Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 572 Tell him I've been waiting for him

There was deathly silence between heaven and earth, and there was no sound.

Qing Yi stood there, still cold. Facing a saint, she calmly asked, "What are you trying to say?", full of threats.

Ancestor Beiming frowned. He looked up at Qing Yi, and his heart was filled with great shock. He could feel that the person behind Qing Yi revealed a terrifying murderous intention, and could vaguely suppress him.

But he is a saint, above heaven and earth, the top being in Tianbei Mountain. How could he be frightened by a little girl's words?

"Do you know who you are talking to?" Ancestor Beiming was also angry, and the terrifying holy will bloomed, revealing endless majesty.

Qing Yi ignored Ancestor Beiming and turned to look at Emperor Beiming, his beautiful eyes so cold.

"I warned you, why didn't you listen?" Qing Yi's voice was clear, but Emperor Beiming's heart trembled. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"Since you did it, you have to suffer the consequences."

Qing Yi said coldly, her voice was more like a sentence. Then she turned around and looked at the many guards behind her: "Let's do it."

The old man Gujing Wubo behind Qingyi nodded, and then someone raised his hand. He just held his hand in the void, and the space was blocked. An infinite killing light curtain formed in the sky. These light curtains were entangled and intertwined. Suddenly it shrouded the entire Beiming Dynasty.

Then the ground trembled, and everyone was stunned. The light curtain was so strong and dazzling that ordinary people could not open their eyes.

But they didn't want to miss this feat, so they endured the pain and opened their eyes, and saw countless brilliance falling. The buildings and palaces of the Beiming Dynasty collapsed at this moment, not broken, not destroyed, but inch by inch. Disintegrate, as if being broken down, turning into powder and dissipating between heaven and earth.

"No!" Emperor Beiming's eyes widened and he roared, but his power was unable to stop him.

"You are so presumptuous!"

Ancestor Beiming was also angry, and he took a step forward, but for a moment, there was a terrifying power that pressed down on him. He looked up and saw an old man in cloth in the distance. His eyes were calm: "Stand there and don't move."

"Roar!" Ancestor Beiming roared, and his holy will bloomed, as dazzling as the sun. As soon as his holy will came out, countless monarchs couldn't help but feel the desire to surrender, and their hearts trembled.

"This is the holy will... transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint, it's so terrifying." Someone exclaimed, saints are legendary existences in the land of the sea of ​​​​stars.

However, facing the terrifying holy will, the old man in cloth looked calm. He took a stroll and took one step. As if there was fairy light filling the sky, a green vortex appeared in front of him. Then everyone was stunned. The holy will was swallowed up. Lost? Disappeared without a trace.

"Since you don't listen, I will stay." The old man in cloth said coldly. He slapped the palm with his big hand, and with a bang, there was a terrible loud noise, and then the ancestor Beiming froze, dumbfounded. The chicken is standing there.

"What's going on?" Many people expressed doubts, but then the corners of their mouths twitched and their eyes widened.

I saw the body of Beiming Ancestor trembled. The next moment, terrible blue light shot out from his throat, chest, and limbs. Kong, only an empty shell was left, and his old body fell from the void as if it was out of control.

"This..." Everyone's hearts trembled wildly. They couldn't believe the scene in front of them, including the people from the Beiming Dynasty, who were stunned.

That is their ancestor, a true saint. Shouldn't a saint be an invincible existence?

But he had just appeared, without even saying a few words, and he was met with such disaster?

I am afraid that many people will never forget this scene. The person who died this time was not the emperor, not a member of the Beiming Dynasty, but a saint from Tianbei Mountain. He was supposed to be a legendary existence, who could determine the world with one word and be invincible. Existence, when he first appeared, he was so arrogant, his holy will appeared, and all living beings surrendered.

However, he was killed by a thought.

Qing Yi always watched indifferently, without any emotion. The buildings of the Beiming Dynasty were still disintegrating. They fell apart in an instant and disappeared from the world inch by inch. The people of the Beiming Dynasty were as dumb as a chicken.

"The Beiming Dynasty was destroyed." A thought flashed through the minds of many people. Since the ruins of Tianjun, the Beiming Dynasty had been prosperous for a while, but in a single thought, it was destroyed.

Just because they forced a young man to death, they lost an entire dynasty.

Now that even their ancestor, a saint, has been killed, who else here can resist the group of people behind Qing Yi?

Ye Xun, Wangfeng and others looked at this scene without much excitement, only indifference.

The people in the Demon Sect and other lines of Tianbei were shocked. They had just thought of preparing treasures to go to Beiming to watch the ceremony, but now it seems that they may not need it.

From today on, Tianbei Mountain will only have fifteen veins.

Emperor Beiming stood there, dumbfounded. He looked at Qing Yi, full of regret. He did not regret killing Chu Yan. After all, Chu Yan's talent was too strong, his extraordinary combat power, the three true selves switched, and he communicated with Soul-hungry. Zhong, if you don't kill him, his Beiming Dynasty will have a disaster sooner or later. What he regrets is not killing Qing Yi at the Tianjun ruins.

But he also knew that with such a person around Qing Yi, he couldn't do it at all. He suddenly laughed loudly, full of sarcasm: "I won't give in, God is going to kill me!"

