Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5623: Separated by Yin and Yang

After a moment, the Soul Devouring Sect Master really opened his blood pool, and a more terrifying soul light began to gather.

Swish - it suddenly shot towards Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan stood in the same place the whole time, allowing the soul light to shoot and then pass through his body, and he was still fine.


The Soul Devouring Sect Master was completely stunned.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought to himself: "Guessed right!"

Just now, Xiao Jiu said that he couldn't break the Soul Devouring Sect Master's defense, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master is strong, but he is strong in the soul.

But... I don't have a soul.

Chu Yan has already completed the unity of body and soul.

Then no matter how strong your attack is, it will be useless against a person without a soul, right?

The Soul Devouring Sect Master stared at Chu Yan, his eyes full of disbelief, and said: "You... Why are you okay? You were hit by my soul beam, even if you didn't die, your soul would be shattered, and you would become stupid, why are you okay?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "I said, your attack is too weak."


The Soul Devouring Sect Master shook his head.

In terms of realm and strength, he dare not say that he is the best in Tianyuan.

But in terms of soul attack, he has no opponent in Tianyuan.

Just now, if Chu Yan dodged his attack, the Soul Devouring Sect Master would not say anything.

The problem is that Chu Yan didn't even dodge, nor did he defend himself, but let the soul beam penetrate him, but he was still okay, which is very abnormal.

Suddenly, the Soul Devouring Sect Master narrowed his eyes, stared at Chu Yan, and suddenly said fiercely: "I know, you have some treasure in your body to protect your soul, right?"

Chu Yan was startled, then laughed: "You are an interesting person, and you are quite good at comforting yourself?"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master said coldly: "Boy, don't be stubborn, I don't care what treasure you use, but in front of me, there is no soul that I can't destroy. Your soul is hidden in the body, maybe you can escape, but what if your soul leaves the body?"

Chu Yan was startled when he heard it, and suddenly became terrified: "You, what do you want to do?"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master grinned: "What should I do? I want your soul to leave the body."

After speaking, the Soul Devouring Sect Master's eyes suddenly flashed with a touch of purple light.


The world suddenly shook violently.

A large formation appeared in the sky, and then a terrible beam of light descended, directly covering Chu Yan.

Yu Xing was shocked when he saw this, and his face changed drastically: "Oh no, it's the famous move of the Soul Devouring Sect Master, the Soul-Snatching Technique!"

Chen Yu asked in confusion: "What is that?"

Yu Xing took a deep breath: "A move that forces people's souls to leave their bodies and enter a state of mind wandering. In the major forbidden sects in Tianyuan, many people are very afraid of this move of the Soul Devouring Sect Master, because once this move is used, no matter how strong you are, your soul will be forcibly pulled out of your body."

"But you must know that in Tianyuan... the Soul Devouring Sect Master is the best at soul cultivation. Once the soul leaves the body, it will directly fall into a disadvantage."

Chen Yu was shocked when he heard this: "Isn't the Emperor Chu in trouble?"

Yu Xing didn't speak, and a trace of regret appeared in his eyes.

Is a generation of heroes still going to fall?


However, just when the two were worried.

The beam of light fell from the sky and swept across Chu Yan's body.

Then...it swept past.

When the beam dissipated, Chu Yan still stood there, as if nothing had happened...

Chen Yu: "..."

Yu Xing: "..."

Chu Yan stood there and smiled: "You...are you shining the light on me?"

Soul Devouring Sect Master: "..."

The next second, the Soul Devouring Sect Master's eyes narrowed: "How is this possible? You, where is your soul?"

Chu Yan shrugged: "I don't know, what are you talking about?"

Soul Devouring Sect Master was completely shocked. If his previous attacks failed because he was blocked by some treasure that protected the soul, why didn't Chu Yan's soul come out when he was summoning the soul now?

Soul Devouring Sect Master's eyes turned cold: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Something must have gone wrong."

After saying that, his eyes condensed again: "Summon the soul!"

Swish - another beam of light descended from the sky.

Enveloping Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood under the beam of light, and then deliberately used the light to tidy up his hair.

After a while, the beam of light disappeared.

Soul Devouring Sect Master: "..."

His eyelids twitched slightly: "No, it's impossible! I don't believe it."

"Summon the soul!"


Instantly, another beam of light fell.

One, two, three...

Back and forth, Soul Devouring Sect Master summoned seven or eight beams of light.

But Chu Yan stood there the whole time, without even moving.

After a while, Soul Devouring Sect Master was a little tired, panting madly, and the whole person was completely stunned. He stared at Chu Yan: "You...you don't have a soul?"

Chu Yan's mouth corners slightly raised: "Did you finally react?"

Soul Devouring Sect Master was completely shocked: "No...this is impossible, how can you not have a soul? In this world...the soul can be separated from the body, and the body without the soul...then it is nothing, you...are you a human or a ghost?"

Chu Yan stretched out and shook his head slightly: "Humans, that's it. If it exceeds your cognition, you will think it is a demon."

Soul Devouring Sect Master was silent for a while.

Somewhat shocked.

He has lived from the ancient times to today, relying on his powerful soul cultivation.

But it was the first time he saw someone without a soul.

This meant that any of his methods would be ineffective against Chu Yan.

But suddenly, the Soul Devouring Sect Master stared at Chu Yan and said fiercely: "Boy, although I don't know what your situation is and why you have no soul... But even if I can't kill you, you can't kill me either."

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly fell silent.

He frowned and rubbed his eyebrows: "This... is indeed a troublesome thing."

Now, the two people are frozen.

Chu Yan's soul cultivation level is not enough to break the Soul Devouring Sect Master's defense.

On the contrary, Chu Yan has no soul, and the Soul Devouring Sect Master can't do anything to Chu Yan.

The two people... feel a little bit separated by yin and yang.

They seem to be together, but in fact, they are not of the same structure.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master hesitated and suddenly said in a low voice: "You and I... let it go? I... can't bother with you about you destroying my Taoist body."

At this time, the Soul Devouring Sect Master wanted to make peace a little bit.

In fact, if possible, he himself did not want to be an enemy of Chu Yan.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yan shook his head slightly: "No, I just said that you must die today, so I must do what I say."

The Soul Devouring Sect Master's eyes turned cold: "Chen Meng, don't go too far."

Chu Yan suddenly looked up, looked at the Soul Devouring Sect Master and sighed: "It's over, you can't survive today."

Immediately, Chu Yan fell into deep thought.

What to do?

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