Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 560: Enlightenment Breakthrough

Many people have not yet woken up from the shock. This battle was too fast. In a short moment, it was like a thousand thunderbolts. Beiming Shatian's ancient emperor brought a very strong visual impact to people, as if he was the emperor of the world. However, Ji Longyu's use of static to control dynamics was stronger, like thunder from the ground.

"Beiming Shatian, lost again..."

Beiming Shatian, once the number one person under the monarch, but in half a year, he lost three consecutive battles. What's more important is that the people he fought against were all emperors.

Chu Yan also watched this battle, his eyes slightly condensed. He fought with Beiming Shatian three times. Beiming Shatian was definitely not weak, otherwise he would not have the reputation of being the number one person under the monarch, but Ji Longyu easily won him without even using his soul. It can be seen how strong Ji Longyu is now.

Beiming Shatian climbed up from the ruins, his face pale. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it in the end, and returned to the Beiming Dynasty dejectedly.

Three consecutive defeats were a shame for him, and he even questioned himself.

"Again?" Ji Longyu heard the voice below and frowned slightly: "Besides me, has anyone here ever beaten him?"

"The Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect and Lin Daoyan have both beaten him. In the Emperor Road, there are women who are better than him." Another Heavenly Emperor whispered.

Ji Longyu looked at the three people unexpectedly. When he looked at Lin Daoyan, his admiration was even stronger, but he was full of surprise when he saw Chu Yan and Qingyi.

"It's you?" Ji Longyu saw Qingyi and then sneered: "Since you are here, he must be around here, right?"

Qingyi looked at Ji Longyu with a cold expression and didn't say anything. Ji Longyu didn't care and said to someone beside him: "Seal off the ruins outside. I want to find someone."

"Yes." Someone immediately did what Ji Longyu said. As for Chu Yan, Ji Longyu didn't even look at him. Even though he knew that Chu Yan was the first on the Emperor List and the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, he still disdained him.

Then Ji Longyu looked at Beiming Shatian and said calmly: "You are already very strong to be able to fight with me for nearly a hundred rounds. I would like to recommend Tianbei Mountain to you. Are you willing?"

Everyone was surprised. Beiming Shatian was defeated, but Ji Longyu still wanted to recommend him?

"Ji Longyu, the closed-door disciple of Elder Taiyan, has received the true teachings of Elder Taiyan. Even in Tianbei Mountain, he is considered a peerless genius. It is not shameful for you to lose to him." Beiming Patriarch seemed to be afraid that Beiming Shatian's martial arts would be covered in dust, and persuaded him: "In Tianbei Mountain, the cultivation resources and magical powers are different. When you join, you will also make rapid progress."

"Junior understands." Beiming Shatian nodded. He knew this, so he yearned for Tianbei Mountain. Then he looked at Ji Longyu: "I am willing."

"Well, after leaving the True Ancient Ruins, you will follow me to Tianbei Mountain." Ji Longyu said, and then said no more.

Bei Ming Sha Tian's eyes were filled with fighting spirit again. He looked at Chu Yan and said nothing. He said that he had fought Chu Yan three times, with one win, one draw and one loss. Chu Yan did not win him. Sooner or later, they would have another fight.

Chu Yan did not say anything and stood quietly, but his heart was not calm.

Tianbei Mountain is worthy of being the absolute overlord of the unified galaxy. Bei Ming Sha Tian has the reputation of being the first person under the monarch, but compared with the real Tianjiao of Tianbei Mountain, he is still far behind.

The so-called first person under the monarch is only for the peripheral Tianbei Sixteen Meridians.

"Open!" At this time, a top-level existence on the Void Dragon Chariot had bright eyes and shot into the depths of the True Ancient Ruins. The clouds and mist that had previously covered the mountains and ridges dissipated, and a clear ancient tomb emerged. The tombs in it could be seen clearly, just like a dark palace.

"Let's go and take a look inside." Elder Tai Yan said calmly. The next moment, there was a loud dragon roar, and the demon dragon of the monarch realm dragged the carriage and rushed into the depths of the ancient ruins.

At this time, the others quickly followed. The road from the outer periphery of the Tianjun ruins to the Emperor's Road can now finally be seen, and no one wants to miss it.

The Emperor's Road is open, and the strong go deep into it, hoping to get some opportunities.

"Follow me closely." The giant-faced monarch also sent a message to Chu Yan and others at this time. At this point, unlike the outside world, the emperor is like an ant here, and even he is not absolutely sure.

Chu Yan and others nodded, followed the giant-faced monarch, and rushed towards the tomb of the ancient ruins.

"Let's set off too." Ningyue monarch said, and many fairies in Wangxian Tower stood up together, like fairies descending to the earth, full of appreciation.

Going deeper into the tomb, everyone was even more amazed. There were opportunities in the ancient ruins. Even the vitality was purer than that in the outside world. There were all kinds of secret places at the entrance of the tomb.

There was a thunder pool in the distance, which could attract thunder disasters from the sky. A man from the Purple Thunder Dynasty stepped into it and directly tempered a pair of thunder wings in it. The wings were spread out for a hundred feet, and they were covered with thunder feathers. They were inserted upside down on them. When they spread their wings and shook, they immediately thundered thousands of feet.

