Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5723 Ancient Saint Chen Family

In the land of Tianyuan, a place in the far north, a figure flew quickly, leaving behind shadows in the void.

This person is Chu Yan who left Daocun.

Chu Yan has already grasped the position of the Chen family from Chen Meng. Now all he has to do is sneak out of Tianyuan and then go to the ancient sage Chen's family.

According to what Chen Meng said, each major ancient saint family has an independent space, just like the Liu family back then.

At this time, Chu Yan was still holding a special jade in his hand. This jade was the key to the ancient sage Chen's family.


Soon, Chu Yan flew to the northern border of Tianyuan. As soon as he stopped, ripples were caused in the space in front of him.

Chu Yan hesitated and reached out to touch it.


In an instant, a strong backlash came, and Chu Yan's arm shattered.

Chu Yan's eyes couldn't help but condense: "It's so lethal. No wonder the inside and outside of Tianyuan have been isolated. With this lethality, even a ninth-level solitary can't force his way in, right?"

Xiao Jiu said: "The Lord of Tianyuan back then was extremely powerful, at least at the level of Ancient Saint. It would be impossible for him to force his way in."

Chu Yan nodded, and without hesitation, a special dragon's breath appeared in his hand. Then he moved it slightly, and the dragon's breath covered Chu Yan's body.

When the dragon's breath covered it, Chu Yan clearly felt the backlash from the Tianyuan boundary wall disappear.

Xiao Jiu said: "With this dragon's breath, Tianyuan will not hinder you in any way. You can already come in and out at will."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and immediately he no longer hesitated and stepped out of the abyss.

The next second, Chu Yan experienced a strong movement of stars, the sky and the earth were spinning, and the surrounding space began to twist and deform.

The space seemed to be torn apart, and then reorganized amidst the fragmentation.

Soon, when the picture stabilized again, Chu Yan reappeared in an unfamiliar space.

Of course, although the surrounding scenes were unfamiliar, the energy of nothingness was extremely familiar.

"Come out!" Chu Yan chuckled.

This trip to Tianyuan was a bit unexpected.

Originally, because Liu Bai entered, it ended up being delayed for so long, which Chu Yan did not expect.

Of course, his progress in Tianyuan is also extremely obvious.

Before entering Tianyuan, Chu Yan had just joined the giant, and his combat power was only at the level of Weiwo, but now he can already fight with Weiwo in the upper three realms.

It can be said that Tianyuanzhong's progress is even more exaggerated than his in recent years.

Chu Yan walked out of the Tianyuan. Because he was walking in another direction, no one was blocking it.

However, he did not go to Chen's house immediately. Instead, he hesitated, disguised himself, and flew towards the real entrance of Tianyuan.


Soon, Chu Yan came to the entrance of Tianyuan. At this time, the three ancient saint families blocked the place.

Chu Yan took a look.

Sure enough, in just one day, there were many more people from the three major families than before.

After Chu Yan came here, people from the three ancient saint families also discovered Chu Yan.

Just because of his disguise, the three ancient saint families did not recognize Chu Yan.

In addition, Chu Yan only showed the aura of a giant, and no one took him seriously.

The elders of the Chen family glanced at Chu Yan and asked lightly: "You came to Tianyuan to practice?"

Chu Yan nodded: "I heard that Tianyuan is an excellent secret place, and I want to try my luck."

Elder Chen said: "Let's go, Tianyuan will not be open to the public within these three days."

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Are you all from the Ancient Saint Family?"

An elder of the Huo family smiled and said: "If you are a wise boy, then you should know that this is not something you can mess with."

Chu Yan smiled apologetically: "My lord, what you are saying is... It's just that, lord, with so many of you gathered here, is there some treasure that will appear in the abyss?"

The Huo family elder smiled and said, "What? There is a treasure, and you still want a share of it?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "How dare I? I'm just a little curious. I've always heard that the Ancient Saint Family is extremely powerful. With so many adults gathered together today, it's inevitable that my curiosity will get in the way."

"Haha, you have a sweet mouth." The Huo family elder said: "Don't think about it, there is no treasure, it's just that someone provoked us, and we are blocking it here."

Chu Yan was shocked and said: "Block? Who is worthy of so many adults taking action together?"

The elders of the Huo family did not take Chu Yan seriously, so they did not hide it and said: "Have you heard of Universe Chu Yan?"

"The new emperor of the universe? I know this. He has become very famous in the void recently."

Chu Yan finished speaking: "Isn't this Chu Yan the one you are blocking?"

The elders of the Huo family nodded and were about to speak.

Elder Chen frowned slightly: "Old Huo, you said a little too much."

The Huo family elder smiled and said: "What's the matter? It's just the truth. Besides, he's a minor character. If you ask out of curiosity, just tell him."

The Chen family elders frowned, but did not stop him.

Because I really didn’t take it seriously.

At this time, Chu Yan couldn't help but said: "My lords, if so many of you come to surround Chu Yan, why don't you leave no one behind from the Ancient Saint Family? What if Chu Yan goes there to make a sneak attack?"

The elder of the Huo family laughed and said: "You are overthinking. Tianyuan is the only entrance. Besides, he really dares to visit some of our ancient saint families, which is exactly what we want."

Chu Yan chuckled: "Then I will help you all to triumph. I'll take my leave now and come back to Tianyuan to visit you another day."

After saying that, Chu Yan turned around and left.

The information is already there.

The three ancient saints have transferred some people from their clans, so now the three major families are in a state of loss.

Chu Yan did not hesitate and turned to fly directly to the place Chen Meng told him.


Soon, Chu Yan broke through the air continuously, tore the space several times, and came to a special place.

This is a planet, but the planet obviously contains a strong spatial force, which is a bit like a mustard seed containing Xumi.

Chu Yan stood on the planet and looked down, his eyes narrowed slightly: "That's it!"

Ancient Saint Chen Family!

"Now, it's time for me to take revenge."

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and then he flew towards the stars below without saying a word.


At the same time.

Ancient Saint Chen Family.

The Chen family has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. Because of the blood of the ancient saints, it has always been an invincible existence.

At this time, several strong men gathered in the main hall of the Chen family.

"Tianyuan has transferred some more people. Isn't that too much? Now the clan has less than 30% of its strength."

"What are you afraid of? Is there anyone who dares to cause trouble in the clan?"

Everyone thought about it and nodded slightly: "That's right."

For hundreds of millions of years, the Chen family has always invaded others, and no one has ever come to attack the Chen family.

The same will happen this time.

This is the confidence of the strong.

However, just as the Chen family was thinking, their faces suddenly changed slightly.


Suddenly, the entire Chen family world shook violently.


A touch of Lingtian sword energy fell from the sky.

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