Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 571: There is a Saint in the North Sea [Three Updates]

"What's going on?" The sudden sword slash swept through everything, cut off the white tiger, and crashed outside the Beiming Dynasty. The towering walls of the dynasty were in ruins.

People from all sides raised their heads and looked at the army of 10,000 people who suddenly appeared, full of shock.

Beiming Xiangjun's face turned cold. He could feel that the other side had many Tianjuns, but he couldn't figure out when Tongtian Xinghai had such an army?

"Who are you? If you come from afar, my Beiming Dynasty is willing to treat you as a guest of honor, but it's better for you not to participate in the affairs of my Beiming Dynasty today." Beiming Xiangjun said in a deep voice.

Wangfeng opened his eyes after a long time, and then he looked there, stunned for a moment, then there was a surprise smile, and sad tears flowed out.

"Senior Brother Ye Xun!" Wangfeng couldn't help shouting, and his tears could no longer be stopped.

"Wangfeng!" Ye Xun nodded.

"Ah!" At this time, the originally terrifying demon wolf flew out and turned into a palm-sized shape, rushing into Ye Xun's arms. Ye Xun hugged the little wolf and was also a little excited. In the past, in Tianyong City, the little wolf almost died in battle, and it was he who saved him.

"Sha Yan, Sha Yan is gone! This group of bastards forced Sha Yan to death!" The little wolf said naively, but the demon wolf's eyes were red. Since Chu Yan's accident, he has been helpless. Now seeing Ye Xun, he can't tell the taste in his heart.

Ye Xun clenched his fist again, and blood flowed out. He said hoarsely: "I know..."

"Revenge for Sha Yan!"

"They will die!" Ye Xun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Everything he did was only for Chu Yan. Now Chu Yan died in battle. The giant-faced monarch went back and told him not to take revenge, but how could he do it?

Today, he gambled everything and flattened Beiming.

"Shenzhu Mountain!" Beiming Xiangjun's face turned cold when he saw this, and he let out a low roar. If he didn't know Ye Xun's identity at the beginning, now, does he need to ask more?

"Notify the emperor!" Beiming Xiangjun immediately sent a voice message to the person beside him. The man retreated very quickly, but the next moment, there was another sword light in the sky, which directly crossed the man and killed him on the spot.

Ye Xun raised his head and looked at the people of the Beiming Dynasty. His killing intent could not be stopped: "Today, the Beiming Dynasty will not be destroyed, and my Tiandi Sect will not stop!"

"Kill!" The word "kill" was used, and the world was in turmoil. The people of Tiandi Sect took a step forward in unison.

Beiming Dynasty, this is going to change.

Just now, he showed endless arrogance, but now, it is desolate.

"Damn it!" Beiming Xiangjun roared. He never expected that Shenzhu Mountain would actually attack his Beiming Dynasty. Of course, he didn't know that this battle had nothing to do with Shenzhu Mountain. It was the Tiandi Sect that took action.

"Roar!" The Beiming Dynasty was forced to fight.

This scene stunned everyone, and many onlookers retreated. Even when the Demon Sect and the Beiming Dynasty went to war, there were only a few small battles between the two sides, with at most one or two monarchs participating in the battle.

But this time was different. At the beginning, the Shenzhu Mountain Army of 10,000 people attacked with all their strength.

"This is... a war of overlords."

Some people finally realized that this conflict was no longer a small-scale one, but a real war of overlords, at the cost of the complete destruction of one side.

Such a big battle is extremely rare no matter where it is. In the land of the stars, even if the descendants of the ** monarchs had a mortal feud, they would not launch a war of overlords, because the cost of such a battle was too high.

Even if one side wins, it will pay a heavy price and will not be able to recover for decades or even hundreds of years.

"Kill!" The imperial army and monarchs of the Beiming Dynasty continued to pour out.

"How dare you!" Emperor Bei Ming also appeared. He was an extraordinary monarch. His aura was shaken. He was on the battlefield. He looked towards the direction of Tian Di Men: "Are you going to start a war between the two star seas? Retreat now. I won't pursue you."

The people of Tian Di Men looked at Ye Xun, who was extremely calm.

"I said, destroy Bei Ming at all costs!" This sentence represented his attitude. Kun smiled wretchedly in Tian Di Men: "Kill!"

Emperor Bei Ming had a cold face. He stared at Ye Xun. He never expected that after Chu Yan, there would be another Ye Xun. Tian Di Men was really his nemesis.

"You are looking for death!" Emperor Bei Ming roared, turned into an ancient human emperor, and rushed into the battlefield.

It was too crazy. The collision of two terrible forces and the collision of countless Tian Jun destroyed a space in almost an instant.

The onlookers, the human monarchs retreated thousands of feet at this time, and dared not move forward. As for the emperors, they all retreated, otherwise they could not bear such power at all.


"Puff!" A sound of killing, a flash of blood, Bei Ming Xiang Jun's eyes widened, only to see a silver sword inserted into his chest, directly crushing his internal organs, he didn't even have the chance to scream, and fell just like that.

That was the Heavenly Emperor.

"Roar!" Bei Ming Emperor's eyes were red, Bei Ming Xiang Jun was his good friend, and now, he died just like that, he was full of killing intent, and his big hand grabbed the Heavenly Emperor Sect, killing one side.

