Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5624 Creating a Flesh Body

Chu Yan looked at the Soul Devouring Sect Master opposite him and fell into deep contemplation.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

It was weird.

The two people were clearly standing on opposite sides of each other.

They were less than a hundred meters apart.

But it turned out to be like the Yin and Yang.

No one could hurt anyone.

What should I do?

But letting the Soul Devouring Sect Master go... This is definitely impossible.

Chu Yan would not do this.

It’s not that the Soul Devouring Sect Master kept calling him Chen Meng... Although he was a little angry, Chu Yan’s mind was not so small.

What Chu Yan really couldn’t stand was the Soul Devouring Sect Master’s cruel method of taking people’s souls to refine the body of Tao.

It would be fine if he didn’t come, but now that he had met him, Chu Yan would definitely not stand idly by.

At this time, Chu Yan glanced at the Soul Devouring Sect Master opposite him.

Swish - he suddenly drew his sword, and the powerful sword energy swept out, instantly tearing the surrounding space apart, forming a huge black hole gully that could not heal for a long time.

However, when the sword energy reached the Soul Devouring Sect Master, the Soul Devouring Sect Master did not even dodge, and the sword energy went straight through the Soul Devouring Sect Master's body.


The sword energy shattered a mountain behind.

The entire mountain collapsed on the spot.

But the Soul Devouring Sect Master continued to float there, but nothing happened.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "I really can't hurt you."

At this time, the Soul Devouring Sect Master said in a low voice: "Boy, I said, it's useless, you have no soul, I have no body, neither of us can hurt each other!"

After that, the Soul Devouring Sect Master said again: "Everything ends here, I can pretend that you have never been here."

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "You are quite generous, I have not been here, then the meaning of all this is gone."

The Soul Devouring Sect Master said sternly: "Damn it, you have to entangle? You can't kill me!"

At this time, the Soul Devouring Sect Master was a little anxious.

He wanted to leave.

Although Chu Yan's attack was ineffective against him, it did not mean that no one in Tianyuan could kill him.

As an evil cultivator, the Soul Devouring Sect Master had some enemies in Tianyuan over the years.

But now, Chu Yan locked him tightly, and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower was still floating above his head, making it impossible for him to escape.

This was a problem.

Chu Yan did not reply at all.

Letting the Soul Devouring Sect Master go was definitely not an option.

He was thinking about one thing now, how to kill him.

Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "There is no way. It has no physical body, and all your physical attacks have no effect on it. Unless..."

Chu Yan asked: "Unless what?"

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "Unless... you can quickly improve your soul cultivation level, so that your soul cultivation power can break his defense, so that you have a chance to kill him."

Chu Yan was speechless for a while: "Improve soul cultivation? Stop it."

If you let Chu Yan break through now, he would feel hopeful even if he gritted his teeth.

Can you improve the soul cultivation level?

Chu Yan rolled his eyes.

I don't even have a soul, okay?

Improvement shit.

Xiaojiu spread his hands: "Then there's nothing we can do."

Chu Yan was in a dilemma.

What the hell...

What if I can't kill him?

But suddenly, Chu Yan had an idea, and a very bold idea popped up in his mind.

"Xiaojiu, what did you say just now? Say it again."

Xiaojiu was stunned when he heard it, and said: "I said you want to kill him, unless you quickly improve your soul cultivation level, what's wrong?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, not this sentence, your previous sentence."

Xiaojiu recalled and tried: "I said... he has no physical body, all your physical attacks are ineffective against him."

Chu Yan's eyes were ecstatic: "Yes, that's this sentence."

Xiaojiu was puzzled: "Ah? What's wrong? Is there a problem with this sentence?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, no, no, there is no problem, but your sentence gave me an idea."

Xiaojiu was curious "What?"

Chu Yan raised his mouth slightly, and suddenly said: "You also said that because he has no physical body, my physical attack will be ineffective against him, right?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Yes."

Chu Yan said excitedly: "Then you say... What if I build a physical body for him?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned: "Build a physical body? What do you mean?"

Chu Yan immediately said: "It's very simple, doesn't he have a physical body? Then I will directly build a physical body, and then put his soul into it, then my physical attack will be effective on him?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu was stunned: "Ah this..."

Is this okay?

To be honest, Xiao Jiu can't be sure.

Because he has never encountered such a thing.

People don't have a physical body, what's the matter with you building a physical body for them?

Chu Yan said seriously: "It should be possible. What the Soul Devouring Sect Master said just now is right. The human body... in some cases, it is indeed a limitation, and mortals suffer. The Soul Devouring Sect Master has no body, so the soul is naturally invincible, but once trapped in the body, it will be restricted by the body."

Chu Yan was excited after speaking.

Do it as soon as you say it!

The next second, with a whoosh, Chu Yan suddenly disappeared from the spot and swooped down to the ruins of the Soul Devouring Sect below.

To build a body, resources are also needed.

At least there must be bones and flesh, right?

Soon, Chu Yan began to search in the ruins.

However, after searching for a while, Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he was a little speechless.

Because he found that he had turned over the ruins of the Soul Devouring Sect, but he couldn't find anything related to flesh and blood.

Later, he remembered that the Soul Devouring Sect prohibited bringing in the flesh.

Chu Yan realized this and immediately turned around and flew a hundred miles away.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master was puzzled and growled: "Boy, what are you doing? Are you going to fight or not?"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master was a little speechless.

If you want to fight, you should be quick. If you don't want to fight... you should let me go.

What's the matter with you building a broken tower here to restrict me?

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "What nonsense, stay there."


After a while, Chu Yan came to a jungle a hundred miles away.

If he was building a flesh body for himself or for his relatives and friends around him, Chu Yan might have carefully selected it.

Now... for the enemy?

No need.

Chu Yan casually searched in the jungle. It was just a body anyway, it didn't have to be a human, it could be any monster. After a while, he found a skeleton underground. Judging from the shape, it looked like a deer.

Chu Yan took the deer bone and frowned slightly: "It's not strong enough, it may not be able to accommodate the soul of the Soul Devouring Sect Master. It seems that it needs to be strengthened."

Of course, these are not difficult for Chu Yan.

During this journey of cultivation, Chu Yan has forgotten how many times his body has been broken.

Now that his body and soul are one, he dare not let his body be completely shattered. At least a head must be left.

In the early years in the real world, Chu Yan had a very loud nickname...

Self-explosion expert...

At that time, Chu Yan really exploded himself at the slightest disagreement.

The people of the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals were all stunned.

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