Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5608 Evil Sword Immortal


A bloody evil sword struck quickly, piercing directly between Chen Meng's eyebrows.

The Evil Sword Immortal was immediately ecstatic when he saw this!

Got it!

This made him a little unbelievable. From the beginning of the layout to now, all he wanted was to be able to make a sneak attack, but he never thought that he could directly kill Chen Meng. He thought that if he could be seriously injured, it would be a blessing. .

As a result, he didn't expect that Chen Meng would be so easy to deceive.

I just said that I was willing to change my ways, but the other party actually believed me.

"Haha, hahaha!"

The Evil Sword Immortal laughed wildly: "Chen Meng, Chen Meng... you are really stupid. Haven't you heard of that sentence? Never believe in crocodile tears?"

In the distance, the old woman's face also changed slightly.

All the disciples of the Evil Sword Sect were in revelry.


A man who destroyed the Iron Blooded Fortress and the Valley of the Wicked was killed by them today.

Even if this would offend the ancient sage Chen family...but...so what.

This is Tianyuan!

Not the outside world.

However, just when the Evil Sword Sect thought their nightmare was about to wake up.

Suddenly, a voice sounded: "Did you laugh a little too early?"

The Evil Sword Immortal was shocked when he heard this, and then he suddenly raised his head and his expression changed.

Because he discovered that a young man was standing above his head.

The young man holding a sword in one hand looks like Chen Meng, right?

If there is one thing that is different from Chen Meng, it is that he lacks the huge sword box on his back.

The Evil Sword Immortal was shocked when he saw Chen Meng again: "You, no, how is this possible..."

He suddenly lowered his head and looked in front of him. Chen Meng, who had been pierced by the evil sword, was still standing there.

"Why, how come there are two of you?"

The Evil Sword Immortal was confused.

Chen Meng chuckled: "You also said, never believe in crocodile tears. Although I want to be a good person, I am not a fool. A person who has practiced evil all his life may really have a heart of repentance, but That’s just a one-in-a-million chance, so how could I not have taken precautions?”


The next second, Chen Meng, who was pierced by the sword energy, suddenly dispersed.

Only a huge sword box remained in place.


The Evil Sword Immortal's expression changed: "You...you did it on purpose? That one just now was just your sword energy clone?"

Chen Meng sighed: "As expected, you have no regrets at all."

After saying this, he slowly raised the sword in his hand.


The Evil Sword Immortal suddenly became frightened, and he roared desperately: "I will change... I am really willing to change."

Chen Meng said calmly: "I believe you will change, but let's start from the next life. In this life... there is no need to change."

Tsk - the next second, the sword in his hand slowly fell.

A flash of Jinghong Sword Qi slashed out.

"Damn!!! Why don't you believe me!!"

The Evil Sword Immortal roared. He didn't want to fight with Chen Meng head-on at first, but Chen Meng had already drawn his sword. He knew that there was no need to talk about this matter, so his facial features suddenly became ferocious: "You forced me."


The next second, the Evil Sword Sect trembled suddenly, and the huge pool of blood in the distance spurted out.

Suddenly, the bloody sword in his hand shone brightly, and a terrifying vortex was born at the edge of the sword.

Like the bloody mouth of an abyss beast, it began to devour crazily and greedily, swallowing up all the countless blood.

The blood sword didn't stop until the blood pool dried up.

It was also at this moment that Chen Meng and the old woman's pupils shrank.

Under that blood pool are endless bones!

It can be seen how many people the Evil Sword Immortal has killed over the years in order to nourish the sword with blood.

After the blood sword in the evil sword fairy's hand absorbed the blood energy, it made a terrifying sword cry.


The sound of the sword's cry broke through the sky.

Everyone showed a look of horror when they saw the sword.

"This is...the Sword of Only Me?"

"Oh my God, a sword can actually break through to the state of self-reliance?"

Yes, at this moment, the blood sword showed a terrifying aura, directly reaching the solipsistic state.

This solipsism comes purely from the sword, not from the Evil Sword Immortal.

This means that this sword does not rely on anyone's power, it is a solipsism!

The point is...

The aura of this sword is actually still getting stronger.


Soon, it became vaguely possible to suppress the Evil Sword Immortal.

Chen Meng had been watching from above and frowned slightly: "My only sword..."

A sword breaks through to the point of solipsism, which is unbelievable and even surpasses its master.

The issue is……

Will a sword that has surpassed its master still recognize its master?

The sword...is originally a human tool, but once the sword is stronger than a human, does it matter whether the sword is used by humans or the sword by humans?

Then you really can't tell.

The Evil Sword Immortal was also excited when he saw this: "Haha, hahaha... I finally succeeded. I have been refining it for hundreds of millions of years, and I finally completed it today!"

After saying this, he stretched out his hand to grab the bloody sword.

But the next second, the Evil Sword Immortal's eyes widened.

Tsk - Suddenly, with a slash of the blood sword, an astonishing sword energy swept out and directly chopped off the Evil Sword Immortal's arm.


The Evil Sword Immortal let out a miserable cry, and then he stared at the bloody sword: "You... what are you doing?"

At this time, the blood sword suddenly opened a pair of eyes, which were also red, and then stared at the Evil Sword Immortal like ice, and actually uttered human words: "You are a mere ant-like human being, you too Trying to control me?"

The Evil Sword Immortal's pupils shrank: "You...are you spiritual?"

Xue Jian sneered: "I have become the only one. Do you think I will have no wisdom?"

The Evil Sword Immortal's expression changed slightly, but he quickly said: "Then you should obey my orders. It's me who feeds you, it's me!"

Xue Jian glanced at the Evil Sword Immortal and suddenly sneered: "You feed me? Let me ask you, do you care about a cook who cooks for you every day?"

The Evil Sword Immortal's pupils shrank.

The next second, Xuejian sneered: "It's you who have been trapping me in the blood pool. Today, I, Xuejian, are born, and I will send you back to the west now!"

Chi—In an instant, a flash of sword energy swept out.

The blood sword stabbed directly at the eyebrow of the Evil Sword Immortal.

"No!" Evil Sword Immortal's pupils shrank, and he tried to dodge, but unfortunately, it was too late. After the blood sword broke through, it directly surpassed Evil Sword Immortal, and Evil Sword Immortal himself was a sword cultivator, but now... He has no sword anymore.

His sword, to kill him.


The Evil Sword Immortal barely managed to dodge, and was directly penetrated between the eyebrows by the blood sword.

The Evil Sword Immortal's eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief.

Chen Meng kept watching and frowned slightly. He never expected that this happened.

Before he could take action, the Evil Sword Immortal was killed by his own sword first?

what is this?

But then, Chen Meng's expression became more solemn.

Because he knows that everything is not over yet.

That bloody sword will never give up...

In other words... the moment the Evil Sword Immortal was killed by the Blood Sword... this sect could be considered the real Evil Sword Sect.

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