Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5621: Not Learning the Lesson


Chu Yan thrust out a sword, once again killing the Soul Devouring Sect Master to pieces.

But when the Refining Heaven Sword flew back into his hand, his face became colder and colder.

Because he knew that he had not really killed the Soul Devouring Sect Master.

The strange smile just now obviously proved one thing, that is, the Soul Devouring Sect Master still had other trump cards.

Chu Yan thought of this, and his killing intent became stronger.


The Sky Eye on the sky opened.

Then, his heart trembled.

Because he found that as the Sky Eye swept over, the Soul Devouring Sect had more than 10,000 people, and the souls of these people... turned out to be just a body.


Chu Yan's body trembled, he stared at a person fiercely, and the person also looked at Chu Yan and grinned.

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "These people from the Soul Devouring Sect... have all their souls been taken away by you? These people... are just a body?"

Chen Yu and Yu Xing heard the words, and their faces all changed drastically.

Because they understood.

The Soul Devouring Sect... there has never been a second person from the beginning to the end.

Everyone is the Soul Devouring Sect Master!

Realizing this, Chen Yu and Yu Xing both took a breath of cold air.

How many people do we need to kill?

Chu Yan stared at the Soul Devouring Sect Master below.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master grinned: "Boy, you are still too young. You want to kill me? I have even avoided the Great Tribulation. How could I die at the hands of a young boy like you?"

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "It's not easy to kill him. There are tens of thousands of containers here. You need to kill him tens of thousands of times. If you really reach that point, you will be exhausted to death."

Chu Yan did not deny it.

He is strong and has a lot of physical strength, but even so, he can't use Yutian ten thousand times.

But suddenly, Chu Yan looked at the Soul Devouring Sect Master and grinned: "Who told you... I only know how to use a sword?"

Hearing this, the Soul Devouring Sect Master was startled.


At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly put his hands together, and he turned to look at Yu Xing and Chen Yu; "You two, retreat."

The two were stunned, not knowing what Chu Yan was going to do, but they chose to listen and quickly retreated.


Soon, the two retreated a hundred miles away from the Soul Devouring Sect.

Chu Yan then looked at the Soul Devouring Sect Master and grinned: "Kill you ten thousand times? Why bother?"

"Nine Heavens Law, No Life!"


Suddenly, a terrifying power surged out of Chu Yan's body, and when that power came out, even his vitality began to burn.

The skin was dry and the hair was white, as if he was going to die at any time.


With the arrival of a move, the entire Soul Devouring Sect began to tremble, and then it collapsed madly, as if the end of the world had come.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master's face changed drastically after seeing this: "No... No... What, what is this?"

At this moment, the Soul Devouring Sect Master was really terrified, rumbling, because the world was collapsing. At this moment, he suddenly recalled the catastrophe that destroyed the sun hundreds of millions of years ago.

"The catastrophe of the sky? No, it's impossible, you... What kind of trick is this?"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master felt that Chu Yan seemed to have summoned a catastrophe.

Swish - At this time, the soul containers in the Soul Devouring Sect were quickly killed and turned into ashes in a short while.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master's eyes suddenly burst.

At this rate, his more than 10,000 containers will be destroyed in a short time.

"No! No!!! Stop, stop!!!"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master was panicked and scared.

However, how could an arrow that had left the string stop?


At this time, Chu Yan was also suffering from great pain, but his eyes were always firm.

At this time, the Soul Devouring Sect Master also discovered this. He stared at Chu Yan's shrinking body and growled, "Damn it, you lunatic... Are you going to die? Stop it, you will die too!"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master discovered that the moves Chu Yan used were completely self-mutilation.

Although powerful, Chu Yan's vitality was also burning.

However, Chu Yan looked up at the Soul Devouring Sect Master and grinned, "Die together? You think too much."


The next second, the Soul Devouring Sect Master's eyes widened.

Because he found that Chu Yan, who was obviously about to die, suddenly returned to his peak vitality.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master was silent for a while and stopped yelling and shouting, because he knew one thing, he couldn't hide this time.

Chu Yan would not stop.

The Soul Devouring Sect Master stared at Chu Yan and said fiercely, "Boy, do you think you can kill me like this? You are dreaming!"


After saying that, the Soul Devouring Sect Master's soul suddenly swelled up.


At this moment, the Soul Devouring Sect Master had some desperate intentions.


The next second, the Soul Devouring Sect Master's soul exploded, and together with Wusheng, he madly attacked all directions.


After a while, the Soul Devouring Sect was completely reduced to ruins, and all collapsed.

If someone passed by at this time, they would be shocked. There was no forbidden sect here. The whole world collapsed, and the ground was sunken into a deep pit of more than ten thousand feet.


At this time, the surrounding formation of the Soul Devouring Sect collapsed.

Chenyu and Yu Xing ran out early in the morning, but when the two looked back, they were stunned.


What happened?

The two clearly remembered that the Soul Devouring Sect was still behind them in the last second.

But in the next second, the hundred miles were razed to the ground...

"Is this... really the power of a giant?"

"No... not a giant, even I can't reach this level?"

Yu Xing was shocked. He was the only one, but he believed that he couldn't do even one thousandth of this move, let alone this terrible move.

"Is this really human power?"

"The calamity of the sky... I'm afraid it's the worst, right?"

Yu Xing was shocked, and was full of curiosity about everything that had just happened in the Soul Devouring Sect.

Chen Yu's throat rolled, and then his eyes became fanatical.

"I really picked up a treasure this time."

Chen Yu said excitedly.

However, the two were about to get closer.

Chu Yan suddenly shouted in the center of the ruins: "Don't move!"

The two were stunned.

What happened?


The next second, Chu Yan suddenly looked up, and saw that above the ruined Soul Devouring Sect, a special force suddenly began to condense, and finally formed a monster that was neither human nor ghost!

Chen Yu and Yu Xing were all shocked when they saw the monster: "What is this?"

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Sure enough."

Chen Yu asked in confusion: "Emperor Chu, what is this?"

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "I didn't think much about it at first, but just now the Soul Devouring Sect Master said that he and the Iron Blood Castle Master are brothers, so I became more cautious. The Iron Blood Castle Master... relies on the blood demon to practice, so does the Soul Devouring Sect Master also have a demon? Now it seems... I guessed right."

Chu Yan stared at the monster in the sky: "Is this your true body?"

The monster roared: "Chen Meng! You destroyed my Taoist body, I must tear you apart."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed: "Damn, you really don't learn from your mistakes."

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