

After a while, a light curtain flowed around him, rotating in his body like an elf.

"This..." After running the Tianxing Juechen Dian, he found that the purity of the vitality in the stone coffin was ten times stronger than that in the outside world. In other words, one day for him was equivalent to ten days in the outside world, and three months was almost three years. In this case, it didn't seem difficult to break through the top Tiandi.

It's just that the bloodline comprehension is a bit troublesome. Comprehension takes time. Thinking of this, he changed his true self and appeared in the third true self form. Then he actually opened a time field.

"Now I can't control time, go to the future and go back to the past, but I can barely slow down the time around me. This way, I can buy some time for me." Chu Yan thought and continued to practice.

"Hey, interesting boy." When Chu Yan changed his true self, the ancient man was leaning on him in the void. Seeing Chu Yan's appearance, he smiled: "The soul and bloodline can be changed. Interesting."

In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan practiced in the True Ancient Ruins for nearly two months. The light in his body became stronger, and even his bloodline changed slightly.

The sword bloodline, the sword sound is stronger, killing people invisibly.

The power bloodline is running, Chu Yan is like a huge ancient ape, with the power to lift the sky, and a punch is thrown, shaking the earth and mountains.

The speed bloodline is like an eagle in the sky, spreading its wings and soaring thousands of miles.

When Chu Yan was in selfless cultivation in the True Ancient Ruins, Tongtian Star Sea also became lively.

Tongtian Star Sea has a feast every thirty years, which is called the Heaven-stealing Feast. This feast was initiated by Tianbei Mountain.

Every thirty years, Tianbei Mountain will recruit the Star Sea Tianjiao to hold a competition on Tianbei Mountain. This competition does not limit the realm, but the age limit, and the juniors who have practiced for less than fifty years will compete.

Of course, because of different ages and realms, it is not that the victory will lead to a higher ranking. It mainly depends on talent and performance.

At that time, outstanding people will be admitted to Tianbei Mountain. People with outstanding talents will even be accepted as disciples by the elders of the Tai generation and become disciples trained by Tianbei Mountain.

Of course, in addition to this battle, there is another reason why it is valued by all major veins, that is, this battle is related to the status in the next thirty years.

The ancestor of the Demon Sect hopes that Chu Yan will reach the level of Emperor in three years, and the purpose is this Heaven-stealing Feast.

In this battle, the Demon Sect has been ranked last for three hundred years. The Demon Sect's ancestor placed all his hopes on Chu Yan, thinking that he could come out on top this time in the Heaven-stealing Banquet. In the end, Chu Yan died in the True Ancient Ruins. How could the Demon Sect's ancestor be willing to accept this?

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