Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5622 Soul Cultivation

Chu Yan rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little relieved.

This idiot killed tens of thousands of his Dao bodies, yet he still called himself Chen Meng.


Chu Yan didn't say much this time, but stared at the monster transformed by the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master.

This monster is very huge, up to a hundred meters tall, and its body is white.

"Soul-eating beast!" Xiao Jiu said suddenly.

Chu Yan was startled and said in a low voice, "What is that?"

Xiaojiu thought for a while and said: "I also heard from the master that there is a very evil monster in the ancient era. This monster specializes in eating human souls to become stronger. I didn't expect that the soul-devouring sect master's true form turned out to be this. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Jiu said again: "Boy, you have to be careful, this demon is very strong."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and he also noticed.

If nothing else, this demon... survived an 'inanimate' experience.

Although the price was tens of thousands of Dao bodies, he was too aware of the power of Wu Sheng.

That is the power released by burning one's life. Another point is that after entering Tianyuan, he has become much stronger, and the power of inanimate power has also become several times stronger.

Even so, this demon still survived, which shows that its strength is extraordinary.

Chu Yan didn't dare to be careless anymore.

At this time, the true form of the soul-devouring sect master appeared. The white deity opened his big mouth, and inside it was like a mouth of blood in the abyss, and the roars of the dead souls continued to be heard.

"Boy, I will make you pay the price."

Roar - In an instant, the leader of the Soul-Swallowing Sect charged out ferociously.

Chu Yan's expression changed, because at this moment, countless soul lights suddenly appeared around him.

Chu Yan quickly dodged back, not choosing to fight the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master, but as soon as he dodged back, those soul lights seemed to have eyes, circled in the sky, and started to kill him again.

In an instant, Chu Yan was forced to have no way to retreat. In desperation, he could only flick his wrist and stab forward quickly.

Chi--a flash of Jinghong Sword Qi swept out.


The sword energy collided with those soul lights, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed, and the sword energy and soul lights dispersed together.

But the next second, Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

Because as soon as those soul lights dissipated, they healed immediately and started to kill Chu Yan again.

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly: "These soul lights actually have the ability to heal?"


Chu Yan had nowhere to hide and was instantly knocked back a thousand meters.

As soon as he stopped, the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master had once again controlled the soul light to kill him.

Chu Yan's expression changed slightly. He had successively destroyed the Iron-Blooded Fortress Master and the Sea Demon, but he found that the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master was the most difficult to deal with among the three.

Of course, his ability to defeat the Iron-Blooded Fortress Lord was actually due to some tricky factors.

The Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress... cultivates blood, and he possesses the Blood Pool, which naturally restrains all blood cultivation. When he went to the Blood River with Chen Tianzhen, even the blood of the Blood River Ancestor had no effect on him.

But now, the leader of the Soul-Swallowing Sect uses souls.

It made him somewhat powerless.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Chu Yan quickly collided with those soul lights, and deafening roars continued to sound from heaven to earth.

In the distance, Chen Yu and Yu Xing were slightly nervous.

Yu Xinggang was nervous and startled in his heart.

When did I start to worry about Chu Yan?

He didn't know why. In this battle, he also hoped that Chu Yan could win. Perhaps it was a yearning for legendary stories, or he felt that a genius should not die here.


At this time, Chu Yan retreated again, but this time he just stopped, opened his palms, and the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword flew out on its own, splitting into eight swords in the air.


Eight rays of sword light shot into the sky, constantly colliding with those soul lights.

But it temporarily delayed him for some time.

Chu Yan looked at the Soul-Swallowing Sect Leader opposite again.

After hesitating, the blood sword was born in his hand, and he slashed forward fiercely.

Tsk - this sword bypassed countless soul lights and stabbed directly towards the soul-devouring sect master.

However, the leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect just glanced at it coldly, and did not even dodge when faced with the sword energy, but allowed the sword to penetrate between his eyebrows.

Chu Yan was startled when he saw this.


But then, his face became colder and colder.

Because he knew very well that it couldn't be so easy, but the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master didn't dodge, which could only mean one thing. The Soul-Swallowing Sect Master... didn't even bother with this sword.



As the sword energy penetrated, a gash appeared between the Soul Swallowing Sect Master's eyebrows, but it only took a moment for the gash to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The leader of the Soul-Swallowing Sect smiled ferociously: "Boy, do you still think you can kill me with this method? I have no body, just a soul, and the soul... is invisible and fearless. You are not even qualified to hurt me with these methods."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "The soul is invisible. It's useless for you to rely on these physical objects."

Chu Yan said doubtfully: "But it turns out that it's easy for me to kill some souls."

His body and soul are one, so his sword itself has some lethality to the soul.

Xiaojiu shook his head slightly: "It's different. He is a soul demon, and his soul is much more powerful than ordinary people. If you reach that level, your sword can indeed hurt him, but you can't."

After saying that, Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "To put it simply, your current soul attack cannot break through his defense at all."

Chu Yan suddenly fell into silence.

Unable to break defense...

This is the first time he has encountered this situation since he broke through to the giants.

After becoming a giant, his strength increased dramatically, and even Wei Wo was no match for him.

Although he didn't know whether his strength could beat Wei Wo's level 4, he was definitely not helpless.

But he encountered this soul demon, who was only level 3 Wei Wo, and his attacks could not do anything to the other party.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master grinned: "Boy, it's my turn now."

After that, the Soul Devouring Sect Master opened his bloody mouth again, and a terrifying purple soul light gathered and instantly burst towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he suddenly stopped, with a bold idea in his mind.

Then, facing the terrible soul light, he did not dodge, but let the soul light hit him, and finally penetrated through his body.

Chen Yu and Yu Xing's faces changed drastically when they saw this.

But just as the two were about to speak, an amazing scene appeared.

The purple soul light hit Chu Yan, and then passed directly through Chu Yan's body, and then Chu Yan tilted his head, and it was nothing at all.

This time, it was the Soul Devouring Sect Master who was stunned: "How... is this possible?"

Chu Yan smiled and looked at the Soul Devouring Sect Master: "Your attack... seems to be just like this."

The Soul Devouring Sect Master shook his head frantically: "No... No, this is impossible. You were pierced by my soul light, how could you be fine?"

Chu Yan thought for a while and suddenly said: "Maybe it's because... your attack is too weak? How about you try a stronger one?"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master suddenly fell silent.

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