Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5718: Using the Divine Mark Again

Chu Yan was a little bit skeptical of Xiao Jiu's words.

If it was a normal dragon, it would be fine, and it was a little stronger...

What's the point of a licking dragon?

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "Don't underestimate this black dragon. Don't forget that no matter what, this black dragon is the life that Tianyuan really gave birth to! In other words, when the master of Tianyuan is not here, this black dragon is the master of Tianyuan."

Chu Yan was stunned.


Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly looked at the black dragon and said: "Big black dragon, I want to ask you something."

The black dragon nodded repeatedly: "Brother, ask me, I promise to tell you everything I know."

"You were born from Tianyuan?"

The black dragon said: "I think so? Anyway, when I was conscious, I was already in Tianyuan."

"This is useless. Let me ask you, can you use the rules of this place in Tianyuan?" Chu Yan said.

Black Dragon thought for a moment and said, "Does calling the wind and rain count?"

Chu Yan glanced at Xiao Jiu, who nodded slightly: "Yes, this black dragon is not only a life bred by Tianyuan, but also has the Dao body of Tianyuan."

After speaking, Xiao Jiu paused and said: "If you release this black dragon, you can better control Tianyuan, and even... escape this Tianyuan forbidden day."

Chu Yan was stunned.

Indeed, if there is no special means, his days in Tianyuan will not last long.

Three days at most, when the three days are up, Tianyuan forbidden day will come, and the repulsive force will forcibly expel him.

Xiao Jiu said: "Let me ask you, do you have the confidence to beat the Ancient Saint Family now?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and finally shook his head slightly: "No."

After he cultivated the Five Elements Overlord Body, his strength increased greatly, but it was still too difficult to say that he could beat the three ancient saint families.

In Tianyuan, there are some restrictions, so the ninth-level Weiwo will not appear.

But Chu Yan asked Chen Meng, and there are nine-level Weiwo in several ancient saint families.

As for whether there is a level 10, he is not sure.

Because Chen Meng doesn't know either.

But Chu Yan guessed that there is a high probability.

You know, the strongest person in the open of the several ancient saint families is level 9, but will they really put all their cards on the table?


Even the ancestors of the several forbidden sects know how to hide their weaknesses, let alone a group of descendants of the ancient saints?

How could they not even understand this principle?


So the several ancient saint families must have a trump card, and what is a trump card? Only cards that are stronger and bigger than those on the surface count, so there is a high probability that there is a level 10.

Even if there is no level 10, there must be a half-step level 10.

Chu Yan is now okay to fight a half-step level 9, but if he encounters a real level 9, he will probably not be able to beat it.

The time is too short.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan looked up at the black dragon, and suddenly understood Qin Ruoming's intention a little.

But then, he began to have difficulties again.

Although the black dragon said that he was a benefactor, Qin Ruoming left a message that he could be unsealed if he came...

The problem is that this storm has at least level nine lethality, how can he release this dragon?

Chu Yan hesitated.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and slowly stretched it towards the storm.


In an instant, blood splattered.

Chu Yan's fingers were crushed into powder under the storm, and soon they were bloody.

This made Chu Yan frown slightly, not because of pain, but shock!

He had just opened the Five Elements Tyrant Body and the Giant Spirit Saint Body, but in front of this storm, he was as vulnerable as mud and sand.

This put Chu Yan in a dilemma.

Suddenly, Xiao Jiu said calmly: "Boy, I think you used the wrong direction."

"Wrong direction?" Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "You should know better than us what your mother is best at."

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly fell into deep thought, and then he said in a low voice: "You mean... the divine pattern engraving array?"

Xiao Jiu nodded and said: "Yes, and didn't you find it? Although this storm is extremely lethal, the power of the avenue is not strong, plus it is a sealing method, which is more inclined to the formation."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, why didn't I think of it."

Qin Ruoming couldn't leave herself an unsolvable problem.

There must be a solution!

Since his combat power is not enough, this storm is most likely a formation.


The next second, Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and the Eye of the Great World opened. Then when he looked at the storm again...the storm turned directly into lines.

Just like this, Chu Yan watched silently, and suddenly saw a special...text in those lines?


It's just one word!


"It's really a divine rune formation!" Chu Yan's eyes lit up, and then he couldn't help but be shocked: "It's really amazing, just an ordinary wind character can trap this black dragon here for hundreds of millions of years, what kind of divine rune attainment is this."

You know, the strength of the divine rune formation is related to the strokes of this formation.

The more strokes, the greater the strength.

But wind is not a complicated word, but it can achieve this effect.

Xiao Jiu nodded: "It's really amazing, I always thought that the divine rune formation belongs to a niche, and the real battle still depends on the power of the avenue, but if you have this kind of divine rune power, killing the ninth level is like killing a dog."

Chu Yan nodded: "Indeed, I have been ignoring the divine rune all these years. It seems that my mother left a layout here, and also reminded me of the importance of the divine rune."

Xiao Jiu said: "What do you think now?"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "My mental strength is not weak, but the way of divine pattern is not strong. It will take more than one day to pick it up. Let's find a way to break this formation first."

He still had a lot of things to ask the black dragon.

After speaking, Chu Yan looked up at the black dragon: "Senior, I will release the formation now. There may be some pain during this period. Please bear with it."

The black dragon nodded excitedly: "Okay, I have endured the suffering of hundreds of millions of years of imprisonment. What else can I not bear?"

However... it just finished speaking, and the next second it was not calm.


Let out a screaming dragon roar.

Chu Yan poked at the formation for a while, and suddenly scratched his head embarrassedly, and laughed dryly: "Sorry, it seems wrong, I will try again."

The black dragon's forehead was covered with beads of sweat: "Brother, let's be steady, this is the dragon's life."

Chu Yan laughed: "I haven't used divine pattern for too long, and my hands are a little rusty."

The corner of the black dragon's mouth twitched, and now he just hoped that Chu Yan could make fewer mistakes.

Chu Yan began to break the formation bit by bit.

After he switched to using the divine runes, he found that the storm's lethality to him was much weaker, and the power became gentler.

Just like this, an hour passed...


Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled violently, and the storm that had swept the sky and the earth began to collapse bit by bit.

After the black dragon felt it, his eyes shone brightly.

After a while, the storm finally dissipated, and the originally dark sky was like a big hand that cleared the clouds and mist, regaining light.

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