Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5719: Pretend to be a villain


As the storm lifted, the entire sky became brighter, and the black clouds dispersed little by little towards both sides.

"Roar!" The next second, a deafening dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and the black dragon instantly broke free from the storm.

It was also at this moment that Chu Yan was shocked again.

He had just seen that this black dragon was very huge, but now he realized that he still underestimated this black dragon.

This black dragon was still somewhat huddled in the storm. Now it was unsealed from the storm and its entire body was revealed. The entire dragon body covered almost half of the abyss.

"Hahaha! I'm finally out!"

The black dragon laughed loudly.

Chu Yan stood under the black dragon, his whole body as small as a grain of rice.

After releasing the black dragon, he did not relax, but became more vigilant.

Because he did not completely believe Heilong, it could be said that up to now, all this was said by Heilong himself. As for what the truth was back then, Chu Yan did not know.

Of course, Chu Yan believed that the part about Qin Ruomeng was true because Hei Long couldn't make it up.

But the reason why Qin Ruomeng sealed the black dragon may not be certain.

Also, for whatever reason, the black dragon was sealed by Qin Ruomeng for hundreds of millions of years... That's hundreds of millions of years... Who can be without resentment?

When he was sealed, this black dragon pretending to be a grandson was normal, but now that he is unsealed, that vast aura is overwhelming, and he is at least a level nine self-centered person.

After all, this should be the first true level nine solipsist Chu Yan has ever seen.

Chu Yan has seen many strong people.

Qin Ruomeng, Chen Tianzhen, and the mysterious man in Tianyuan are all very powerful...

It was so scary that Chu Yan didn't even know what realm they were in.

But these people will not appear in a short time. Instead, they are level nine solipsistic people, which he has never seen before.

In Tianyuan, the strongest person is half-step ninth level.

But in front of him, the black dragon was a real level nine.


At this time, the black dragon circled in the nine heavens, and then suddenly came down, looking down at Chu Yan with its huge dragon eyes.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Senior, I have released you, should we talk now?"

Heilong looked at Chu Yan and suddenly sneered: "Boy, you don't really think I will help you, do you?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed secretly.


The next second, he slowly pulled out the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword and immediately slashed at the black dragon.

"Stop, stop, stop, brother, don't do it directly."

Black Dragon suddenly screamed, and the sword in Chu Yan's hand slowly stopped, looking at Black Dragon in confusion.

Black Dragon laughed dryly: "I have been sealed for too long, and I came out to experience the feeling of being a villain. Who thought you were so cruel... Normally, shouldn't you say a few cruel words first?"

Chu Yan was stunned and burst into laughter: "You really don't want to take revenge?"

Black Dragon was silent for a while, then suddenly said seriously: "That must be what I want."

Chu Yan said: "Then why don't you take action now?"

Heilong said speechlessly: "People must be self-aware. I want revenge...but I have to be able to beat her. Brother, you didn't see how scary that woman was back then...beating me was like beating a chicken. I What a waste of revenge.”

Chu Yan burst into laughter.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the first time he saw Wu Hua.

Wushui was the same at that time. He was filled with hatred when he saw Chu Yan, but when he thought of Qin Ruomeng's powerful strength, he chose to give up.

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Okay, since you don't want to take revenge, let's talk about practical matters."

Black Dragon nodded: "Brother, tell me."

Chu Yan asked: "You are a life conceived by the Lord of Tianyuan. Have you met the Lord of Tianyuan?"

Chu Yan is still a little curious about the Lord of Tianyuan.

Black Dragon recalled and shook his head: "Master? I have never met him. I only remember that when I was very young, my master often taught some great principles, but then he disappeared and never came back."

"You mean the Lord of Tianyuan has disappeared?"

"Yes." Black Dragon nodded: "At that time, the master seemed to have muttered a few words, saying that he had lived a life of nothingness, and only today did he know that I am me. Then he left the abyss and never came back since."

Chu Yan glanced at Xiaojiu.

The two said in unison: "Ancient Sage!"

Like the Lord of Refining Heaven and others, they all disappeared.

Chu Yan sighed: "It seems that it is impossible to learn about the Lord of Tianyuan through this dragon."

Then he hesitated and suddenly said to Heilong: "Xiaohei, do you know about Tianyuan Forbidden Sun?"

"Xiao Hei?" Hei Long was confused for a moment and pointed at himself: "You, call me Xiao Hei?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, you call me big brother, and I call you senior, wouldn't that be confusing, and Hei Long doesn't sound good, so just call him Xiao Hei."

Heilong smiled helplessly. He had lived for so many years and was regarded as a god by the people of Tianyuan, but now there was a person calling him Xiaohei?

But he thought for a moment and did not refute this matter. He nodded and said: "I know that Tianyuan Avenue will reject outside forces every once in a while, and all outsiders will have to leave by then."

As he said that, Heilong asked curiously: "Brother, why are you asking about this? Tianyuan Forbidden Day is only one day, so you just need to leave and come back when you are home."

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "I have some enemies outside Tianyuan who are blocking me. Is there any way you can keep me in Tianyuan?"

The Black Dragon was startled, then smiled and said, "That's it? This is simple. The great masters of the Abyss have a good relationship with me. I just need to spit out a breath of dragon's breath for you. Don't mention the forbidden days of the Abyss. You can come and go freely in the Abyss and nothing will happen."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

The Black Dragon nodded: "Of course, I thought it was a big deal. This is too simple."

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Black Dragon was there, his safety would be guaranteed.

Of course, although he could ignore the forbidden days of the Abyss, he couldn't stay here forever.

There are still many things waiting for him to deal with in the universe.

Sooner or later, he will have to leave.

At this time, Chu Yan thought of something and suddenly asked: "Black Dragon, is there a back door in Tianyuan?"

"Back door?" Black Dragon was confused: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan said: "Besides the vortex in the center, are there other exits?"

Black Dragon thought for a while and said: "Yes, you can leave from anywhere in Tianyuan."

Chu Yan said helplessly: "There is a boundary wall blocking you. With my current strength, I can't break through this boundary wall."

Black Dragon laughed: "This is simple. Brother, you have my dragon breath, and the boundary wall of Tianyuan will not block you. You can leave from any place in Tianyuan."

Chu Yan was stunned: "You mean... I can enter and exit Tianyuan at will, and anywhere?"

Black Dragon nodded: "Yes."

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly brightened.

In this case, he would have too many operations.

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