Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 558 Shocks the World [Three Updates]

Outside the ancient ruins, all the emperors were dumbfounded...

"This guy..." You Yuqiu blinked, as if he had encountered something very interesting.

Feng Lin heard this and sneered: "Challenge Beiming Shatian? Humph, he is really arrogant and does not know whether to live or die. It seems that my evaluation of him just now is absolutely correct."

The demon king of the Beast King Palace was also stunned for a moment, and laughed: "Haha, you are also a heroic young man. Although you have made countless enemies, it is not bad to have such courage. You can rest assured. Who is the Prince of Killing? How can he bully you?" You are at a low level, why not let the two of you fight, let Prince Shatian lower your level, and then give you three more moves."

"..." The person who walked out of Dilu was speechless.

Damn, this guy is such an idiot.

Chu Yan's smile became even thicker and he nodded one after another: "Okay, okay, in this case, it is fair, but the juniors are not talented, so there is still no guarantee that they can win. After all, the Prince of Killing Heaven has a good reputation. If he loses, the seniors should not It’s a joke.”

Everyone was stunned. When did this guy become so low-key?

Wasn't he crazy just now?

However, at this time, Beiming Shatian's face turned green. Many monarchs did not know it, but the people in Dilu knew very well that in the battle that day, he attacked with all his strength and was still defeated by Chu Yan. Now that Chu Yan said this, it was completely Humiliating him.

"Haha, this is natural. What is the identity of Prince Shatian? Your defeat is inevitable, but your courage is commendable." The great demon of the Beast King Palace nodded and looked at Beiming Shatian: "Xian Shatian, what do you think? Many great kings are here today, why not show off your talents?”

"Can you shut up?" Beiming Shatian raised his head and looked coldly at the Demon King of the Beast King Palace. There was actually a killing intent in it?

The demon king of the Beast King Palace's face froze, and he had no idea what was going on. However, when he turned around, he saw several Heavenly Emperors from the Beast King Palace looking at him speechlessly and frowning.

"What's going on?" The Lord of the Beast King Palace whispered.

"Beiming Shatian, who didn't even make it to the top three in the emperor list, is praised to the top in your eyes, a peerless genius, as if he is invincible, and the real number one on the emperor list is right in front of you, but he is despised. It's really interesting." Before the Beast King Palace could respond, a voice that was neither gentle nor serious sounded. Everyone looked around and saw Lin Daoyan standing calmly, allowing countless monarchs to come and take it calmly.

Many monarchs frowned, but Lin Daoyan's words contained a huge amount of information and were shocking.

Bei Ming Sha Tian has not entered the top three?

Number one on the emperor list, right in front of you?

At this time, the demon king of the Beast King Palace finally understood, but it was too late. He could feel that the emperors of Beiming Dynasty were looking at him viciously, and Beiming Shatian was even more murderous.

There was a demon emperor from the Beast King Palace who sent a message to him: "The master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect in the Imperial Road fought against Beiming Shatian three times."

"How is the result?"

"We won the first round, tied in the second round, and...lost in the third round!" The demon emperor said speechlessly.

The demon king of the Beast King Hall pulled out the corner of his mouth and looked at Chu Yan with a dark look. At first, he thought Chu Yan was humble and deliberately praised him a few times. But now that everything was clear, he realized that Chu Yan had been playing tricks on him, or in other words, giving him He dug a hole for him to jump into.

"Are you number one on the emperor's list?"

Chu Yan shrugged innocently. He was really not to blame for this, it was entirely his own fault.

Ju Mian looked at Chu Yan in surprise and laughed.

It's just that many people still can't believe that it is extremely difficult to be ranked among the kings, but is the gap between the emperor and the emperor so big?

Chu Yan is no more than a junior emperor.

The main thing is that it doesn't matter if Beiming Shatian is not number one, he hasn't even entered the top three, so who are the two others?

The various channels of Tianbei immediately asked the people in the emperor's path, and then looked at Qing Yi and Lin Daoyan, feeling speechless in their hearts.

He was once hailed as the number one person under the emperor, but he was only ranked fourth on the emperor's list?

"I don't believe it. It's just a ranking. It's hard to tell the truth from the truth. It may not be based on combat power. You must have used some tricks. Otherwise, how can the junior Emperor defeat the Po Emperor?" the Demon King of the Beast King Palace said coldly, hoping to reconcile what he had just said. if.

Chu Yan sneered and looked up behind the Demon Lord of the Beast King Palace: "Since the seniors don't believe it, the juniors have nothing to say, but there seems to be a strong emperor-breaker in the Beast King Palace, and that big demon is one of the top ten in the emperor list. How about this, how about you let them come out together and lower their level like me, and I will fight them?"

The people in the Dilu were speechless again, and the Emperor of Heaven in the Beast King Palace turned blue in the face.

Chu Yan is an invincible emperor, and he can destroy the four divine alliances by himself, but now they are allowed to lower their level to fight with him?

"Of course, this is what the senior said just now. After all, I am at a low level and am only a junior Heavenly Emperor. The Beast King Palace will never bully my low level, right?" Chu Yan smiled brightly again, very clean, like a big boy, Shao He was somewhat domineering in the Imperial Road, but for some reason, all the people in the Imperial Road felt a chill on their backs.

The Demon Lord of the Beast King Palace frowned. He looked behind him, only to find that all the Emperor Demons lowered their heads and were trembling. No one came out?

"Go out and fight!"

The demon king of the Beast King Palace said in a bad tone, and the group of emperor demons panicked. One of the heavenly emperors actually knelt down in vain and shook his head desperately: "No..."

