Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 561: The Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect

In the secret palace of the Demon Palace, everyone is trapped in a unique world, from which great progress can be made.

During the half year, some people woke up from time to time and felt a pang of regret. This kind of opportunity was rare, and everyone only had it once. You Yu only woke up after three months in the creation world. But even so, she also realized a hint of the king's will. She is stronger. She is good at blood power and can now control blood more accurately.

Half a year later, very few people were still in the state of enlightenment. There were only two people left in this space, and one of them was Chu Yan.

"Interesting little guy." Qingfeng Sword Lord was also in this secret palace. The Earth Lord looked at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "As expected of the guy who caused a big disturbance in the Imperial Road, his talent is really great."

"That guy is not bad." Someone looked up at another person, Feng Lin of Chiliantang. He didn't wake up either. His whole body was glowing with golden light. His blood was the power of the sun, and the terrifying creativity overflowed crazily, as if In creating a sunbird generally.

"Although he has not made a breakthrough, this power has vaguely touched the shackles of the mid-level master."

At this moment, the sunbird formed, spread its wings and sang, echoing in the secret palace. Then Feng Lin woke up. When he opened his eyes, his eyes shot out with golden light, giving people a burning feeling.

After Feng Lin woke up, he felt refreshed. Just as others had guessed, he had reached the second level of Banbujun in half a year.

After he woke up, he saw everyone around him looking at him, and immediately discovered the rules of the Demon Palace, and he was filled with pride.

"Young man, you have a formidable future. Chiliantang has accepted a good disciple." A gentleman in the distance said with a smile, intending to make friends with Feng Lin.

Within the sea of ​​stars, there has always been a saying that those who become kings after a hundred years are all evildoers.

After all, in practice, the three realms of dust are the first to enter the practice, and are classified into one category. Those who break through the dust are regarded as kings. The three realms above are the three realms of kings and emperors, which is another big category. And then there are the emperors and saints, and the three realms. are divided into one category.

Reaching the level of the Emperor is a kind of transformation. The Emperor generates his own imperial power and is so powerful that he towers over all living beings. This is especially true for the King. However, the further you go, the more difficult it becomes to practice. This is extremely obvious for Chu Yan.

Seven years to become emperor, seven years to be emperor.

But once you reach the level of an emperor, you will have a terrifying longevity and can live for thousands of years, so you have a lot of time to practice. As long as you don't fall halfway, ordinary emperors can become kings. It's just a matter of time.

Some people have been kings for thousands of years, and some have been kings for ten thousand years. To reach this stage, there are extremely high requirements for opportunity, talent, and enlightenment.

Therefore, in the sea of ​​​​stars, those who can become kings within a hundred years are all monsters. As for people like Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​who have the possibility of becoming half a hundred kings, they are even more extraordinary monsters that can be encountered but cannot be sought. This is why Bei Ming Sha Tian Ming Shatian has a great name. In addition to his combat prowess, he is also very talented. It is a pity that he met the even more evil Chu Yan.

"Senior, you're welcome." Feng Lin smiled at Na Dijun, but his eyes were full of disdain. In his eyes, these people in front of him were only born a few years earlier than him. If he was given time, he could surpass them.

"You Yu!" Feng Lin turned around and walked towards You Yu. You Yu also looked at him but said nothing.

"How long does it take for you to wake up from your realization?"

"Three months."

"Three months?" Feng Lin nodded and said comfortingly: "It's okay. Everyone has different talents. Three months is good. Now that you have figured out the king's intention, it will be a matter of time before you become the king."

After saying that, Feng Lin paused and smiled: "I should be the last one to wake up, right?"

The people in the Demon Palace Space were stunned and looked at Feng Lin strangely.

"The last one?" You Yu shook her head helplessly and ignored Feng Lin. Feng Lin had always been such a proud person, and she had long been used to it.

Feng Lin seemed to notice something and frowned slightly. Then he found Chu Yan in the corner, and his face turned cold.

"Is it him?" Feng Lin snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain: "A mere emperor, just pretending, right?"

Youyu sighed and shook his head. Good talent is an advantage, but Feng Lin is too proud and indulgent, and people always look at others strangely. He has a very high opinion of Beiming Shatian, but even if he knows that the master of Tiandi Sect is better than Beiming Shatian is stronger, but he still despises him.

Chu Yan was in the process of enlightenment. In half a year, the world he created became more full, with mountains and rivers, lush green seas, and in addition, there were city buildings.

He is the creator god of this world, and has created many living beings. This world seems to really exist. His perception is also stronger, and his spiritual thoughts are wider, as if he can absorb the vitality of an entire sea of ​​stars into his body.

"Creativity comes from the heart. My mother once said, my heart is like an eye, and my vision determines the power of my creativity. I can create all living beings in my world, but who created this world? Are we also living in a world created by others?" Chu Yan suddenly had a bold idea. If he can create the world, is the world he lives in also created?

Of course, this question is too deep, so he can't find the answer yet.

But he was not in a hurry. This was a good opportunity for him. He realized that in addition to creativity in this world, he found that magical powers and techniques were useful.

"It's impossible in the world. It's because our ancestors practiced it, accumulated it for many years, and passed it down, so we have the current method of practicing sentient beings." Chu Yan couldn't help but think.

