Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 565: Sword in the Air

In the Demon Palace, there was a moment of silence. Including the Nine Nether Mad Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty, five disciples of Tianbei Mountain fell.

The air seemed particularly oppressive. At this time, several terrifying royal powers rose into the sky, disturbing the clouds, and descended on Chu Yan and Lin Daoyan in anger.

"Bold lunatic, you are too presumptuous!" A land monarch of the Beiming Dynasty roared. In the past, his Beiming Dynasty had always been a noble existence, ruling the whole state, but in just one year, several princes died one after another.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now?" Old Kun took a step forward, turned into a demon soul and collided with the land monarch, generating terrible power.

The land monarch of the Beiming Dynasty looked embarrassed and looked at Kun coldly: "I want to kill him, do you think you can save him?"

After speaking, the land monarch grasped the void, and the space around Chu Yan was shattered, and countless suspended ice spears appeared, all pointing at him. As long as the land monarch thought, it seemed that these ice spears would pierce Chu Yan.

Seeing this, Kun did not speak. He raised his arm slightly, and countless demon souls flew out, covering the direction of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Man of the Beiming Dynasty.

"It's easy for you to kill him, but I will kill the descendants of your dynasty. And then, I guarantee that your Beiming Dynasty will not be peaceful for a day. My demon soul will stain your entire dynasty with blood." Kun said indifferently, with a strong attitude, which made the Earth Lord of the Beiming Dynasty depressed.

He did not dare to kill Chu Yan easily, because Chu Yan came from Shenzhu Mountain, and like Tianbei Mountain, he controlled the existence of the same star sea. The reason why he took action was just to test it.

But he did not expect that the other party was so strong.

"Humph!" The Earth Lord knew that he could not kill Chu Yan, and snorted coldly. Then he turned his eyes and looked at Lin Daoyan, with a fierce look: "He is not from your Shenzhu Mountain, right? In this case, I will take his life first."

Kun frowned slightly. Lin Daoyan was indeed not from Shenzhu Mountain. This was Tongtian Star Sea, so he could not intervene.

After all, there are rules in the star sea. He is an outsider after all. He can't be too reckless here. Otherwise, if he really angers Tianbei Mountain and someone wants to kill Chu Yan, he will find it difficult to stop them.

"Tianbei Mountain, can't afford to lose?" Chu Yan looked at the person who spoke. Lin Daoyan fought with him.

Beiming Dijun ignored Chu Yan and growled: "Boy, you killed my Tianbei Mountain disciple, you will be buried here today."

Ji Longyu looked at him coldly. He once admired Lin Daoyan and gave him a chance. In his opinion, Lin Daoyan refused him and was courting death.

Lin Daoyan felt the monarch's majesty and was very calm. Then he looked at a person in the distance. There stood a white-haired old man, who was also from Tianbei Mountain.

After he appeared, he stood there, but many people had some respect for him.

"I am Lin Daoyan, a junior, a ninth-level emperor, from the land of the galaxy. I once comprehended the Heavenly Stele. Today, I am here to knock on the gate of the Heavenly Stele Mountain." Lin Daoyan looked at the old man calmly and said respectfully.

Hearing Lin Daoyan's words, everyone was stunned. Lin Daoyan had just killed two disciples of the Heavenly Stele Mountain, but now he said he wanted to knock on the gate of the Heavenly Stele Mountain?

The old man also looked at Lin Daoyan with interest: "You are very brave."

Lin Daoyan stood calmly and did not speak. The old man said again: "Are you so sure that I will accept you as my disciple?"

"I am not sure, but the senior saw the battle just now. I have practiced for more than 30 years and fought against the emperor. If the senior believes in me and accepts me as a disciple, there will be another disciple of a half-hundred-year-old monarch in the future. If there is another hundred years, I will become a heavenly monarch. At that time, I will rule the world and you will be the emperor's teacher." Lin Daoyan showed great confidence at this moment, with a charming aura. Many people took a breath when they heard his words. In more than 30 years, the battle power broke the emperor. What kind of talent is this?

What was even more shocking was his next words. In another hundred years, I will become a heavenly monarch. At that time, I will rule the world and you will be the emperor's teacher.

What kind of confidence is this? Half-hundred-year-old monarchs are rare, but they are not non-existent.

But who dares to say that he will become a heavenly monarch in a hundred years?

He, Lin Daoyan, dares.

Just like when he was in the mortal world, he was always so confident.

It even gave people a feeling that his joining Tianbei Mountain was not an honor, but an opportunity for Tianbei Mountain.

"Hahaha! What a good sentence to be the king of the world, I am the emperor's teacher, so, I am still taking advantage of you?" The old man smiled, and Lin Daoyan also smiled, looking at the old man, without any dodge, as if he would definitely do what he said.

