Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5722 Plan Begins

Once you have a plan, just do it.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and started to prepare.

Soon, he found the black dragon again.

They briefly discussed Tianyuan's avenue and his departure.

Soon, Chu Yan returned to Dao Village.

After arriving at Dao Village, he immediately summoned all the people from the Forbidden Sect.

The strong men of the Forbidden Sect were also full of expectations when they saw Chu Yan.

"Emperor Chu, are we ready to go out?"

They all knew that Qianlongyuan appeared and Tianyuan Forbidden Day was coming.

Chu Yan is not from Tianyuan, so once he reaches the forbidden day of Tianyuan, he must leave this place.

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Yes, we are going out."

The eyes of all the Forbidden Sect experts lit up: "After hundreds of millions of years, can we finally leave?"

But soon, Chu Yan poured cold water on everyone and said calmly: "It's not you, it's me."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the powerful men of the Forbidden Sect changed slightly, and Phoenix Girl's voice trembled slightly as she said, "Emperor Chu, what do you... mean by these words?"

If Chu Yan had said this before, the people from the Forbidden Sect would have taken action directly.

But after experiencing what happened before, everyone knows that Chu Yan's strength is no longer the young boy he was at the beginning.

Even if they were tied up, they might not be able to defeat Chu Yan.

"Damn it, I'm telling you, I shouldn't have listened to him at first, but now... After using us, he is leaving soon and is ready to abandon us."

"Okay, please stop saying a few words. Even if we take action at the beginning, we may not necessarily win."

"Then tell me, what should we do now?"


The powerful men of the major forbidden sects gnashed their teeth.

Suddenly, someone yelled: "If you want me to tell you, I'll fight him. We can take over the universe ourselves and we can't leave it in the future. We have the final say ourselves and we won't be restricted by others."

"Fight? Can you beat him?"

"Let's give it a try. With so many of us, we still have a chance, right?"

As soon as these words came out, some people were still shaken.

But at this time, someone shook his head: "Did you forget something?"

Everyone looked at the person who was delivering the message.

"Qianlongyuan, disappeared..."

As soon as these words came out, many powerful people from the Forbidden Sect were all afraid.

Yes, there is also Qianlongyuan...

According to the past situation, three days before the Tianyuan Forbidden Sun comes, the Hidden Dragon Abyss will cover the entire Tianyuan, the sky and the earth will be dark, the wind will rage, and the dragon will roar.

However, this time, Qianlongyuan just appeared and suddenly disappeared.

what happened?

Although the strong men of the Forbidden Sect don't want to think about Chu Yan, we are not fools...

For hundreds of millions of years in Tianyuan, Qianlongyuan has never had any problems. Only this time, Chu Yan entered, and Qianlongyuan was gone...

If someone said that it had nothing to do with Chu Yan, no one would believe it.

That's the real horror.

Thinking of this... the strong man from the Forbidden Sect who originally wanted to give it a try suddenly languished.


Chu Yan glanced at the many powerful people from the Forbidden Sect who dared to be angry but dared not speak, and suddenly smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I am not leaving this time without you, but because I have an important thing to do when I leave."

Phoenix Girl looked at Chu Yan in confusion: "Emperor Chu, what do you mean by this?"

Chu Yan said lightly: "Everyone should also know that I have offended the Ancient Saint Family to death. They are now surrounding me outside Tianyuan. If you want to go out with me, you can go out with me and fight for your life. But I Let’s put the ugly words ahead, the Ancient Saint Family has a real ninth level, and I can’t guarantee that we can win with you.”

The strong man of the Forbidden Sect was shocked.

Chu Yan said: "This time, I went out to solve the problem. When everything is resolved, I will return to Tianyuan. At that time, I will naturally leave with you."

Hearing this, the strong man of the Forbidden Sect suddenly understood.

But then, a member of the Forbidden Sect said in a low voice: "Why should we believe that you will come back? What if you go out and never come back?"

Chu Yan glanced at the man and sneered: "Why? You can only bet that I will come back. Otherwise, you can fight with me and see if you have a chance to kill me and take away the universe."

He is too lazy to talk nonsense now.

believe it or not.

If you don’t believe it, then go for it.

Chu Yan happened to have a bad temper recently, so he didn't mind killing a few more people to establish his authority.

The face of the Forbidden Sect strongman changed.


What to fight for?

Without Qianlongyuan, they might still want to struggle.

After a moment, Phoenix Girl said: "Emperor Chu is joking, how can we not believe it! But do you need our help when you are fighting the ancient saints?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Help? Okay, you go out with me and fight against the Ancient Saint Family. Do you dare?"

The eyelids of all the Forbidden Sect experts twitched slightly.

How dare you!

In Tianyuan, they are not afraid of the Ancient Saint. That is because Tianyuan has restrictions and the real strong men of the Ancient Saint family cannot enter, but once they get out, they will not be able to do anything in front of the Ancient Saint.

At this time, many people even glared at Phoenix Girl, thinking that Phoenix Girl was quick to talk.

But the next second, the Phoenix Girl bit her silver teeth lightly and suddenly said: "I dare! As long as Emperor Chu needs it, I can accompany Emperor Chu to fight the ancient sage."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yan glanced at Phoenix Girl in surprise.

Phoenix Girl and Chu Yan looked at each other without any dodge in their eyes.

The other forbidden sects completely cursed secretly.

At this time, Phoenix Girl said: "I know that Emperor Chu thinks I am trying to curry favor with you, but yes, I am. I want to leave Tianyuan, but I have been imprisoned for too long. If I leave here, I don't know where I should go. I want to be a team with Emperor Chu. I fight for my own interests. I don't think there is anything shameful about this."

Chu Yan hesitated and suddenly smiled.

He then shook his head slightly: "No need for you, I have my own plan to deal with the ancient saint."

Phoenix Girl's autumn eyes were absent-minded for a while.

But the next second, a voice came into her ears.

"In the universe, there is a Wutong Phoenix Road. I will leave it to you before I leave. Practice well."

Chu Yan faintly transmitted: "If you want to follow me, then show some skills. Now this little strength is not in my eyes."

Hearing this, Phoenix Girl's eyes lit up.

She nodded vigorously: "Definitely!"

Afterwards, Chu Yan did not delay. After a few simple exchanges, he left alone and found Chen Meng.

This time, he was going to attack the Chen family, but there was a prerequisite... He needed to know where the Chen family was first!

When he told Chen Meng about his plan, Chen Meng's face changed slightly, and then he lowered his head alone.

Although Chen Meng knew that he had been used by the Chen family after the Tianyuan incident, it was the place where he was born after all. If he really wanted to take action against the Chen family... he still couldn't get over it.

Chu Yan took a look and sighed: "Forget it, I'll ask someone else."

After that, he prepared to go to the Liu family.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Chen Meng suddenly spoke, he took a deep breath: "Brother Chu... If there is a chance, maybe you can spare my parents' lives?"

Chu Yan stared at Chen Meng for a while and nodded slightly: "Okay."

Chen Meng took a breath: "Okay, I'll tell you the location of the Chen family."

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