Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 559 Today's Ji Longyu

"Welcome to the Holy King!"

While Chu Yan was thinking, loud voices came from the mouths of people from all branches of Tianbei.

At this moment, countless people lowered their heads and knelt on the ground.

Chu Yan, standing on the side of Shenzhu Mountain, would naturally not do it, but the rest of the people, no matter what their background, where they come from, or what state of mind they are, they all surrender to the noble pursuit of the void.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was shocked. The people here are all the best in the Junlu and the Dilu. Qiang Tianjun, even the Dilu, are all top geniuses. But even so, they are still like this in front of this huge chariot. , you can imagine how noble the identity of the person in the car is.

The chariot moved horizontally in the void, and the monarch-level monster spread its wings and flew across thousands of miles. It arrived above everyone in a moment.

There are several dragon chairs on the carriage, and several figures are sitting on them. Their expressions are full of coldness and arrogance, as if they are superior to all living beings. They accept the worship of rebirth as if it is a matter of course, without any discomfort, or in other words, No matter where they go, they will be treated like this.

"They are people from Tianbei Mountain." At this moment, the giant-faced monarch sent a message, and Chu Yan suddenly realized, are they people from Tianbei Mountain?

Although the Sixteen Meridians of Tianbei belong to Tianbei Mountain, they are only the outer gate. The real Tianbei Mountain is located in the center of the Sixteen States. It is the true overlord of this sea of ​​​​stars. It has supreme imperial power, even if it is the three major dynasties, the devil Zong, and other lineages must also obey them.

It can also be said that the Sixteen Meridians of Tianbei are regarded as the periphery of Tianbei Mountain. If you want to truly join Tianbei Mountain, you still need outstanding talent and stand out to have a chance.

That is the place with the most geniuses in Xinghai. The top geniuses from all branches will eventually gather in Tianbei Mountain. There is an infinite future there, and even people like Beiming Shatian are very yearning for it.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the people on Longhu. They were born noble and seemed to be the kings of all living beings. Even Emperor Jiuyou and Emperor Beiming were still a little weaker in front of them.

He remembers that when he first heard about Tianbei Mountain, he was filled with shock when tens of thousands of people competed to seize the Heavenly Monument in the Six Realms Galaxy.

At that time, he could only look up at the Tianbei Mountain. Any one of the sixteen veins of the Tianbei Mountain could easily destroy a galaxy and surpass the Emperor's Sect. Ji Huangji had to treat it politely.

But now, he doesn't have too many troubles. After experiencing so much in Xinghai, and seeing the strength of his parents, he is calmer and has a higher vision.

He once wanted to join the Emperor Sect and use its power to fight against the Emperor Sect, but now, he doesn't need it so much. Ye Xun has paved the way for him and has already established a trend in Shenzhu Mountain. He is also the Emperor of Heaven. The king is not what he once was. That's unattainable.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he saw a familiar figure next to Long Chu.

That man was very young, and in his prime years, he was just a Po Emperor, but his aura was more terrifying than Beiming Shatian.

Ji Longyu!

After many years, Chu Yan saw him again, but now Ji Longyu was stronger. In the realm of breaking the emperor, standing next to Long Chu, overlooking all living beings with the powerful people of Tianbei Mountain, it can be seen that his status in Tianbei Mountain is also more important. Taller.

Chu Yan still remembers that the last time the two met was on Tianbei Mountain. He crossed the galaxy alone. When he arrived, just these words made the Sixteenth Lineage of Tianbei give up on him. Later, he showed his talent and became the Demon Sect. He was invited to Wangxian Tower.

Ji Longyu seemed to be aware of Chu Yan's gaze, and looked down. The two looked at each other, as if they were fatefully looking at each other.

Of course, Ji Longyu didn't recognize Chu Yan at this time, but he could feel the fighting spirit in Chu Yan's deep eyes.

"Who are you? Have we met?" Ji Longyu suddenly asked. Everyone stared at each other and frowned, not understanding why Ji Longyu suddenly asked Chu Yan.

"No." Chu Yan still held his head high and said without humility.

After thinking about it, Ji Longyu seemed to be sure that he had never seen Chu Yan and said: "In that case, why can't you kneel down and surrender when you see me?"

"I am a disciple of Shenzhu Mountain. Do you need to kneel down when you go to the galaxy where I rule? If not, why should I kneel down?" Chu Yan said calmly. Ji Longyu did not get angry and looked at the giant-faced monarch next to him. Bottom: "It turns out he is a person from Shenzhu Mountain, a junior Heavenly Emperor. He is really weak."

After saying that, Ji Longyu shook his head with scorn, moved his eyes, and ignored Chu Yan's fighting intention.

Everyone was speechless. Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, is he really weak?

Of course, no one would contradict him at this time, unless he was crazy.

After Ji Longyu's eyes left Chu Yan, he looked at Lin Daoyan again, and said with admiration: "I knew you were extraordinary when I saw you in Xinghe. I didn't expect that you have grown to this point in just a few years. It is indeed commendable. You and I come from the same galaxy and have humble resources. It is very rare that you can practice to this level. Would you like to become my master? I can introduce you to it."

"Thank you, Holy Son, but I still need to think about it." Lin Daoyan said calmly, while Ji Longyu said without any reluctance: "Okay, if you figure it out, come to me at any time."

Then, Ji Longyu stopped talking and stood high in the air with arms raised.