"What do you have to do with the sky? What you should regret is that you did not teach your son well. Back in the Craftsman City, if Beiming had not killed the emperor with such arrogance, your Beiming Dynasty would not have suffered such a calamity." In the direction of the Demon Sect, Meng Ya He spoke coldly and revealed the secret in one word. Yes, if it hadn't been for the matter of Craftsman City, how could Chu Yan have formed a deadly feud with the Beiming Dynasty?

Even if Bei Ming killed the queen, if the Bei Ming Dynasty had not bullied others by taking advantage of its power, and had chased the Demon Sect and Chu Yan several times in the Tianjun Ruins, how could this scene happen today?

Everything has cause and effect, and everything is reincarnation.

The Emperor of Bei Ming was speechless. The next moment, the power of decomposition came to him. He turned into powder in a radiant light and disappeared.

From that moment on, there was no Bei Ming in the Tongtian Star Sea.

Several guards descended and landed beside Qing Yi: "We have done what we promised you. The gate of heaven is open, and we should leave."

"Wait a little longer." Qing Yi said crisply. She looked at the direction of the Tianjun Ruins again. She was reluctant, but she knew that she had to leave this time.

Ye Xun and others looked up at Qing Yi, and Wang Feng frowned and shouted: "Sister Qing Yi, are you leaving?"

Qing Yi looked down at Wang Feng, hesitated, and smiled, very touching, then she looked up at the blue sky, trying not to let tears flow down.

"Tell him I will always wait for him." Qing Yi whispered, turned around, and walked away in the air. Her last voice fell into everyone's ears.

Everyone frowned, puzzled. Who was the "he" in Qing Yi's mouth? Chu Yan?

But Chu Yan had died in the ruins, so why did she bother?

Qing Yi finally left, descending like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, destroying Bei Ming, and then leaving with a group of people to the sea of ​​stars. The clouds covering the sea of ​​stars could not block her way.

Looking at the departing figure, everyone was stunned. What kind of woman was this? For her, she was willing to become a killing god. She said that she would always wait for him.

On this day, Tongtian Star Sea, including the hundreds of galaxies under the control of the lower Yu, had strange phenomena. There was this green road leading to the nine heavens, and above it there was a fairy-like figure, flying away in the air under the protection of countless immortal soldiers and gods, and then she never came back.

Afterwards, the sky rained. Some people said that it was the tears of the fairy, turning into rain to commemorate the person she loved in her heart.

"Sister Qingyi is so kind to me." Wangfeng's eyes were red.

"Yes, she has been guarding me for ten years. I don't know how many lifetimes that silly boy has cultivated for his blessings." Mengya laughed at herself. At this moment, she finally understood why Chu Yan confessed to Qingyi at the last moment of the Tianjun Ruins. The girl was cold, but always so stubborn to protect him.

For him alone, she slaughtered the whole city of Beiming.

The scene on the cliff that day came to mind again. The boy practiced at the bottom of the cliff, and the girl was at the top of the cliff, but the girl's heart was all on the boy.

"It's a pity for my brother. He should have been a peerless genius." Wangfeng clenched his fists again, his anger became stronger, and the demon shadow behind him roared.

Ye Xun's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he swept his eyes across Tongtian Star Sea: "Everything is not over yet, this hatred can only be paid with blood."

Beiming was destroyed, and this incident caused a great shock in Tongtian Star Sea. Because of this incident, the Purple Thunder Dynasty, the Nine Nether Dynasty, the Western Region Galaxy, Jian Wuya, and the Beast King Palace were all uneasy. They were also the ones who forced Chu Yan to break that day. If Qingyi took revenge, they would be afraid that the result would be the same as that of Beiming Dynasty.

In a few days, Qingyi did not appear again, as if he had disappeared forever, which made the people of the several major sects feel relieved.

But no one forgot that Beiming was destroyed. For a while, no one was looking for trouble with the Demon Sect. Another thing was that the Tiandi Sect suddenly appeared and stationed in Tongtian Star Sea, which caused a great shock.

Tianbei Mountain sent an envoy, but Ye Xun refused to see him. In addition, Shenzhu Mountain also had top-level beings involved. Therefore, for a while, as long as the Tiandi Sect did not do whatever it wanted in Tongtian Star Sea, Tianbei Mountain would turn a blind eye.

In addition to this incident, Beiming was destroyed, and Beiming Shatian became the only remaining royal family of the Beiming Dynasty. He was in seclusion on Tianbei Mountain.

On this day, a terrible monarch's will descended on Tianbei Mountain, and a natural vision appeared, just like an ancient human emperor, thousands of feet tall, holding the human emperor sword, wanting to cut off the sky.

Beiming Shatian, a monarch, a half-hundred monarch, attracted a lot of attention from Tianbei Mountain. On this day, an elder of the Tai generation came down from Tianbei Mountain in person and accepted Beiming Shatian as his disciple. The name of Beiming Shatian was very popular here.

Time passed quickly. It has been more than a year since the ancient ruins. A feast is gradually approaching. The major veins of Tianbei began to get busy, and many hidden geniuses were born.

But the news about Chu Yan became less and less, and the boy was gradually buried in the long river of history and no one mentioned him again.

However, one day, in the forgotten ancient ruins, in the stone coffin blood world, a boy who was buried by the wind and sand suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a terrifying demonic light, and he sat up suddenly.

"Am I not dead?"

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