There was also a Nine Netherworld Yellow Spring Road. The saints of the Saint Sect broke through the ninth level and mastered a will from heaven. They could actually launch a terrible power and control living beings.

Of course, this was just the entrance. Only some emperors would stay there, but the real monarchs would directly pass by and go deeper.

In a blink of an eye, everyone appeared in the deepest part of the ancient ruins. There was an extremely vast space here, with no end in sight on both sides, and a stone coffin of ten thousand feet in the center.

The stone coffin was suspended in the air and tied by hundreds of black iron chains.

Countless people were shocked by this scene. You Yu exclaimed: "Is this the stone coffin of the Heavenly Monarch? How terrifying! The body of the Heavenly Monarch should be in this stone coffin."

"Even after the death of Tianjun, there will still be spiritual energy born from the body of Tianjun. I'll go and get it." At this moment, someone suddenly said coldly and flew toward the sarcophagus to snatch it away.

"Boom!" But the next moment, everyone's expressions darkened. Scarlet blood appeared outside the visible light. The blood light was like thousands of swords, forming a terrifying barrier. As soon as the Earth Lord approached the sarcophagus, the barrier formed. The world immediately locked it, and then suppressed it with terrifying power.

"No!" Na Dijun screamed, and then he was not allowed to think. The blood-light barrier directly enveloped him and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"what happened?"

Without allowing everyone to think, there was a sound of bones breaking in the blood light, and powder of flesh, flesh and bones scattered from the blood light barrier.

"This..." Looking at the debris, everyone was stunned. An Earth Lord died like this? Got killed instantly?

"It's so scary. The bloody light is so strong that even the Earth Lord can't touch it." Zhu Qiang secretly said, and then someone sighed: "It seems that we have no way to get this body."

Chu Yan also frowned. He wanted to cultivate the demon body, so what he wanted most among the Tianjun ruins was the Demon Lord's corpse. But now that there is this blood-light strangulation barrier, it is simply impossible for him to get the remains. Yes.

"Elder Taiyan, do you have any idea?" Patriarch Beiming looked at Elder Taiyan, and saw Taiyan's divine mind sweeping through the blood-light barrier and being immediately shattered. He shook his head: "No non-saints can approach this sarcophagus. , don’t even think about him, besides, the ten-thousand-year-old body has already rotted away, so it’s useless even if it is found.”

Even Tai Yan said this, and everyone had no choice but to nod and give up on approaching the sarcophagus.

"There is a demon palace there!" At this moment, an outstanding monarch on the side of Chiliantang said. Everyone looked up and saw a suspended demon palace deep in the tomb.

"Go and have a look!" Immediately, the Extraordinary Heavenly Lord flew in, followed by the Earth Lord, and the rest stayed back, because there was already terrible pressure in the tomb, and weaker people would feel it even if they were just standing. It was hard to breathe, let alone fly in the air and go deep into the Demon Palace.

After all, Chu Yan was the Emperor of Heaven, and his realm was not high, so he kept some distance from the people in front of him.

Fortunately, chance in the ancient ruins has little to do with realm, and more emphasis is placed on talent. When Chu Yan stepped into the Demon Palace, the surrounding scenery changed, and he seemed to be sent to an independent space.

After he appeared here, he found that there were many people around him, including emperors and monarchs. Some of the monarchs had begun to practice and seemed to have some understanding.

"It seems that this demon temple will be sent to different places to practice according to the individual's path of practice."

Chu Yan thought about it, and then he realized it with his legs crossed. He found that in this space, there was ancient thought power that resonated with him. When he circulated the vitality in his body, it was lighter than the outside world, and his blood was self-transmitting and seamless.

"Creativity?" Suddenly, Chu Yan was shocked. During his practice, he discovered that he had a little more creativity. In this devil's palace, his creativity was even stronger, and a star actually appeared in front of him.

These stars are all left to him to create. With a thought, the world is born, and then there are creatures. He wants the world to have vegetation, which is a lush green, he wants rivers, which is the blue sea and sky, and he wants creatures. , then all the demons surrendered, and dragons and tigers fought.

"This Demon Palace seems to be very similar to Master's secret palace in the mirror world. It can temper my creativity. In addition, my vitality is also stronger in this creation." Chu Yan continued to realize that in his In the world, he deduced magical powers, and the power of immortals and demons became stronger.

As I calmly comprehended it, time flew by, and three months passed quickly.

In the past three months, people have woken up from practice one after another. You Yu and Chu Yan were assigned to the same space. She woke up from enlightenment three days ago. When she wanted to enter that state, she found that No matter what, she couldn't do it, and she realized that everyone only had one chance, which made her unable to help but regret it.

Half a year later, more people woke up in the space, but they did not leave. Instead, they digested their own insights. You Yu glanced at Chu Yan from time to time.

On this day, there was a vague wind flowing in the space. Youyu raised his head and looked at Chu Yan, his autumn eyes blinking, full of disbelief.

Because the wind actually came from around Chu Yan. This was a closed space, but there was wind. The wind was actually created by Chu Yan. His creativity had been solidified.

This is not important. Half a year later, You Yu discovered that there was a faint aura of the eighth-level emperor in Chu Yan's body. His vitality was stronger. This guy actually made a breakthrough in his enlightenment?

Half a year later, he became an intermediate Heavenly Emperor.

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