Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 563 You can all come together [Three updates]

Lin Qingyao looked at the young man, her eyes softened a little, and she nodded lightly with deep love. She then looked at Wang Yue and Li Xian'er and said: "He is the genius of the Zi Lei Dynasty in Tianbei Mountain, Zifeng. Now at the Broken Emperor level, it is very likely that this year, like Mr. Long Yu, he will become a disciple of a top elder. This is a genius."

Wang Yue and Li Xian'er remained silent, but felt a little unhappy because of their senior sister's vanity.

But neither of them showed it. Instead, they looked at Chu Yan with some worry.

Even though Chu Yan performed extraordinary in Dilu and resolved crises many times, this time, it was different.

Those who stand up now and want Chu Yan to die are all disciples of Tianbei Mountain, the most noble beings in the Tongtian Xinghai.

People from Jiuyou Dynasty, Beiming Dynasty, Xiyu Xinghe, Jian Wuya and Beast King Palace all stood up and wanted Chu Yan to die, but precisely because of this, they seemed to be in trouble.

There is only one Chu Yan, but there are five of them.

"This son wants to kill my Prince of the Galaxy. He must die today. His life belongs to me. You should step back." The Heaven Stele disciple of the Western Region Galaxy said calmly. The terrifying night sky was full around him, and stars and balls of light were surrounding him. Wrapping around is his weapon.

"It's ridiculous. Two princes of our Jiuyou Dynasty and an entire imperial army were destroyed in the hands of this son. His life naturally belongs to our Jiuyou Dynasty." The young man with long hair like a hydra refused to give in and seemed to be worried. In their eyes, Yan was already dead, it was just a question of who would kill him.

"Has the outcome of the discussion been reached? Who will fight?" Chu Yan said calmly.

"I come!"

"I'm coming!" The five broken emperors immediately took a step forward, and the strong imperial power stirred up the emperor's will. Just these five breaths made the ordinary emperors fearful, and the weaker ones would lower their heads. If not for the protection of their elders, , may have knelt on the ground.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. You can go together." Chu Yan said without boredom, immediately attracting surprised looks.

Is this guy crazy?

The other parties are all top beings in Tianbei Mountain. No one is weaker than Beiming Shatian, but Chu Yan actually lets them go together?


"court death!"

"Boom!" The five people all flashed with anger, and their arrogance became stronger. They even really wanted to take action, but due to their status, they were all holding back.

Chu Yan looked at the five people indifferently and said sarcastically: "That's right. You are all disciples of Tianbei Mountain. One person is invincible in the world. Naturally, you don't despise five people bullying me. But in this case, why don't you fight it out on yourselves first? Let’s see who is the strongest, come out and fight me?”

"You're too crazy!" The Po Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty finally couldn't bear it anymore. He ignored the other four people and rushed out through the space.

"Roar!" He roared angrily in the void, and his long hair actually turned into nine demonic snakes in the air, intertwining and fighting to kill Chu Yan. In an instant, the world was dark, as if it had become a hell, and the demonic snake was the king. The terrifying killing light fell like a torrential rain.

Seeing this, the other four broken emperors all frowned, but in the end they didn't take action and just watched from the sidelines.

"Jiuyou Mad Emperor." Lin Qingyao looked at it and said with approval: "The Jiuyou Dynasty is a cultivating madman. He is from the royal family, but he is dedicated to practicing martial arts and is a fighting maniac. If he takes action, this battle will be a foregone conclusion."

"This move should be enough, right?" Zifeng said with a calm smile, as if stating a fact that had already happened.

The violent hydra dragon swooped down, as if dragging Chu Yan into hell. Looking around, the surroundings were full of wreckage, which seemed extremely absurd.

Wangyue and Li Xianer clenched their pink fists slightly, holding back the cold sweat for Chu Yan.

But the next moment, Chu Yan moved. He strode out, his body became a little taller, and a giant hammer rose into the air behind him. The terrifying giant hammer revealed ancient golden patterns, and then the sky was illuminated, as if it could disperse everything. It was dark, and then Chu Yan held the hammer into the air, raised the giant hammer high, and slammed it down with a no-frills blow.

"Boom!" The dragon and snake of the Nine Nether Mad Emperor screamed, and then the demon palace began to tremble crazily. The giant hammer was like a mountain, urging everything, smashing the hydra dragon into the ruins.


All the strong men's eyes widened. This result was so unexpected.

The hydra dragon that everyone was amazed at earlier was smashed directly into the ruins by Chu Yan with just this blow. It didn't have the slightest power from before. It kept twitching and was miserable.

"Disciples of Tianbei Mountain, you are so strong." Chu Yan stood in the air, holding a giant hammer and smiling flatly, but everyone could hear the ridicule in it.

The face of the Nine Nether Mad Emperor had already turned green. He roared wildly, and his only son rushed into Jiutian. He turned into an evil dragon, and his terrifying dragon claws tore towards Chu Yan.

Swords floated around Chu Yan and danced rapidly. In the end, people could not see clearly, and only the blind sword storm was left to protect Chu Yan.

"I told you to come together, why don't you listen." Chu Yan sighed and shook his head, and rushed out. The devil's hand evolved and grabbed it from the void. Suddenly the devil's hand collided with the dragon's claw, and a terrifying whirlpool appeared. Deadlocked.