"Send a message to the ancestors of Tianbei Mountain!" Bei Ming Emperor roared, today's battle, at this point, it can't be settled peacefully, if he doesn't take it seriously, it may be the last battle of his Bei Ming Dynasty.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the sky, and several figures descended. They were high above, riding on the dragon chariot, and everyone's aura was extraordinary.

"It's the elders of the Beiming Dynasty who entered Tianbei Mountain!"

Everyone in Tianbei Mountain stopped attacking and looked up vigilantly. Those people were very strong, especially the one sitting in the middle of the dragon chariot. He was too scary. He was in his twilight years, but his skin was as smooth as a baby's. Just sitting there, he was like a whole world.

"Ancestor Bei Ming..."

"Greetings, Ancestor!" In front of the old man, Emperor Bei Ming bowed his head and saluted: "Ancestor, I am in danger of Bei Ming, I hope you can help me and kill the evil villain!"

Ancestor Bei Ming has been sitting, looking coldly at the people of Tiandi Sect, and then at Ye Xun: "I didn't hear what you said just now, maybe you can say it again?"

Ye Xun stared at the sky. Ancestor Bei Ming did nothing, just said a word, but he felt a huge pressure.

"I say, destroy Bei Ming at all costs!" Ye Xun took a deep breath and said.

"Boom!" Ancestor Bei Ming's eyes condensed, and immediately a terrible light curtain enveloped the world. That power actually condensed everything, as if this was his world.

"This is the will of the saint..."

"Ancestor Bei Ming, has transcended the ordinary and become a saint?" Everyone was shocked, and Emperor Bei Ming raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a mocking sneer.

A saint is different from a monarch. He is truly superior to ordinary people. A monarch is regarded as a king of people, but he is still a human being.

A saint is different. He is extraordinary and superior to all living beings.

The people of the Tiandi Sect looked embarrassed, and several Tianjuns immediately protected Ye Xun.

Seeing this scene, the Beiming Patriarch said calmly: "Now that you know, is it useful to have more people in front of a saint? Saint, second monarch."

With a thought, many Tianjuns of the Tiandi Sect turned pale and their bodies shrank by half.

The people of the Demon Sect were also shocked. If Tianjun is the top existence in the starry sea, then saints are what they need to look up to. Looking at the world, billions of living beings, how many saints can be born?

"Is this the power of a saint? Tianjun is like an ant." Someone took a breath and looked at the Tiandi Sect pitifully. It seems that this battle has already had a result.

The Tiandi Sect is very strong, but still not as good as the Beiming Dynasty. Seeing the realm of the Beiming Patriarch today, several people even sent messages to make friends with the Beiming Dynasty.

"There is a saint in Beiming, and the situation of the sixteen veins of Tianbei competing against each other will be broken."

"Pass my order, tell our clan to prepare a large sum of money and choose a day to come to Beiming to watch the ceremony!" A person from the Cangyan Ancient Clan ordered.

The Beiming Patriarch looked at Ye Xun and said coldly: "You are really brave, but since you dare to do this, I think you should be prepared to pay the price."

A Tianjun of the Tiandi Sect frowned and whispered: "Ye Xun is my top disciple of Shenzhu Mountain. If you kill him, you will declare war on Shenzhu Mountain!"

"Shenzhu Mountain is indeed a trouble, but if you all stay here, will no one know?" Beiming Patriarch smiled, but one sentence was shocking. Tens of thousands of people, countless monarchs, let them all stay? Is this possible?

But the next moment, Bei Ming Patriarch raised his hand, and the world was sealed, which made people believe that this was a saint, an extraordinary existence.

"Little guy, you should die." Bei Ming Patriarch said calmly, and then a terrible light condensed, and countless suspended human emperor swords appeared between heaven and earth, pointing at Ye Xun.

Ye Xun's eyes were cold, and Wang Feng was also angry, but there was nothing he could do. The other side suddenly had an extra saint, and one person was enough to change the situation.

"Say it again!" But at this time, a crisp voice came, and then the sky changed, and Bei Ming Patriarch's seal was shattered in vain, replaced by an infinite blue sky.

Then the space suddenly twisted, and a beautiful figure walked out. She was so beautiful, but like ice and frost, as if to keep people away from her.

She was as cold as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman, walking out, and behind her, there were still a few old men standing. They did not release their breath, just standing there, but seemed to suppress the entire sea of ​​stars.

"It's her!" Someone recognized Qing Yi at a glance. She was too stunning in the ancient ruins.

The pupils of Emperor Bei Ming suddenly shrank. If he said that the only thing that made him feel uneasy this year was this woman, now she is here.

The face of the Bei Ming Patriarch changed. With his realm, he couldn't see through the people behind Qing Yi.

What's more terrifying is that Qing Yi took a step forward, and his holy will was out of control at this time. The suspended Human Emperor Sword disintegrated and shattered one after another.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this weird scene. Ye Xun, Wang Feng, and Xiao Lang were all excited. The countless Tianjuns of the Tiandi Gate were also full of horror. What kind of people are these? They are so terrible?

"Try to say it again!" Qing Yi spoke crisply again, without any emotion, but it made countless people shudder and look at the Bei Ming Patriarch. The other party is a saint, but Qing Yi questioned like that, as if the Bei Ming Patriarch dared to say it again, she could take his life.

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