Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 557 Don’t bully me

The faces of the rulers of the Purple Thunder Dynasty and the Western Region Galaxy suddenly turned cold. Those who walked out of the Emperor Road also represented their foundation.

But now, no one from either side walked out.

"What's going on? Where is Zi Chen? With his fighting power, he should be ranked among the top three in the Emperor Road. How come he didn't get the inheritance?" A ruler of the Purple Thunder Dynasty said with a face as cold as ice.

At this time, a remnant of the Heavenly Emperor of the Western Region Galaxy walked out. It was Xuan Tianzi, the great ruler of the Western Region Galaxy, and said coldly: "Xuan Tianzi, where is the little prince? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

Xuan Tianzi's eyes were red. He didn't die that day. In the past six months, he has been hiding in the Emperor Road, worried and frightened. Now he finally came out alive and looked at Chu Yan coldly.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Xuan Tianzi's eyes. Is it the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect again?

"Boom!" The Great Lord of the Western Region Galaxy was immediately furious, and looked at Chu Yan with cold eyes: "You killed my Star Region Prince?"

"The Purple Thunder Dynasty was also destroyed by the Heavenly Emperor Sect. Zi Chen and Prince Xinghe died in his hands." At this time, someone spoke up, Jian Wuya's one-armed swordsman.

"You should have died too." Chu Yan said coldly, and the one-armed swordsman shrugged and retreated behind the Lord Jian Wuya.

In the True Ancient Ruins, everyone was stunned.

The Lord's Path was already tragic enough, and I don't know how many great Lords died, but the Emperor's Path seemed even crazier.

The Jiuyou Dynasty, the Western Region Galaxy, and the Purple Thunder Dynasty, the three top forces were almost completely destroyed. In addition, Jian Wuya, the Poison Sect, the Beast King Palace, and the Beiming Dynasty were all severely damaged. All of this seemed to be related to the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

The most important thing is that he is only a junior Heavenly Emperor.

At this time, even Fairy Ningyue frowned slightly. She could barely stop the Nine Nether Dynasty, but how many people did this guy provoke?

"Ningyue, you can't protect this child, hand him over." A great monarch of the Purple Thunder Dynasty took a step forward and said with cold eyes. The next moment, several monarchs fought out, and various monarchs formed phantoms in the sky. There were big monsters, sharp swords, and maps of rivers and mountains, putting pressure on King Ningyue.

"You are all well-known people in the starry sea. Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world for taking action against a young man?" King Ningyue frowned and was still trying to argue for Chu Yan, but she also understood that this possibility was not great. Chu Yan had too many enemies.

"The world has always had opportunities and dangers coexisting, not to mention that the road to the emperor has its rules. You are all from the Tianbei lineage. Since you sent the younger generation into it, you naturally considered the dangers. Now it's over, and you are taking revenge outside. If the world is like you, who dares to enter the inheritance in the future?" King Ningyue said again.

"It's ridiculous. Although there have been disputes over the sixteen veins of my Tianbei for many years, there will always be a line left. He is now killing my prince and destroying my clan. How can he not die? Wangxianlou, don't make trouble for yourself." A great monarch of the Purple Thunder Dynasty stood up with a thud, and a terrible thunder was born, turning into a nine-day thunder dragon.

King Ningyue's heart sank. The true face of the one who wanted to kill Chu Yan was too terrible. Nearly half of the sixteen veins of the Tianbei, she alone, could never stop it today.

However, at this time, a terrible monarch suddenly turned into a huge face in the nine heavens and stopped the monarchs.

"Who!" The monarchs of several veins frowned and raised their eyes, only to see the giant monarch standing there in the void, and the Tianjun was released.

"Jumian!" Several monarchs' faces turned cold. Although not many people knew Jumian before, few people knew that he was very strong in the Junlu, crushing the Tianjun and ranking third in the Jun list.

"Jumian, you are not from my Xinghai. Do you want to intervene today?" A great monarch of the Purple Thunder Dynasty roared.