"Broken!" But it only lasted for a moment. Chu Yan shouted in a low voice and switched to his true self. The absolute power made him like a humanoid monster. Even the big demon in the Beast King Palace was frightened by that power.

"Bang!" The Nine Nether Mad Emperor was knocked back a step, his face gloomy, but he immediately charged forward again, with demon wings spread out from behind, and clawed at Chu Yan's chest, leaving traces in the air.

Looking at the claw, Chu Yan's body suddenly stopped and began to accumulate strength. The giant hammer flashed golden light and remained motionless.

"You are looking for death!" Jiuyou Kuangdi's eyes condensed. He could see that Chu Yan wanted to fight him, but his moves were faster. One of his moves was enough to kill Chu Yan. Then, what's the point of letting Chu Yan hammer harder and harder?

"Bang!" The dragon claws tore apart, and a strong piercing sound kept coming. Then everyone was stunned the next moment. The dragon claws fell, and Chu Yan stood there, giving birth to the fairy and demon armor, and the sharp dragon claws were actually blocked.

"How can a person have such a terrible body?" The strong men couldn't figure it out. Jiuyou Kuangdi's full-strength attack was absolutely destructive, but Chu Yan stood there and blocked it without moving?

"How is it possible..." Jiuyou Kuangdi's pupils shrank.

"Have you had enough? It's my turn, right?" Chu Yan's eyes flashed, and he raised the giant hammer in his hand. He sneered and said, "One person, one blow, it's fair. I just hope you can have a body like mine."

Feeling the terrible power of the hammer, Jiuyou Kuangdi was shocked and hurried to block it. Scales grew all over his body, but as the scales grew, the hammer light smashed down, and the scales were torn apart piece by piece. The terrible storm almost submerged him. With a bang, Jiuyou Kuangdi flew out like a kite with a broken string, and his life or death was unknown.

There was a dead silence, and everyone was speechless. A disciple of Tianbei Mountain, Super Podi, was killed like this?

"The top Tianjiao of Tianbei Mountain, arrogant, just like a dead man, scrambling for the first place, so you are so strong? Are you scrambling to die?" Chu Yan was arrogant, and the giant hammer in his hand made him dazzling like a god of war.

Is Jiuyou Kuangdi weak? Of course not weak, on the contrary, he can stand out among the millions of people in Xinghai and join Tianbei Mountain, so he should be very strong.

But so what?

In Chu Yan's opinion, the Nine Nether Mad Emperor is not much stronger than Bei Ming Sha Tian. He was able to defeat Bei Ming Sha Tian when he was at the seventh level of the Emperor. Now he is at the eighth level of the Emperor and has comprehended multiple secret palaces. His combat power, bloodline, and soul are all stronger. He can still kill with one hammer.

Now he dare not say that he is invincible under the king. After all, the world is too big, and there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers. For example, Ji Longyu is very strong.

But under the king, there are few rivals.

He is not afraid of the people from Tianbei Mountain.

"How are you going to kill me?" Chu Yan said, and the other people from Tianbei Mountain looked very embarrassed.

"Let's join forces and take his life together." The roar of the big monster in the Beast King Hall turned into a terrible mammoth war elephant, with two tusks, as if it had the power to break the sky.

Jian Wuya, Bei Ming Dynasty, and the Po Di of the Western Region Galaxy each took a step forward. They also knew that as disciples of Tianbei Mountain, it was shameful to join forces to kill Chu Yan.

But after the battle of Jiuyou, they understood more clearly that Chu Yan must die, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

"Is that right? Four broken emperors bully me, an eighth-level person. This is what you big forces are good at." Chu Yan sneered. The four people's mouths twitched, but no one spoke. The big monster of the Beast King Hall broke out directly, and the terrible war elephant ran like a chariot, crushing Chu Yan.

At this time, a green light suddenly bloomed in the air, and green clothes descended, and green vines grew naturally around.

"What a beautiful woman." The disciples of Tianbei Mountain were all moved, including Zi Feng of the Purple Thunder Dynasty, who flashed greed.

Lin Qingyao looked at it and was actually a little envious.

"Qingyi? Go back!" Seeing Qingyi, Chu Yan frowned slightly, but Qingyi shook his head and still stood there: "They have more people, bullying you who have fewer people, I will go with you."

"No, be obedient!" Chu Yan growled again. Now, he has transformed into the Tiandi Sect and made countless enemies. He is not afraid of killing a few more people. When he leaves the True Ancient Ruins, the Tiandi Sect Master will disappear. Who knows?

But Qingyi is different. When he leaves, the several major sects will not be able to find the Tiandi Sect Master, and they will definitely direct their anger to Qingyi.

Qingyi still did not retreat, but at this time, a figure walked out of the crowd and said: "Tianbei Mountain is indeed a bit too much. I will fight with you."

Chu Yan looked at the man, slightly surprised, and then smiled, but did not refuse: "Okay."

Seeing that man, everyone frowned slightly. What's wrong with this world?

Are they all crazy?

Looking at that person, Ji Longyu also frowned and said lightly: "Lin Daoyan, you have a good talent. You will definitely be successful if you join Tianbei Mountain. Why do you want to ruin your future?"

"I just don't like it." Lin Daoyan said calmly, and Ji Longyu's eyes became colder. He had some appreciation for Lin Daoyan and thought he could use him, but now that Lin Daoyan was going to get involved in this muddy water, he naturally would not offend the people of several major veins of Tianbei for Lin Daoyan.

"Don't know what's good for you."

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