Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5724: My Space


The sword energy was very powerful, and it shattered the boundary wall of the Chen family with one sword.

"What's going on?" All the Chen family members were shocked.

Then everyone looked up, and then saw a young man appearing from the sky.

The young man was none other than Chu Yan who came from Tianyuan.

Chu Yan glanced at the Chen family.

It was very huge.

Just as he guessed, it had the effect of a mustard seed containing Xumi.

The next second, the faces of the Chen family members changed drastically, and several strong men immediately took off: "Who are you, how dare you trespass into my Chen family's holy land?"

Chu Yan glanced at the person who came, his eyes were overwhelming.

Immediately, he said nothing and slashed with a sword quickly.

Swish - as soon as the sword energy came out, the face of the strong man on the opposite side changed: "How dare you!"

At this time, the Chen family was really shocked.

They were just saying that no one had attacked the Chen family for hundreds of millions of years, but someone took the initiative to attack?

Is this person looking for death?

However, the sword energy was approaching, and they didn't care about these. A strong man snorted coldly and punched out.

The next second, the strong man's eyes widened, and the sword energy went straight through his fist, leaving a red line on his throat.


The head of the strong man flew out directly.

After seeing this scene, the Chen family was shocked: "I am the only one at level eight? Damn, who are you?"

Chu Yan's eyes were like ice, and he said coldly: "You don't need to know who I am, just remember that I am the one who came to destroy the Chen family."


The Chen family was furious, and someone rushed out again immediately.

They were all level eight, and there was no weak one.

However, Chu Yan could kill even a half-step level nine with one sword, let alone this group of level eight people?

Chu Yan waved his sword.

Chi Chi Chi!

In an instant, bloody heads fell one by one.

Chu Yan's eyes were as cold as ice: "Is this all the Chen family can do? Let those who can make the decision come out."

The Chen family was all shocked by Chu Yan.

So strong!

The next second, the Chen family's faces darkened. They all understood that Chu Yan was not a good person.

"What should we do now?"

"Retreat first."

Instantly, the Chen family members retreated one after another.

Chu Yan did not stay, and continued to move forward with one sword.

He walked along the way, and everyone he met was killed with one sword.

Soon, a river of blood appeared behind him.

It was a river made up of the blood of Wei I.

That was all Wei I.

Even in the Chen family, Wei I was not a cabbage.

"Damn, how could he be so strong?"

"Did my Chen family offend anyone? When did such a person appear in the void?"

The faces of the Chen family were gloomy. The key point was that they could be sure of one thing, that is, Chu Yan was not a descendant of the ancient saint.

Although the relationship between the several ancient saint families was average, they also communicated with each other.

The power Chu Yan used was obviously not the power of the ancient saints.

"Quick, send a message to the clan elder!" The Chen family disciples realized how powerful Chu Yan was, and someone immediately crushed a sound transmission stone.


A beam of light rose into the air.

Chu Yan continued to move forward.

As he expected, Tianyuan had withdrawn too many people, but the Chen family was short of manpower and had few strong people.


At this moment, a golden light from the sky struck down, quickly tearing the clouds apart, and turned into a middle-aged figure.

The people of the Chen family were all ecstatic when they saw the middle-aged man: "It's the clan elder!"

"He's finally here."

After the middle-aged man appeared, a strong pressure surged out, and Chu Yan was suppressed and stopped, looking up at the middle-aged man.

Ninth level!

As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, Chu Yan could be sure that this was a genuine ninth level.

So far, Chu Yan has not fought with a real ninth level.

The middle-aged man looked at Chu Yan with a cold gaze: "Who are you? What grudge do you have against my Chen family?"

Chu Yan sneered: "The grudge is great! Today, either you die or you die."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "You are looking for death!"

The next second, he stopped talking nonsense and immediately punched forward.

As the guardian elder of the Chen family, Chu Yan is now attacking the Chen family, so no matter who Chu Yan is, he will never forgive him.

Otherwise, once this matter gets out, won't others laugh at his Chen family to death?

In this case, it doesn't matter who Chu Yan is.


The middle-aged man punched.

The next second, this punch exploded directly like a cannonball, and the space between heaven and earth collapsed layer by layer and exploded.

Chu Yan felt a huge pressure from a distance.

His heart sank.

Is this the ninth level?

He has killed half-step ninth level, and has killed several, so he always felt that even if it is a real ninth level, it should not be too different.

But at this moment, he realized that he was wrong!

Very wrong!

Ninth level... is not comparable to half a step to ninth level.

However, Chu Yan dared to come to the Chen family today, so he naturally had some means. Facing that punch, he did not dodge, but immediately drew out the Refining Heaven Sword and chopped it with all his strength.


In an instant, the sword energy was like fire!

The power of the fire pattern of the five-star hegemony body!

Swish - almost in an instant, the raging fire burned the sky, and the punch that was supposed to destroy the world was engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, and was actually burned to ashes.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes when he saw this: "What kind of fire is this? It can actually burn the avenue?"

You know, at his level, many things can't be hidden.

The elder who guarded the clan saw how special Chu Yan's attack was at a glance.

Chu Yan ignored it, and after one sword, he connected with ten thousand swords.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Boy, you are so naive!"


The middle-aged man shouted lowly, forming a terrifying barrier around him.

The barrier was indestructible, and countless sword energy hit it, and all of it shattered.

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "This is...the realm?"

"It's not a domain, it's my own space." Xiao Jiu said in a low voice.

"what is that?"

"What is solipsism? It is to open up a space that belongs to me alone between heaven and earth! Of course, when you first join solipsism, you don't have this ability yet. The more you get to the later stage, the more this ability will be reflected."

Xiao Jiu introduced: "After level nine, that space can be described in four words!"


"Only me, the only one!"

Xiao Jiu said seriously: "It can be said that in that space, he is an invincible existence."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank.

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

None of the only ones he killed before had this ability.

After the middle-aged man opened his solitary space, he sneered and said: "Boy, I have to say that you are indeed very courageous. No one has dared to take action against the ancient saint in many years."

Chu Yan stood in the void and said coldly: "It will be there today."

The middle-aged man sneered: "So, you will die miserably."

"Try it."

Chu Yan gave a low drink and disappeared from the place instantly.

Get out quickly.

Since long-range attacks are ineffective, let's fight up close.

When the middle-aged man saw Chu Yan rushing towards him, his teasing tone became more intense: "Are you looking for death?"

This is his solitary space, and here he is invincible.

In the end, Chu Yan still dared to come in?

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