"When I was in the mortal world, the strongest one was the Emperor. At that time, many people thought that the Emperor was the pinnacle of cultivation. But they didn't know that there was a sky beyond the sky, and there were kings and saints. They had to rely on themselves to explore, but this It’s just the sea of ​​stars. What’s on the saint above the sea of ​​stars?”

"What else is there at the top of the cultivation world?" As he realized this, Chu Yan's mental power became stronger, and his thoughts became more clear.

Creativity can create the world and also create magical powers. Now that his world has taken shape, he has begun to evolve magical powers.

Spears, halberds, giant hammers, bows and crossbows, everything he is good at, have been deduced thousands of times, in addition to the physical body.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed, and he has made great progress. Not only has his realm stabilized at the eighth level of the Emperor, but all major supernatural powers have also been perfected. When the spear comes out, it has the intention to fight the sky, the sword intention is born, and everyone is afraid, and the giant hammer is more powerful. It has a terrifying power of destroying heaven and earth. The bow technique is relatively weak, but only in relative terms.

After a month, he finally woke up slowly, and then found many eyes falling on him, including You Yu and Feng Lin.

"Good luck!" Feng Lin snorted coldly.

Chu Yan frowned slightly, but immediately understood everything. He looked at Feng Lin and said jokingly: "It is indeed 'lucky', at least a little better than you."

Feng Lin's face froze. He said that Chu Yan was lucky. He meant to say that Chu Yan was the last one to wake up because he was lucky. However, Chu Yan's words slapped him in the face.

"Even if you have a breakthrough in your understanding, you are still the emperor after all. There must be many people who want to kill you in the star sea now, right? If I kill you here, how do you think the three major dynasties and the Western Galaxy will thank me? "Feng Lin said calmly, but a royal power was released in his body, slowly suppressing it towards Chu Yan.

Under the authority of the monarch, Chu Yan looked at Feng Lin calmly, and his eyes met: "Kill me? Chiliantang, can you withstand the anger of Shenzhu Mountain?"

"If you were dead, would Shenzhu Mountain avenge you?" Feng Lin asked again.

At this time, Chu Yan felt a force behind him and looked at an old man not far away in surprise. The old man was very sloppy, but he had the strength of an earth king.

"Don't be surprised. I am also from Shenzhu Mountain, and I belong to the Heavenly Emperor Sect. I follow the Emperor Xun." The old man sent a message to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that Huo Feng had told him that there were monarchs joining the Heavenly Emperor Sect, but he never thought that in addition to the giant thousand-faced monarchs in Shenzhu Mountain, there were other monarchs in the ancient ruins.

But the next moment, he looked at Feng Lin and laughed: "Kill me, are you worthy?"

Feng Lin frowned and felt the old man's presence, and said coldly: "Senior, what do you mean?"

"You want to kill my disciple of Shenzhu Mountain, why do you ask me? You try to touch him." The old man said with a smile, it is harmless to humans and animals, but the next moment, the crutch in his hand tapped on the ground, and there was a thud. The majesty of the king was silently formed, turning into a green dragon. It seemed that as soon as Feng Lin made a move, the green dragon would pounce on him and tear him into pieces.

Feng Lin's face darkened, he stared at Chu Yan, and finally let out a cold snort: "Very good, I want to see how long you can survive."

"I will definitely live longer than you." Chu Yan said disdainfully. He and Feng Lin did not know each other, but the other party wanted to kill him, so naturally he would not be polite.

Someone next to him looked at Chu Yan again, and many of them expressed approval. Lord Qingfeng Sword looked at Chu Yan and nodded. Of course, he did not recognize Chu Yan, but simply recognized Chu Yan. talent.

"Thank you for taking the initiative, senior." Chu Yan smiled at the old man. The old man's majesty disappeared and he smiled like an ordinary old man. "It doesn't matter, you are the sect leader. Since I joined the Tiandi Sect, I will protect you. But your current situation is not good."

"It doesn't matter, since there is nothing left in this Demon Palace, let's go and have a look elsewhere." Chu Yan said to the old man. The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and followed Chu Yan.

Next, the old man followed Chu Yan all the time. Just as he said, he would be loyal to Chu Yan if he joined the Tiandi Sect. Even if he was a monarch, he would not be arrogant in front of Chu Yan.

There were also some secret palaces in the Demon Palace, which he followed Chu Yan in and out of. Some of them were physically tempered, some were related to magical powers, some had spiritual power, and there were various secret palaces.

These secret palaces are different from the secret palaces of creativity. They are all directly challenged. If you pass the challenge, you will get the opportunity.

Moreover, these secret palaces will be adjusted according to each person's different realms.

The two of them soon arrived at the First Combat Power Secret Mansion. The old man entered it first. Half an hour later, he walked out of it with an extra armor on his body. He looked at Chu Yan and said, "In this Combat Power Secret Mansion, the inside will be based on your realm." Condensate a puppet of the same level, the strongest puppet of the same level. If you defeat him, you can get a battle power blessing. Sect Master, try it?"

"Okay." Chu Yan smiled. The old man thought that with Chu Yan's talent, half an hour should be enough, so he did not leave. He just sat down aside and prepared to take out a pot of good wine and have a drink.

However, a minute later, Chu Yan walked out of the secret mansion, making the old man frown: "Failed?"

But the next moment, the old man's heart beat wildly, and he saw a blessing inheritance in the secret palace, descending on Chu Yan out of thin air.

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