Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 564 A Competition [Fourth Update]

The four broken emperors, the top existences of each lineage, looked even colder when they saw this scene. The prince of the Beiming Dynasty said coldly: "Everyone, since they are seeking death, let's fulfill their wish."

"Okay!" Jian Wuya, the broken emperors of the Beast King Palace and the Western Region Galaxy responded. The four broken emperors all rose into the air with their might, and four emperor lights competed in the air.

"Let's learn together?" Chu Yan looked sideways at Lin Daoyan, and Lin Daoyan nodded: "I have never had the opportunity to fight once in the emperor's road. Why not have a competition today?"

"How to compete?"

"You and I will fight two people each, and see who wins first." Lin Daoyan said calmly. His voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly. For a time, he attracted countless surprised eyes. Many people thought that he might be crazy.

"At the beginning, there was a madman, and now there is another one..." Someone said speechlessly.

Chu Yan was also stunned for a moment, then grinned and said proudly: "Okay! We should compete."

"Arrogant and ignorant!" The four broken emperors said coldly. They have always been top-level existences and have always looked down on others, but today, they were despised.

"How to divide the two?" said Jian Wuya's extraordinary swordsman.

"The leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect belongs to me, I want to tear him apart myself." The broken emperor of the Beast King Hall roared, and the broken emperor of the Beiming Dynasty took a step forward: "I choose him too."

"Then we will deal with the other two." The broken emperor of the Western Region Galaxy looked at Lin Daoyan, together with Jian Wuya's extraordinary swordsman.

"Kill!" The four broken emperors broke through the space, and the violent emperor light covered the sky and the sun, slashing at Chu Yan and Lin Daoyan from two directions.

"The game begins!" Lin Daoyan said, stepped out, and then a terrible red light rose from his body, the blood-colored flames jumped, and blood flowers bloomed in the air.

Lin Daoyan of the Blood Destroying Valley!

At this moment, Chu Yan seemed to see the same look from Lin Daoyan in the past. The two of them were rivals, but also seemed to be close friends.

In the mortal world, Chu Yan and Lin Daoyan had always been the best two people. Lin Daoyan became famous a few years earlier than Chu Yan, and was the first of the thirty-six Tianjiao, and was named the Young King.

Later, Chu Yan also did it, but the two had never really fought each other. There was an opportunity on Tianbei Mountain, but Lin Daoyan gave up.

At that time, Lin Daoyan said that the battle for Tianbei was just a false name, and fighting here would be humiliating to you and me!

In one sentence, full of domineering, now the two of them appeared together in Xinghai, Emperor Road, both of them were in the top three, and there was one less battle, so this competition, in the eyes of others, was fine, but the two of them took it very seriously.

This was the first time that Chu Yan and Lin Daoyan had a real fight.

Blood flowers bloomed, Lin Daoyan's speed was extremely fast, those blood flowers were like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, shooting out crazily, looking at the blood flowers, Jian Wuya and the Broken Emperor of the Western Region Galaxy snorted coldly, each of them made a move, Jian Wuya's swordsman raised his hand, a terrible sword light chopped down, cutting off countless blood flowers, and the Broken Emperor of the Western Region Galaxy used star beams as an attack, piercing the blood flowers.

The battle on the other side was even more violent, the big monster of the Beast King Hall turned into a huge war elephant, sweeping across the battlefield like a chariot, passing by, a ruin, extremely violent.

The Broken Emperor of the Beiming Dynasty was not weak either, transformed into the Ancient Human Emperor, and his huge body blasted out a punch, which had the power to destroy the world.

Chu Yan was not weak either, the pure power was like Mount Tai, blasting out crazily, and every collision was a stone-breaking shock.

Everyone was stunned. There were many monarchs present, watching this scene speechless: "Are the current emperors so perverted?"

Kun had been standing in the void, staring at the other side's several earth monarchs. Although the monarchs would not easily attack the emperors, they still had to face up.

But at this point, no one dared to guarantee that there would be no accidents.

"Xuemie, unseal!"

Lin Daoyan shouted, and then his soul was released, and he was like a terrible blood demon, and his figure was even more terrible. At this time, the sky turned red, and a blood fist blasted towards Jian Wuya's extraordinary swordsman. The extraordinary swordsman drew his sword, showing his sharp edge, and quickly swept towards Lin Daoyan.

"This guy is also very strong..." Many people secretly said. Many people from the emperor road have seen Chu Yan fight, but have never seen Lin Daoyan take action. Today, they have seen it.

Beiming Shatian's eyes were cold. In the emperor road, he was the first, but now in the short six months, the two seem to have surpassed him a lot.

"I'll trap him, you take the lead!" At this time, in the direction of Chu Yan's battlefield, the big demon of the Beast King Hall roared, and the demonic energy turned into chains and flew out, spinning wildly around Chu Yan, trapping Chu Yan in a space.

"Okay!" Bei Ming Sha Tian's brother sacrificed the golden human emperor sword, and the sword intent was born, as if the world was surrendering, and the emperor's will was extremely strong. Then the sword shadow rose up into the sky, and rolled out into a golden tsunami, which was about to drown Chu Yan.

Many people became nervous, wondering if this move would change the situation.

However, Chu Yan's golden light faded, and then his breath changed, as if a different person was fighting. Everyone was stunned, Chu Yan seemed to be two people, switching at will.

Of course, this was the case.

Switching to the true self, Chu Yan was swallowed by the golden tsunami, but he hooked his fingers on the bowstring, and a purple arrow condensed by itself, spinning wildly.