"Senior, it seems that the people in your Beast King Palace are not willing to fight. How about this? How about I reluctantly let them bully them and let them fight all over the country." Chu Yan smiled in embarrassment, as if he had suffered a lot. Same as wronged.

The disciples of the Tiandi Sect looked at their master and blinked, how shameless!

The demon king of the Beast King Hall looked at the emperor demon behind him again, but they still did not dare to fight. The demon king's face immediately turned cold, and the sky turned into a demon wind, covering them.

"Go out and fight, or die!"

The group of big demons trembled in their hearts. The demon race had blood suppression, and they were threatened by the demon king. Although they were unwilling, they still stood up.

The others were also very tactful and stepped back, leaving a space in the middle. There were seven emperor demons in the Beast King Hall, among which the top big demon was breaking the emperor realm.

Chu Yan walked forward alone, then he looked around and smiled: "Let's talk, you are at a high level, let me make a move or two, it shouldn't be too much, right?"

The seven emperor demons all roared, let Chu Yan make a move or two? Unless they are crazy, the top big demon took the lead and burst out with all his strength, and a golden wing grew behind him, like a sky overlord, the void shook, and the wind was strong, forming countless storms to strangle Chu Yan.

"The Peng bird clan? And it's of royal blood, very strong." The monarchs who were watching all nodded and recognized this great monster.

However, facing the sharp blade of the wind, Chu Yan stood there motionless.

Feng Lin looked at Chu Yan from the side, still full of contempt. He was a monarch. Even if Chu Yan was the first on the emperor list, he still had enough confidence: "He is looking for death."

"Boom!" Seeing the wind blade slashing down, Chu Yan finally moved. He did not dodge, but turned into a phantom and went straight to the top monster. While running wildly, he clenched his fist. On his fist, there was a faint shadow of a golden giant hammer. He punched out with an iron fist. With a bang, the space was directly distorted and the storm was shattered.

The top monster's eyes were horrified. Just when he wanted to retreat, he felt his throat tightened by a force. Chu Yan chased him up, faster than him, holding his throat with one hand, like holding a chicken, with a look of contempt.


Everyone was stunned. That was a broken emperor.

Chu Yan just destroyed the attack and broke the defense casually?

Chu Yan grabbed a top monster and did not stop. Then he took steps continuously. Every time he stepped down, there was a golden hammer light. After six steps, the faces of the six monsters in the void froze. They all felt like Mount Tai collapsed on their heads. They flew backwards and vomited blood continuously.

"What happened just now? Am I dazzled?" Some people still didn't come back to their senses.

"The people in the Beast King Hall, well, their strength is still very strong." Chu Yan waved his arm and threw the broken emperor bird in front of the monster king. Then he smiled harmlessly: "Are you satisfied, senior?"

At the Beast King Hall, the monster's face turned purple. He thought that the seven emperor monsters would be defeated, but they would never be defeated like this. This was completely, crushing.

"Hmph." The demon king of the Beast King Palace finally stopped talking nonsense. He thought that the Beiming Dynasty was now in its heyday and he could curry favor with it, but it turned out that not only did it not work, but he also lost face. At this time, it was even more impossible for him to talk to Chu Yan or take action, otherwise it would only be more embarrassing.

After the battle, Chu Yan also retreated to the direction of Shenzhu Mountain, very peacefully, as if the fighting madman just now was not him at all.

In the direction of Chilian Hall, Youyu looked at Feng Lin, her voice calm but with a hint of sarcasm: "Beiming Shatian is an absolute genius? He is not worthy of being compared with Beiming Shatian? Not even worthy of carrying shoes?"

Feng Lin looked embarrassed and snorted: "The combat power is indeed good, but so what? In the path of cultivation, the realm is the foundation. No matter how high his combat power is, he is just obsessed with martial arts, but his realm is improving slowly. Now Beiming Shatian has broken the realm of the emperor, and he will definitely become a monarch within ten years. By then, there will be a world of difference between the monarch and the emperor, and he is still not as good as them."

"The realm is improving slowly?"

Youyu shook her head. When Chu Yan fought Beiming Shatian for the first time, he was only the sixth level of the emperor. Now, in half a year, he has reached the level of the emperor. For such a person, the realm will improve slowly?

The important thing is that she once asked Xu Miao and learned that Chu Yan was only thirty years old, much younger than Beiming Shatian. Ten years later, if Beiming Shatian becomes a monarch, is it impossible for Chu Yan?

Who will be stronger then?

But she didn't say much about this, just thinking in her heart, maybe ten years later, he will have stood in a very high position in the sea of ​​stars, and all living beings will look up to him.

"Enough!" The king and ministers of the Beiming Dynasty spoke, and then looked towards the direction of the ancient ruins.

Suddenly, a cool wind blew in the ancient ruins, giving people a very comfortable feeling. Then the wind became stronger, and a ray of light descended in the distance.

At this time, the various veins of the Tianbei raised their heads and looked at the beam of light. One by one, they showed a pious look, even some Tianjun people.

Chu Yan frowned slightly when he saw the approaching beam of light. He could vaguely see that there were a group of figures in the beam of light. They were noble and arrogant. They rode in luxurious carriages and were pulled by monarch-level monsters.

"Are they outsiders?" The real ancient ruins have been here for ten thousand years, and there can't be anyone left. And they are not from Dilu and Junlu, so they must be from the outside world.

But Chu Yan couldn’t figure it out, apart from the Emperor Road and the King Road, were there any other passages in the ancient ruins?

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