Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5607: I was fooled

Yu Xing was stunned after hearing this...

Is this person...sick?

Others hope to cover up their bad deeds.

Why does he want me to help testify?

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Can you do it?"

Yu Xing was actually a little confused, but he nodded: "Okay, if you really destroy the Evil Sword Sect, I will come forward to talk to others on your behalf, and I can even go back to the Tianxuan Sect and talk to our Sect Master on your behalf."

"That's right, that's more like it."

Chu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Then he said happily: "Okay, let's go to the Evil Sword Sect."

After speaking, Chu Yan stood up and flew away.

However, he just flew for a while and suddenly turned around and flew back.

Chen Yu and Yu Xing were both stunned.

Yu Xing sneered in his heart, are you scared now?

But at this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Can you two have a little more vision? Lead me the way... How do I know where the Evil Sword Sect is?"

Chen Yu laughed slightly, flew to the front quickly and said: "I'll do it."

In this way, Chen Yu was alone in front, and Chu Yan and Yu Xing were behind.

Yu Xing had been observing Chu Yan silently, and suddenly, he said: "Was it really you who destroyed the Evil Valley?"

Chu Yan glanced at Yu Xing and said lightly: "Want to hear the truth?"

Yu Xing nodded slightly.

Chu Yan looked forward and said: "No."

Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Although I didn't destroy the Evil Valley, I did destroy the Iron Blood Castle."

Yu Xing's pupils shrank: "You mean... you destroyed the Iron Blood Castle?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes."

Yu Xing frowned slightly: "This is impossible! If you say that you destroyed the Evil Valley, there may be some possibilities, because we only guessed that Chen Meng took action here, but we didn't see Chen Meng, and there is no direct evidence. But... I went to the Iron Blood Castle, and Chen Meng was there at the time. He admitted it himself that he destroyed the Iron Blood Castle."

Chu Yan said with great sorrow: "Yes... I just can't figure it out. Is he sick? Do you think he is sick? Why is he rushing to take the blame for me?"

Yu Xing: "..."

He didn't say anything, but in his heart he didn't think highly of Chu Yan.

He felt that Chu Yan was pretending.

But no matter what, he didn't want to expose it.

Anyway, after arriving at the Evil Sword Sect, all the truth will surface.


Soon, the three of them flew quickly towards the Evil Sword Sect.

At the same time.

The Evil Sword Sect of Tianyuan.

There is a huge sword tomb here, and there is a huge blood pool in the center of countless sword tombs.

In the blood pool, there is a long sword that is extremely evil.

This sword is the origin of the Evil Sword Sect.


At this time, an old man and a young man suddenly flew here and stood in the air.

The young man still carried a huge sword box on his back, which looked a little bulky.

The people who came were none other than Chen Meng and the old woman.

The old woman pointed and said, "Young Master, this is the Evil Sword Sect."

Chen Meng nodded slightly: "There is no need to investigate this kind of evil sect, just go and challenge it directly."

The old woman nodded slightly, and then she took a step forward.


Instantly, a vast force was released.


The Evil Sword Sect made a low drum sound.

The old woman carried a war drum herself.


In an instant, countless strong men from the Evil Sword Sect took to the air.

Compared to the Evil Valley, this place is obviously more important.

Almost instantly, a pale man appeared. The man was wearing a red robe and was very thin.

This man was the leader of the Evil Sword Sect.

Evil Sword Immortal!

He showed up directly. With the previous experience of Iron Blood Castle and Evil Valley, he could not be careless again.

When he saw Chen Meng, his eyes shrank: "Chen Meng... you really came."

Chen Meng was stunned and smiled: "You knew I was coming?"

Evil Sword Immortal said in a low voice: "Iron Blood Castle and Evil Valley were destroyed one after another, so I guessed it might be me."

Chen Meng nodded: "Sure enough, you also know that you have done something wrong, so you are afraid of ghosts coming to your door."

Evil Sword Immortal was silent.

Indeed, he knew!

When Chen Meng destroyed Iron Blood Castle, he still had some luck.

But after the Evil Valley, he understood one thing, Chen Meng was doing justice for the heaven.

At that time, the third person that Evil Sword Immortal thought of was himself.

Obviously, he knew he was doing evil, and he knew it in his heart.

The Evil Sword Immortal said in a low voice: "Does it have to be like this? I am also practicing."

Chen Meng said calmly: "There are ten thousand ways to practice, and you chose the damn one."

The Evil Sword Immortal said in a low voice: "I just want to become stronger, am I wrong?"

Chen Meng glanced at the blood pool that warmed the blood sword, and said lightly: "That blood pool, is it human blood?"

The Evil Sword Immortal did not deny it.

Chen Meng said: "If you are not wrong, are those who you use to nourish the sword wrong?"

The Evil Sword Immortal clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and said: "They are weak! In this world, weakness... is the original sin."

Chen Meng was silent for a while, and nodded slightly: "Maybe, but you overlooked one thing, everyone, from weak to strong. In this world, there must be some people who stand up and support those weak. I... am willing to be that person."

The Evil Sword Immortal was silent for a while.

After a moment, he suddenly asked, "What if I turn over a new leaf?"

Chen Meng was startled and suddenly scratched his head: "Ah, this... To be honest, you've stumped me."

The Evil Sword Immortal kept staring at Chen Meng.

Chen Meng hesitated and said, "That's fine. If you really turn over a new leaf, I'll let you go, but you need to change your technique."

The Evil Sword Immortal stared at Chen Meng and suddenly said, "Okay, I promise you."

Chen Meng was startled and said strangely, "You... you're not good at it at all. Are you so easy to talk to? Then change your technique."

Hearing this, the Evil Sword Immortal's body couldn't help but tremble.

Changing technique...

It's easy to say, but it's like pulling out the tendons and peeling the skin.

It hurts like pulling out the silk and peeling the cocoon.

The Evil Sword Immortal raised his hand and didn't make up his mind for a long time.

Suddenly, he looked at Chen Meng and said in a low voice, "I... can't do it. Can you help me?"

Chen Meng nodded, "Okay."

After that, he walked directly towards the Evil Sword Immortal.

As he said, he was willing to support the weak and do justice for the world. It wasn't for seeking anything, but he just wanted to make himself live a more stable life.

He didn't want to live in fear every day like the Evil Sword Immortal.

Chen Meng didn't believe that the Evil Sword Immortal could sleep so peacefully every day by practicing evil cultivation.

Wouldn't he be afraid?

Just like today, if the Evil Sword Immortal hadn't done those things, the Iron Blood Castle and the Evil Valley would be destroyed, and no one else would be worried, so why would he panic?

He was still afraid.

Chen Meng... lived a righteous life, and what he hoped to do was to make himself guiltless.

Chen Meng stepped forward.

And at this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed between heaven and earth.

Swish - the Evil Sword Immortal disappeared, and a blood sword appeared in his hand, pointing at Chen Meng's eyebrows!

"You, have been fooled!"

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