A crisp sound, the golden tsunami was cut, a purple arrow shot out, and then the arrow seemed to be able to track, stabbing towards Bei Ming Sha Tian's brother. The next moment, the prince's eyes widened, he slowly lowered his head, his heart had been pierced, and there was a purple demon fire burning continuously.

"You..." The powerful Emperor Po of the Bei Ming Dynasty was stunned, but he fell without saying a word.

An extraordinary Po-Emperor was killed by Chu Yan with an arrow.

The face of the ruler of the Beiming Dynasty became even colder, and his murderous intention was extremely strong. He was their genius in Tianbei Mountain, and it was also an opportunity to get in touch with Tianbei Mountain, but just like that, he died.

Unfortunately, he couldn't take action because it was the Po Emperor who wanted to fight.

"Beiming Dynasty, a bunch of trash!" Chu Yan laughed mockingly after killing Emperor Po. At this moment, there were shadows of bows and hammers crisscrossing behind him, like an undefeated god of war. Then he turned his eyes and looked in the direction of Lin Daoyan: " It looks like I’m in the lead.”

"No." Lin Daoyan spit out calmly, and then he saw the Po Emperor of the Western Galaxy scream, his blood boiled, and blood flowers burst out of his body, causing the Po Emperor to be pierced by thousands of holes, and he fell to the ground. In ruins.

When Chu Yan saw this, he grinned and said nothing. He turned to the war elephant demon in the Beast King Palace, switched to his real self, and killed it with a giant hammer.

"Bastard! Roar!" the war elephant demon of the Beast King's Palace roared. Under the huge hammer of Chu Rock, he was suppressed like a trapped beast in a cage.

"When I'm not in battle, you treat me like a piece of grass, like an ant, as if my life can be taken at will, and you still compete with each other. Now imagine, do you regret it?" Chu Yan looked at the huge war elephant indifferently: "Kill!"

"Stop!" The demon king of the Beast King Palace couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't want to lose a disciple on Tianbei Mountain like Jiuyou and Beiming.

But will Chu Yan give him a chance? You shouldn't. The powerful giant hammer breaks open the space and is indestructible. No matter how strong you are, I will kill you with one hammer and I will never retreat.

"Presumptuous!" The demon king became even more angry. He unleashed his power and turned into a terrifying dragon claw to tear off Chu Yan.

"Bang!" Kun raised his arm on the side, and the demon soul trapped the demon king: "Tianbei Mountain, you'd better abide by some rules, otherwise I, Shenzhu Mountain, don't mind learning from me."

"Asshole!" the demon king roared angrily, and then he witnessed with his own eyes that the giant hammer came down.

"No...!" The war elephant demon emperor was desperate. With a rumble, his huge demon body was smashed into the ruins. His bones were all broken. The ground shook and dented several times, making him feel like mud. No bones remain.

The third one... No one spoke at this moment, and the air felt extremely oppressive.

Many people who walked out of the Imperial Road had blazing eyes, and the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was as domineering as ever.

In the direction of Chilian Hall, You Yu looked at Feng Lin and said calmly: "Feng Lin, the peerless genius in your eyes, a disciple of Tianbei Mountain, was killed by him. Now you still think that he is ignorant and seeking death?"

Feng Lin's eyes were cold and he was speechless.

On the other side, in Wangxian Tower, Wangyue and Li Xian'er both showed bright smiles. Wangyue's hanging heart seemed to be relieved, and then she looked at Lin Qingyao coldly: "Senior sister, is this the extremely noble existence in your mouth? You want me to forget him for such a person? "

After saying that, Wangyue smiled mockingly and looked at Zifeng: "I remember what you said. I have never been to Tianbei Mountain. You can actually be more direct and say that I was born in poverty. I have no experience, but I have seen this battle, and I still don’t understand what you are trying to say.”

Zifeng's eyes were cold. Chu Yan was also the person that Zi Lei Dynasty wanted to kill, but he didn't take action because he felt that Chu Yan was not worthy.

But the result was something he didn't expect.

"You are also in the realm of breaking the emperor. Do you think if it were you, the result would be the same as theirs?" Wangyue laughed again, and then took Li Xian'er's hand: "Xian'er, let's go over there! "

"Okay!" Li Xian'er smiled, and the two of them turned around and left, heading towards the Heavenly Emperor's Gate.

They are fairies from Wangxian Tower, but they are also disciples of the Dilu Tiandi Sect!

At this moment, they take it as an honor.

After killing the great demon of the Beast King Palace, Chu Yan turned to look at Lin Daoyan. Lin Daoyan was still colliding with the swordsman of Jian Wuya, but the situation was already settled.

The bloody red flowers bloomed, and the world was shrouded. The swordsman of Jian Wuya was forced to a dead end. Then Lin Daoyan retreated, his handprints were completed, the flowers bloomed, and the blood was overwhelming.

"Bang!" Jian Wuya's swordsman spat out a mouthful of blood and was swallowed up by countless blood flowers. When the blood dissipated, only a broken sword was left in the void. As for the swordsman, he had long since disappeared.

"You win." Lin Daoyan shook his head and said after killing the swordsman.

"This one doesn't count. If we have a chance, we will have a real fight." Chu Yan said, and Lin Daoyan nodded.

Everyone looked at the two people, but they were speechless for a while. Are these two guys not afraid at all?

They just killed four disciples from Tianbei Mountain.

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