Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5606 Testifying

The man's face suddenly changed, because at this moment, he actually felt a sense of death crisis, chilling his heart.

He turned around and looked at Chu Yan in shock.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I don't like to kill innocent people. If you are obedient, come with me to the Evil Sword Sect, I will let you go. Otherwise, I will not kill you, but if I use force, whether you will break your arms and legs is unknown."

"Of course, we are all practitioners anyway. Even if you really break your arms and legs, it doesn't matter. It can be easily repaired. It will just hurt a little. You can choose it yourself."

Man: "..."

The next second, the man was shocked.

So strong!

Although he did not fight Chu Yan head-on, the terrible pressure just now made him feel unprecedented oppression.

The point is...

Chu Yan is a giant.

At this time, the man took a deep breath and suddenly released his mind. He wanted to see if there were any masters hiding in the dark.

However, after he scanned the eight directions with his mind, he took a deep breath!

Because there was no one!

The Evil Valley was destroyed.

Now, within a radius of 10,000 meters, there was no one except Chu Yan.

No, there were some people. There were many wine pools and meat forests in the Evil Valley, and there were countless mortal women in them. Chen Meng did not kill these people.

But the man knew very well that these mortal women could not bring him such oppression.

Then Chu Yan was really the only one left.

The man said in a low voice: "You... are not a giant? You deliberately hide your strength?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I am the giant."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you deliberately lying to me?"

Chu Yan glanced at the man.

Swish-suddenly, he slashed with a sword.

The man's face changed in shock, and he subconsciously wanted to attack.

However, as soon as he raised his fist, his body suddenly stiffened.

Because a trace of sword energy had passed through his cheek.


A bloody wound appeared on his cheek.

A drop of blood fell.

Chu Yan looked at the man with a smile: "Are there any questions now?"

The man touched his face and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Is he...hurt?

The problem is, he has a hunch that Chu Yan deliberately tilted the sword a little, but what if it was not aimed at his cheek, but at his brow?

Can his body...block it now?

Is it only the soul that is floating here now?

Chu Yan said lightly: "Don't think about the soul, you can carefully feel the power of the sword just now."

The man was slightly startled, and then he checked a little bit and was completely stunned!

"Is this...double power? The sword just now...can also target the soul?"

The man was confused, that is to say, if Chu Yan wanted to just now, he would be dead now?

The point is, the man checked and found that although Chu Yan's sword just now was powerful, there was no power of ego mixed in it.

That is to say...Chu Yan is really just a giant?

A giant who can defeat ego!

The man looked at Chu Yan again, his eyes suddenly became serious, and he said in a low voice: "Who are you?"

There are giants who fight against me...

There are some in this world.

But they are definitely not unknown.

Anyone who can fight against me at the level of a giant will not be unknown. Even if he is placed in the Ancient Saint Family, he must be a top monster.

Not to mention like Chen Meng, but at least like Liu Bai, or the geniuses of the Huo family, everyone has known each other for a long time.

Chu Yan said lightly: "Don't ask, I'm not from the Ancient Saint. I'm asking you now, are you going to the Evil Sword Sect with me?"

The man clenched his fists.

When he first heard that Chu Yan was going to the Evil Sword Sect.

His first thought was that Chu Yan was sick!

He was very sick!

He didn't think Chu Yan really dared to go.

But now... he suddenly wavered.

He looked down at the destroyed Evil Valley, and even thought about one thing.

Was this place... really destroyed by Chen Meng?

But soon, the man shook his head slightly.

No, it is impossible.

Chu Yan is not weak, a giant can defeat Wei Wo, but he can never destroy the Evil Valley.

I am only Wei Wo level one, but the master of the Evil Valley is at least level three.

Chu Yan is a monster, but there are also many giants in the Ancient Saint Family who can defeat Wei Wo.

But Chen Meng... is not a giant.

Chen Meng is really Wei Wo.

Let alone Chu Yan, if Chen Meng is a giant, no one actually believes that he has the strength to destroy Iron Blood Castle and Evil Valley.

The man hesitated and suddenly said, "You...really want to go to the Evil Sword Sect?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "You don't believe it, then I will kill one for you to see, but...we have to agree on one thing first."

The man was stunned: "What?"

Chu Yan was about to speak, and interrupted as if he thought of something: "I don't know your name or where you are from, tell me first."

The man hesitated and said: "My name is Yu Xing, from the Tianxuan Forbidden Sect."

Chu Yan turned and looked at Chen Yu: "What kind of sect is this Tianxuan Sect?"

The reason for asking this question is that Chu Yan feels that if the Tianxuan Sect is not a good sect, then there is no need to go to the Evil Sword Sect, and you can go directly to the Tianxuan Sect.

It's more convenient...

Chen Yu was startled, and suddenly looked at the man and said: "Are you from Tianxuan Sect?"

Yu Xing nodded slightly: "Yes."

Chen Yu was silent for a while, and suddenly looked at Chu Yan and said: "Tianxuan Sect... I don't know if Tianxuan Sect is a good sect, but... they are not bad."

Chu Yan was stunned.

Chen Yu said: "In the past million years, Tianxuan Sect has never killed innocent people, nor has it practiced any evil skills, but I don't know whether they have done good things."

Chu Yan nodded: "That's enough. In troubled times, not doing evil is already a great virtue."

After speaking, Chu Yan glanced at Yu Xing and said: "You saved your life."

Yu Xing frowned, still a little confused about what Chu Yan meant.

At this time, Chu Yan continued: "Yu Xing, right? Let's make a deal first. I will destroy the Evil Sword Sect and you will follow me. But after I destroy the Evil Sword Sect, you need to promise me one thing, that is..."

Yu Xing seemed to know what Chu Yan was going to say, and answered directly: "If you can really destroy the Evil Sword Sect, I can pretend not to see it."

Before Chu Yan finished speaking, he slapped him.


Yu Xing stepped back dozens of steps and was stunned.

Chu Yan said angrily: "Can you pretend not to see it? If you pretend not to see it, wouldn't I have destroyed it in vain?"

After cursing, Chu Yan added: "When I destroy it, you have to testify for me and tell others that it was me who destroyed the Evil Sword Sect, not Chen Meng. Do you hear me?"

Yu Xing: "..."

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