Jumian looked at the man, took a step forward, and a light curtain descended, immediately forming a sword violent strangle, covering the monarch of the Purple Thunder Dynasty. It seemed that as long as the Jumian monarch had a thought, the people of the Purple Thunder Dynasty would be killed.

"This boy is the pride of my Shenzhu Mountain. Do you want to kill him?" Jumian spoke calmly, and everyone's eyes froze, including some people in the Emperor Road, looking at Chu Yan in surprise.

The leader of the Tiandi Sect, turned out to be from Shenzhu Mountain? No wonder he had never been heard of in Xinghai.

As soon as the giant face made a move, the faces of the strong men all looked ugly. Chu Yan and his men must kill him, but today the giant face wanted to protect Chu Yan, and they had little chance.

Chu Yan also looked at the giant face in surprise, and the next moment a voice came: "Boy, you are very courageous, you have made countless enemies in the Emperor Road."

"Senior, you are too kind!" Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Am I praising you?" The giant face scolded, Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and laughed dryly. At this time, the giant face sent him another voice: "Next, you don't need to speak. Since you have changed your identity, no one knows you, and Shenzhu Mountain is in another star sea. They will not doubt you. With me here, no one in the ruins can hurt you for the time being. After leaving, let this identity disappear."

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan nodded. He also understood that he was in danger now. Shenzhu Mountain, which has the same name as Tianbei Mountain, might be able to protect him.

"Jumian, this boy has killed countless people from all branches of my Tianbei, committing a great sin of killing. Today, I'm afraid that even if you are alone, you can't be afraid of him!" Tuoba Junhou roared.

"What, do you want to try?" The Jumian monarch was extremely domineering. He looked at Tuoba Junhou, took a step, and immediately formed countless phantom clones.

"Even in Shenzhu Mountain, there are rules for the two star seas. He killed countless people and must die!" A great monarch of the Western Region Galaxy said angrily.

"Humph, a humble galaxy is not worthy of discussing rules with my Shenzhu Mountain. You are not good enough. If you want to fight, you can try it with these people around you." The Jumian monarch said contemptuously, standing there alone, making countless people look gloomy.

"Everyone, what should we do?" The king of the Purple Thunder Dynasty roared. He also understood that with the giant face, he alone could not kill Chu Yan, unless he was willing to be killed by the giant face king.

The strong were silent. There were countless kings present. With such a lineup, it would be able to destroy any force in the star sea.

However, now, they dare not act rashly. Tuoba Junhou looked at the giant face coldly and said coldly: "The real ancient ruins are here. I will spare your life for now. If you leave here, it will be your death."

Chu Yan sneered and did not respond.

Ningyue Jun was relieved. If the battle started just now, it would definitely be a world-class battle, which was more terrible than all the battles in Junlu.

In a place in Chilian Hall, where Youyu returned, there was a handsome young man, a low-level human monarch. When he saw Youyu, he smiled and said, "Youyu, you are worthy of being the woman I like, and you have also received the inheritance."

This person is a genius in Chilian Hall, named Feng Lin. It takes a hundred years to become a monarch, which is extremely rare. He is favored by many elders in Chilian Sect.

Youyu looked at Feng Lin, his autumn eyes were indifferent, and then turned to Chu Yan, with a strange look. So, he is from Shenzhu Mountain?

As if noticing Youyu's gaze, Feng Lin also looked at Chu Yan and smiled calmly: "This Tiandi Sect Master is interesting. He is provoking several major veins. He is simply not knowing his own life or death."

Youyu looked at Feng Lin in surprise. Seeing this, Feng Lin smiled calmly: "Why, am I wrong? He is just a junior emperor. How much combat power can he have? He must have used some despicable means. He is just a villain."

"Villain? Despicable means?" Youyu shook his head with a sneer, without explaining anything, and turned around to continue looking at where Chu Yan was. It was hard to say what it felt like.