"Is this the relic of the Tianjun who appeared in my dynasty?" At this moment, a majestic middle-aged man sitting on the dragon throne asked.

"Back to my ancestors, this is the place." The monarchs and ministers of the Beiming Dynasty suddenly acted and said in the air.

"Thank you all, open the road to the emperor and open the rules of the ruins." The middle-aged man nodded, looked around the ancient ruins, and nodded in admiration: "You will be a hero in life, and you will be a hero in death. They are all numbered. For this person to have such a tomb after his death and seal the land of a star is quite capable."

Chu Yan was curious before that no one from Tianbei Mountain participated in the opening of the ruins. Now he knows that the people from Tianbei Mountain have been prepared for a long time. They just waited for them to start the road to the emperor and open the rules. They broke through the air and entered it directly. And they , but like chess pieces.

"It's really unpleasant." Huo Feng whispered from the side, and Chu Yan smiled helplessly. This is the rule. They are strong and have such capital.

"The real ancient ruins, the mystery of Tianjun should be here." On the dragon's platform, another middle-aged man said, looking towards the center of the ruins, where there is the mountain where Ryuzaki lies, with a circle around it. The barrier seems to have not been fully opened yet.

"It seems that it has not been fully opened yet. Let's wait a little longer." Another person said. As for the people below, they all lowered their heads and did not speak.

There was a layer of auspicious clouds changing outside the ancient ruins, and everyone was waiting to disperse. In the midst of boredom, an old man suddenly appeared in the void. He had a very distinguished status. He sat in the middle of the crowd, looked in the direction of the Beiming Dynasty and said with a smile: "Beiming Dynasty" Where is Ming Sha Tian?”

The people of the Beiming Dynasty were surprised, and the monarch and his ministers immediately said: "Senior, this is the crown prince of my dynasty."

"Shatian, this is the top elder of Tianbei Mountain, Taiyan Tianjun." After saying this, the monarchs and ministers of Beiming Dynasty glanced at Beiming Shatian.

"Junior has met senior." Beiming Shatian immediately said with respect, his eyes full of piety and yearning.

In the void, Patriarch Beiming, who was the first to speak, looked at Beiming Shatian: "Boy, how many years have you spent practicing?"

"Return to our ancestors, no more, no less, forty-seven years." Beiming Shatian said with respectful hands. Countless emperors showed envy. Forty-seven years of breaking the emperor is already a very powerful talent. You know, many people in the Imperial Path have even been practicing for hundreds of years.

Ancestor Beiming nodded with satisfaction: "Forty-seven years, half a step to become a monarch? Very good, try to enter the realm of a monarch within three years, half a hundred monarchs, the future will be unlimited."

"Junior will definitely work hard." Beiming Shatian said hand in hand. Elder Taiyan glanced at Ji Longyu: "It is said that there is Beiming Shatian in the sixteen states. One person is invincible. Long Yu, go and give it a try."

"It's Master."

Ji Longyu nodded, walked out from high in the sky, walked lightly, and appeared in the middle of the crowd in a few steps. He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes as sharp as a knife, and looked at Beiming Shatian: "You can take action."

Everyone was slightly surprised when they saw this. Ji Longyu didn't even make a move when fighting Beiming Shatian?

Isn't this too crazy?

Beiming Shatian also frowned. He could feel Ji Longyu's contempt, but he didn't talk nonsense. This was a good opportunity to express himself, and he would not miss it.

The next moment, his vitality exploded, like a volcano, and his human body glowed with golden light, rising higher and higher, turning into an ancient human emperor giant.

Many monarchs showed their approval: "Beiming Shatian is very strong. He can have such a majestic power at the Emperor Breaking Realm. His combat power cannot be underestimated."

Of course, there were also several monarchs who looked at Chu Yan at this time, secretly thinking in their hearts that Beiming Shatian had such terrifying combat power, and how strong Chu Yan would be.

As soon as the Ancient Emperor came out, he punched the sky with a shocking punch, covering the sky with light, as if it was invincible, representing the absolute imperial power. Countless rocks exploded in the air, crushing them towards Ji Longyu.

Ji Longyu's eyes were light and calm, and he let the giant fist hit him. The air around him thumped, but he remained indifferent.

However, just as the giant fist came, he moved, raised his palm, and a terrifying light curtain immediately appeared in front of him, which seemed to contain the power of the killing god. A palm that was tiny compared to the Human Emperor's giant fist was grabbed out, forming a The dragon's claws roared, fists and palms collided, tearing apart the space.

Almost at the same time, Beiming Shatian strode out, thrust out the Human Emperor Sword, and slashed at Ji Longyu from a distance, forming a golden sword storm, entangled with ten thousand swords, as if to engulf Ji Longyu alive.

"Boom!" Ji Longyu stepped forward, as if a real dragon flew out, and then the sword withered away inch by inch. At some point, a dragon spear appeared in his hand, and one spear thrust out, creating thousands of spear shadows.

Beiming Shatian was shocked and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The gun shadow seemed to have eyes, locking him in place. The gun shadows were like rain one after another, penetrating through, and the huge human emperor's body exploded. Scattered, with a thud, Beiming Shatian's body was like a kite with its string cut off, and it hit the ruins hard, vomiting blood continuously.

"Is it over?" Everyone looked up. Ji Longyu slowly retreated and stood with his hands behind his back, as if he had never made a move from beginning to end. However, Beiming Shatian was defeated.

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