"Come here!" The old man stroked his beard and waved to Lin Daoyan.

The face of the Earth Lord of the Beiming Dynasty was embarrassed, and he growled: "Senior Taichu, this boy is ambitious and sinful, and he cannot be accepted!"

"Do you think I am blind?" The old man named Taichu snorted coldly, and the people of several major veins lowered their heads slightly, not daring to contradict.

Ji Longyu stared at Lin Daoyan intently. The old man Taichu was at the same level as his master Taiyan.

"So this is your purpose? Deliberately kill the disciples of Tianbei Mountain to show yourself and become the elder's disciple?" Ji Longyu's eyes were cold. Lin Daoyan had rejected him, but now he became the Taichu disciple. He would naturally think so.

Lin Daoyan did not reply and walked to the side of the Taichu elder.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He also believed what Lin Daoyan said. A hundred-year-old emperor would rule the world.

He even knew that if there was no Chu Yan in the world, Lin Daoyan would be the king. Lin Daoyan was the natural king of that world.

The faces of the people from the five major veins turned pale. Chu Yan had Shenzhu Mountain, so they could not kill him. Now Lin Daoyan joined Tianbei Mountain and became the Taichu disciple. They could not kill him either.

The five top-level broken emperors, their chances, just died like this, but they still couldn't say a word, and could only let it go.

"Roar!" The demon king of the Beast King Hall roared angrily, making an unhappy roar.

Chu Yan and Huo Feng and others gathered and stood behind Kun. The people of several major veins had been staring at this place, but they didn't dare to take action for a while. If they killed Chu Yan, Shenzhu Mountain could also kill their descendants, not to mention that the sixteen veins of Tianbei also had their own grudges. If they were seriously injured, it would be troublesome.

At this level, they would be more restrained, and they didn't dare to act rashly in many things.

"Boom!" But at this time, Chu Yan, who had transformed into the master of the Tiandi Sect, had cold eyes. He clearly felt that there was a terrible threat in the sky. Then he looked up and saw that the void was broken, and there was a beam of light that broke through the air, piercing Chu Yan's chest from a distance of thousands of feet.

The sword light seemed to come from nothingness, and the surrounding space suddenly cracked, the ground was in ruins, and it descended with overwhelming force. Chu Yan's face was pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood before the sword light arrived. That sword was too strong, stronger than the Earth Lord, it was the Heaven Lord.

Old Kun's eyes were strange, and countless demon souls flew out, but were immediately cut off by the sword shadow.

The sword shadow was only aimed at Chu Yan, as if locking Chu Yan there, making it difficult for him to move. Seeing that the sword light was getting closer, it was about to pierce Chu Yan. Everyone was stunned. The Heavenly Emperor took action, regardless of everything, just to kill Chu Yan.

But many people looked up, curious about who it was.

"Emperor Beiming!" Then there was an iceberg on the sky, and a powerful figure, golden light blooming, like an ancient human emperor, he looked down on everything and slashed at Chu Yan.

"Beiming Dynasty, you want to go to war with my Shenzhu Mountain?" Kun roared. Emperor Beiming was the real Heavenly Lord, even he couldn't block this attack at all.

"I will take this boy's life today!" Emperor Bei Ming said coldly. He was there in the battle just now and witnessed it with his own eyes. That's why he couldn't let Chu Yan stay. Otherwise, his Bei Ming Dynasty would be doomed. So even if he had the right to take action, he would do it at all costs today.


"No!" The disciples of Tiandi Sect all made desperate sounds. Fairy Wangyue screamed, tears streaming down her face, and knelt in the void.

Qingyi frowned in the distance. Green light turned into vines in her body. The ancient sealed blood was being unsealed, but she knew that it was too late. This sword was too sudden. Even if she unsealed it, she couldn't save Chu Yan, so her eyes became colder and stared at Emperor Bei Ming.

She had warned him before.

Chu Yan was shrouded in sword light. He stared at the sky. The unprecedented death was approaching him. Under the sword light, he was too far away. Now he couldn't resist it at all.

At this time, golden light bloomed uncontrollably in Chu Yan's body, as if an ancient demon king had woken up. When the sword light descended, it suddenly turned into a terrifying golden giant beast. The giant beast was extremely large and swallowed Chu Yan in the center. The giant hand raised its head and roared, and everyone's face turned pale.

When the giant beast appeared, who could compete with it? With a roar, everyone felt heavy under their feet and could not fly in the air. They could only fall to the ground and stand with difficulty.

Looking at some weak people, they all crawled down at this time. The demon beasts in the Beast King Hall were the most obvious. The demon king knelt down, as if he was worshiping their king and paying homage to Chu Yan.

"What's going on..." Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene.

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