Because the giant-faced monarch took action, all parties quieted down.

At this time, another person walked out of the Emperor Road. Chu Yan saw one of them and smiled. This person was wearing a red dress, with his hair tied up. He stood calmly, but gave people a sense of transcendence. It was Lin Daoyan.

After not seeing each other for many years, Lin Daoyan has become more mature. Even in this place where the geniuses gather, his eyes still reveal a faint confidence.

Lin Daoyan seemed to notice Chu Yan's gaze, turned around and looked over, was stunned for a moment, then smiled mysteriously, and said nothing.

The next moment, another person walked out. He was wearing a dragon robe and a dragon crown on his head, looking extremely noble, but his face was quite ferocious.

Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​in half a year, he was defeated and fled twice, and his temperament had changed. He was not as confident as before, but his eyes were full of decadence and loss.

Bei Ming Sha Tian walked out, and everyone in Jun Lu looked at him. This former number one under the monarch was very important even in the ears of the monarch. One of the great monarchs said: "Brother Bei Ming, congratulations, in one year, it seems that Prince Sha Tian has already born the monarch's will."

"In the star sea, he has the reputation of being the number one under the monarch. Now after the baptism of the Emperor Road, looking at the star sea, I am afraid that no one in the Emperor's realm can fight him anymore." Someone else flattered him, and a monarch and minister of the Bei Ming Dynasty nodded with a smile: "Sha Tian, ​​come!"

On the Chi Lian Tang side, Feng Lin looked at Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​put away his contempt, and smiled at You Yu: "You Yu, people like Bei Ming Sha Tian are worthy of being a true Tian Jiao. If I remember correctly, he has not practiced for more than fifty years, but he has comprehended such a terrible monarch's intention. It is very likely that he will become a monarch in his fifties and will be the emperor of a dynasty in the future. As for the Tian Di Sect Master, compared with him, I am afraid he is not even qualified to carry shoes for Bei Ming Sha Tian."

You Yu's eyes became even more strange. The Tian Di Sect Master is not qualified to carry shoes for Bei Ming Sha Tian?

"Sha Tian, ​​how did you gain from the Emperor Road?" The monarch and minister of the Bei Ming Dynasty asked. Bei Ming Sha Tian did not respond. A great monarch from the Beast King Hall next to him took the opportunity to smile and said: "Brother Bei Ming, do you need to ask more? With Sha Tian's qualifications, he must be the first on the Emperor List and get the highest inheritance."

Bei Ming Sha Tian's eyes turned cold and his face became more embarrassed. The monarch's words were obviously flattering, but he didn't know anything about what happened on the Emperor Road. Every word he said was heartbreaking.

All the emperors present were stunned for a moment, and looked at the emperor pitifully.

This guy, flattering, is afraid that he will hit the horse's hoof...

The emperor was still unaware and laughed wildly: "Just now, I heard that the leader of the Emperor Sect seems to have a lot of records in the Emperor Road, but it's a pity that he is still far behind the Prince of Killing Heaven, and it's not worth mentioning."

Chu Yan also looked strange, looking at the emperor, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Master, don't say anymore..."

At this time, a Heavenly Emperor of the Beast King Hall was speechless and sent a message to the Great Lord, but the Great Lord was fearless and continued to speak: "It's a pity that the realm of the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master is too low, otherwise, we can let the two fight, and let us see whether the Tianjiao of Shenzhu Mountain is stronger or the Prince of Killing Heaven is stronger."

The Heavenly Emperors were speechless, looking at the big monster of the Beast King Hall as if he was looking at an idiot...

The realm of the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master is too low? Otherwise, let the two fight and try?

Chu Yan also smiled at this time, and his smile was meaningful. Suddenly he took a step forward, looked at the big monster with a very calm gaze, and said with a smile: "Senior, what you said makes sense. My realm is indeed a little low, but if you are willing, I don't mind helping out. I just hope that Prince Shatian can show mercy and not bully me because my realm is too low."

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