Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5717 What are the benefits?


Chu Yan was immediately confused by the words of the huge black dragon. He couldn't help swallowing, and then pointed at himself: "Benefactor... you are talking about me?"

The huge black dragon nodded his huge dragon head vigorously: "Yes, it's you."

Chu Yan asked doubtfully: "Senior, we must have never met before, right?"

Black Dragon said seriously: "My benefactor has not seen me, but I have seen you."

Chu Yan looked strangely and said, "What does this mean?"

At this time, Heilong said excitedly: "I won't be able to tell for a while, but my benefactor... you are finally here. Please rescue me quickly. I have had enough in this storm."

Chu Yan's eyelids dropped slightly and he smiled bitterly: "Senior, you think too highly of me. How can I have this ability?"

How strong is this storm?

The five elements hegemonic body's defense can be broken.

Chu Yan was still a little excited when he first cultivated the Five Elements Hegemony. He thought that this thing could even block the attacks of the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword. At least it would be enough for him to fake a few waves, right?

The results of it?

Seven days... I had just learned seven days, and my defense was immediately broken by the storm.

Chu Yan didn't know whether this storm had reached the level of an ancient saint, but it definitely had a lethality of level nine or above.

How can I break it myself?

But at this time, Heilong said firmly: "No! You can, my benefactor! I'm afraid you are the only one in this world who can save me."

Chu Yan's eyes looked strange for a while, but then he seemed to think of something and suddenly asked: "Senior, what do you mean... this storm was not created by you?"

Black Dragon said speechlessly: "How can I do this?"

Chu Yan: "..."

You are honest.

Chu Yan was silent for a moment, this storm was not created by the black dragon, that means...

"Senior, what you mean is that someone once used this storm to trap you inside?"

Black Dragon was speechless: "Are you blind? Don't you understand this?"

Chu Yan hesitated and suddenly said: "Senior, why did you call me your benefactor? Did the person who sealed you say something to you?"

Black Dragon stared at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Is your surname Qin?"

Chu Yan frowned and shook his head slightly: "My surname is not Qin, my surname is Chu."

Heilong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly went crazy: "Your surname is Chu? Impossible! How come your surname is not Qin?"

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Was it a woman who sealed the senior here back then?"

Black Dragon nodded: "Yes, it's a woman."

Chu Yan said: "Then I understand. Although my surname is not Qin, my mother's surname is Qin."

At this time, he already had a close guess in his mind.

The black dragon and storm are related to Qin Ruomeng.

Chu Yan seemed to be afraid that Black Dragon wouldn't understand. After thinking for a moment, he added: "In the human world, children will take their father's surname."

Black Dragon rolled his eyes: "You don't need to explain this. Children in our Dragon Clan will also take their father's surname."

Chu Yan had a dark face: "Why were seniors so surprised just now?"

Black Dragon said speechlessly: "You know nothing! That woman is so powerful and invincible. Although there are children in all major races who take their father's surname, some strong women will also let their children take their surname. I wonder She’s so strong, your father must be trying to get in the way.”

Chu Yan: "..."


There seems to be nothing wrong with this logic...

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "That might disappoint senior... My dad, it's really not the case."

Heilong still wanted to speak, but something suddenly occurred to him, and he said with a long mouth: "Wo Cao, your father didn't barge in the door upside down... Then your mother is so strong, your father can subdue her... Isn't your father also very powerful? My benefactor... No, you will be my big brother from now on."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped involuntarily.

To be honest, he thought about the various situations he would encounter after Qianlongyuan appeared...

The only thing I didn't expect was this.

Did I even meet a licking dragon?

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Senior, please tell me the specific situation at that time."

"Okay, big brother, I'm going to tell you now." Heilong said, "Big brother."

Chu Yan was filled with dark thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, Black Dragon fell into some memories and suddenly said: "This happened too early. It was about 500 million years ago. I was born in Tianyuan. At that time, there were some people in Tianyuan, who are now the Tianyuan clan. They all regard me as a god, so don’t live a happy life..."

"But until one day, I suddenly met a woman. When the woman came, she asked me for a piece of dragon's reverse scale."

"But you also know that the dragon's reverse scale is on the heart, and it takes tens of millions of years to grow. How can I give it to her easily? Plus, I was young and full of energy at the time. I was crazy..."

Chu Yan asked: "What's the result?"

Black Dragon chuckled: "The result? Didn't you see the result? I was beaten up by Fatty, and then she threw me into this storm... Then she told me to wait for someone with her bloodline to come, That was the day of my liberation.”

As he spoke, Heilong cried: "So, brother, do you know how hard I have been waiting for you all these years?"

Chu Yan fell into silence.

All of this is indeed related to Qin Ruomeng.

But then, he fell into deep thought alone.

Since it was Qin Ruomeng's plan, he must have calculated something correctly. He knew that he would come here and what would he get after unlocking the black dragon?

Chu Yan said directly: "Senior, did my mother tell you what benefits you will get after I release you?"

"Benefits?" Heilong was startled and shook his head slightly: "I don't know about this."

Chu Yan frowned: "No? How is it possible?"

In recent years, Qin Ruoming would not easily make a layout, but as long as it was Qin Ruoming's layout, he would definitely get a huge benefit.

Including his current blood sword, it was all made step by step under Qin Ruoming's guidance.

How could there be no benefit this time?

Chu Yan thought.

But Black Dragon was anxious: "Brother, let me out! I've really had enough of this broken place. I can only show up once every ten million years. If I don't go out this time, it will take another ten million years."

Chu Yan glanced at Black Dragon: "Why are you in a hurry? I still need to study this storm."

Since Qin Ruoming said that when he came, it would be the day when Black Dragon was unsealed, it must be true.

So, Chu Yan was not in a hurry to let Black Dragon out, but was thinking about Qin Ruoming's layout this time.

Where are the benefits.

This is the key point.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu suddenly said, "Why must it be a benefit?"

Chu Yan was startled, and subconsciously said, "My mother's layout over the years is to let me get something."

Xiao Jiu said lightly, "You also said that, that was in the past, maybe not this time? Have you ever thought of a possibility."


"This time, the layout may not be to give you benefits, but to resolve a certain crisis for you?" Xiao Jiu said.

Chu Yan was stunned: "Resolve the crisis?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Do you still remember the mysterious man? He sealed you in the abyss of the sky and didn't let you leave. In fact, he was protecting you."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, the ancient saints are blocking outside, and I will die if I go out now, so I said that my mother must give me more benefits to let me resolve this crisis."

Xiao Jiu glanced at the black dragon: "Then have you ever thought that this black dragon...itself is a benefit?"

"Just this licking dragon?" Chu Yan said this with a look of disgust.

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