Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5620 Soul Taking

The impact of the sword strike just now on Yu Xing was really too great.

Yu Xing was deeply shocked. You must know that he has never forgotten that Chu Yan is still a giant. The sword just now... was released by the giant.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would want to believe it?

"No wonder...fame spreads to the abyss of heaven."

Yu Xing took a deep breath.

too strong.

At this moment, Chu Yan killed the leader of the Soul-Swallowing Sect with one sword, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

He was not happy, but had some doubts.

Chen Yu said excitedly: "The Emperor of Chu is awesome! The Emperor of Chu is so handsome!"

With that said, Chen Yu wanted to step forward.

But suddenly, Chu Yan shouted: "Don't move."

Chen Yu was startled and stopped hurriedly.

Somewhat puzzled.

"Emperor Chu, what's wrong?" Chen Yu asked.

Chu Yan thought for a moment and said, "Something's wrong."

Chen Yu was startled: "What's wrong?"

Chu Yan whispered: "It's too easy! It's too easy for the soul-devouring sect leader to die."

Chen Yu was stunned and said strangely: "Isn't it simple anymore? That sword just now was so powerful..."

Chu Yan was silent for a while and shook his head slightly: "No, it's still wrong. I have killed the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress and the Lord of the Sea Demon. Although they died in the end, they all had some trump cards. The Blood Demon of the Iron-blooded Fortress, the Sea Demon... The devil's sea, but the death of the soul-devouring sect leader was too simple, he didn't even self-destruct in the end. "

"A person who has cultivated to this level is about to die, how can he be willing to wait for death?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Chen Yu and Yu Xing were startled for a moment, then recalled carefully, it seemed that it was indeed a bit strange.

It went so well.

When Chu Yan came here, although the leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect also used some methods, he was not desperate, and he died in the end?

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly, he stepped on the ball of his foot.


The Soul Swallowing Sect trembled violently in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Chu Yan released a stream of spiritual thoughts and immediately covered the entire hundred miles.

Not only that, Chu Yan slowly closed his eyes, and the moment he closed his eyes, a hole suddenly opened in the sky, and then a special eye appeared on it.

An evolved version of the Eye of the Great World.

Eye of Heaven.

After Chu Yan opened his eyes, he could see everything for hundreds of miles. He took the entire Soul Swallowing Sect into his eyes. After a while, he suddenly coldly snorted: "Sure enough!"

The next second, he suddenly drew his sword.

Tsk——The face of a very inconspicuous young man from the Soul Swallowing Sect changed, because the sword was pointed right between his eyebrows.

The young man frowned and punched.


The sword light shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the young man's appearance changed and he returned to the appearance of the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master.

Chu Yan looked down and said coldly: "I thought you were just an evil cultivator, but you have some humanity. I didn't expect that in order to survive, you would kill the disciples of your own sect just like the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress. "

Chen Yu and Yu Xing were shocked when they saw the leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect reappearing: "What's going on? Isn't he dead?"

Chu Yan said coldly: "Seize the soul."

Chen Yu and Yu Xing were startled: "Soul-stealing?"

"Yes, it's soul-stealing."

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Before his death, the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master suddenly seized this person's soul and directly replaced him."

Chen Yu was stunned and said in a low voice: "Is it the same as the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress using his apprentice to sacrifice the blood demon?"

Chu Yan nodded: "It almost means the same thing."

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect reappeared with a ferocious look in his eyes: "Chen Meng, you..."

Tsk—Chu Yan suddenly drew his sword: "Uncle Chen!"

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect's eyelids twitched when he saw the sword energy, and he quickly dodged back and avoided it.


The sword energy failed, leaving a huge ravine on the ground.

The soul-devouring sect leader's face became more and more solemn after seeing the gully.

In addition, he is also somewhat inexplicable.

Is this person sick?

Why do you always scold yourself?

The question is, you scold yourself just as you scold yourself, why do you suddenly hit me?

The leader of the Soul-Swallowing Sect discovered that as long as he called out the other party's name, the other party would be very angry, and then his strength would grow stronger, and he would kill him with a curse.

Isn't this sick?

What, if I call your name, can I add status to you?

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect was speechless for a while, and then he was about to speak, but then he quickly changed his words when he remembered something: "Boy..."

Well, this time Chu Yan didn't take action.

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect breathed a sigh of relief, and then complained about what was wrong with him. He said coldly: "Boy, I didn't expect you to find out."

Chu Yan said calmly: "Your acting skills are too poor. If you pretend before you die, I might be fooled."

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect took a deep breath and suddenly smiled: "I finally know why my brother died in your hands."

Chu Yan was startled: "Your brother?"

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect said calmly: "Master of the Iron-Blooded Fortress."

Chu Yan was stunned. He turned around and looked at Chen Yu and Yu Xing: "He and the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress are brothers?"

The two shook their heads slightly: "We don't know either."

The leader of the Soul Swallowing Sect smiled ferociously: "It's normal that they don't know. After all, Tie Xue and I are not real brothers. We just met at the end of the ancient era. One of us cultivated the body and the other cultivated the soul. We should have been natural enemies, but ...The two of us discovered one thing after entering Tianyuan... He only wants human blood, but human souls are useless, and he and I... are just the opposite."

Speaking of this, the Soul Devouring Sect Master raised his lips: "Boy, haven't you always been curious? My Soul Devouring Sect is within a hundred miles, and no one with a physical body is allowed to enter. Anyone who joins my sect needs to abandon their physical body, so where did their physical bodies go?"

Chu Yan was stunned at first, and then a fierce look flashed in his eyes: "Iron Blood Castle?"

The Soul Devouring Sect Master nodded slightly: "Yes, it's a pity, it's a pity, you destroyed the Iron Blood Castle, and no one will provide me with souls in the future."

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

When he came to the Soul Devouring Sect, he was actually not very interested in whether to destroy the Soul Devouring Sect or not, because he really cared about Chen Meng. He just wanted to meet Chen Meng here.

But now... he suddenly changed his mind.

Even if Chen Meng didn't come, he would definitely destroy the Soul Devouring Sect.

A place that truly regards human life as worthless, and divides a person's soul and flesh and blood with the Iron Blood Castle, this does not treat people as people at all, but as resources for their cultivation.

In their eyes, the flesh and souls of those people seemed to be nothing more than goods exchanged between each other.

Such people... do not deserve to live in the world.

Chu Yan looked down at the Soul Devouring Sect Master: "You... really deserve to die."

Swish - the next second, he suddenly drew his sword, and almost in an instant, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda flew out and pressed towards the Soul Devouring Sect Master together.

But this time, the Soul Devouring Sect Master did not even dodge, and just kept looking at Chu Yan with a smile.


Let the sword pierce through his forehead.

Let his soul fly away.

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