Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5512 Idea

Chu Yan has the same attitude now!

What a cosmic mystery!

I don’t want it!

Which of you wants to go!

I don’t want it anyway!

However, as soon as these words came out, Fu Men and others suddenly became anxious!

Can you do it without it?

If you don't want it, where can we find helpers?

Nanmu said hurriedly: "Donor Chu, please don't act on your own initiative. The mystery of the universe is the most precious treasure of the universe and the foundation of the universe. How can it fall into the hands of evildoers?"

Chu Yan shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, look, senior, let me ask you something."

Nanmu looked up at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said calmly: "We are very happy chatting together now, right? Do you still think I am a heinous person? Have you ever thought that one day we can sit together and chat calmly?"

Nanmu was silent for a while and shook his head slightly.

I really haven’t thought about it!

Just a few days ago, the two sides were mortal enemies.

The kind that cannot possibly be good.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly laughed and said: "Look, you think so too, so why can we sit together and chat now? Because the mystery of the universe is no longer in the universe."

Speaking of this, Chu Yan suddenly became angry: "Yes, blame the mystery of the universe, because the mystery of the universe has caused hatred between us. This hateful thing, our universe will never want it again."

Nanmu: "..."

Nanmu's eyelids twitched slightly, and he hurriedly said: "Donor Chu, that's not the case..."

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu and said angrily: "Senior Nanmu, you don't have to explain the mystery of the universe. My universe will never want this thing. Even if Tianyan Sect gives me back his hands now, I will never I’ll take it.”

Nanmu's head suddenly felt big.


You can’t do it if you don’t want to!

At this time, the people in Guigu and the Demon Sect were also confused.

Why don't you want this anymore?

No, you can’t do it...we want it.

Chu Yan suddenly said again: "Senior, haven't you always wanted the mystery of the universe? Go and get it. My universe doesn't want it anymore, and I will never compete with senior again. Don't worry."

Nanmu twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Donor Chu, the mystery of the universe is very important. We still find a way to get it back."

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, no, no, I took it back and you hit me again. Now we can chat calmly and are considered friends. How could I lose my friend for the mystery of the universe."

Nanmu: "..."

The ghost is your friend.

His head suddenly became as big as an ox's.

At this time, Chu Yan said: "Senior, do you have anything else to do? If nothing happens, I will continue my work. You can go too. I will entertain you another day."

Nanmu's eyelids twitched slightly and suddenly sighed: "Donor Chu, you should get the mystery of the universe back. We promise that even if we get it back, we won't beat you."

Chu Yan looked up at Nanmu with a strange look in his eyes: "Master, are you sure?"

Nanmu said seriously: "I guarantee it with Buddhism."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then... let me think about it."

Nanmu breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Gui Gu and Mo Zong all looked towards Nanmu.

What's the meaning?

No more fighting the universe?

At this time, Nanmu suddenly transmitted a message: "The top priority now is to get back the mystery of the universe. Even if we can't get the mystery of the universe, we can't let the mystery of the universe fall into the hands of Tianyan Sect."

Both sides showed doubts.

They came to Chu Yan to deal with Tianyan Sect together and get the Mystery of the Universe, not to help Chu Yan regain the Mystery of the Universe.

At this time, Nanmu said: "The mystery of the universe is in the universe, and no one can break through it. But once Tianyan Sect gets it, the people of Tianyan Sect have thoroughly studied the mystery of the universe, and they have broken through Solipsism. You think there is still a chance." ?"

The expressions of Gui Gu and Mo Zong changed.

This is the situation now. The mystery of the universe cannot be accepted by everyone. No one can break through it, but no one can get it!

As the saying goes, we don’t suffer from poverty but from inequality.

Everyone is poor, that’s okay.

But suddenly you have money and we have no money?

That won't work!

The Ghost Valley Master said solemnly: "Then the mystery of taking back the universe is really returned to the universe? Are we giving up on ourselves? Nanmu, our lifespan is running out."

At this time, Nanmu pondered for a moment and said: "Let's take it back first and then talk about it. As for the Universe... Everyone, do you think it is easier to deal with the Universe or the Tianyan Sect?"

Everyone fell silent.

Nanmu said again: "I promise with Buddhism that I will not take action in the universe, but you have no guarantee."

Everyone was startled when they heard this.


Nanmu said: "To destroy the universe, do you need my Buddhist side?"

The Ghost Valley Master and others nodded slightly.

Nanmu continued: "The top priority now is to convince Chu Yan to fight against Tianyan Sect. Don't give Tianyan Sect time. Otherwise, once they break through, we will really have no chance."

Although Tianyan Sect is strong now, it is still in the category of giants.

Then you can rely on quantity to die.

Once you break through the self-centeredness and undergo a qualitative change, you will really be unbeatable.

One person is better than thousands of giants!

This statement is not groundless.

The Ghost Valley Master and others took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, that's it."

And at the same time, they didn't notice.

In the distance, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Yes, he heard all these words.

Buddhism and the others seemed to have overlooked one thing.

Big deal!

This... is the universe!

Although it is the edge of the universe, Chu Yan has recently moved the forbidden area and the ghost island here, and has covered the avenue of the universe here.

So this is within the radiation range of the Universe Avenue.

How could everyone's message be spared by Chu Yan?

Nanmu and the others thought they were Chuanyin.

But in fact, in Chu Yan's view, they were just talking with their mouths closed, and he could hear every word clearly.

Of course, Chu Yan didn't point it out.

Nanmu wanted to use him, so why didn't he want to use Nanmu?

He is actually more anxious than Nanmu and the others now!

That wooden box can really help people break through their egoism.

That's a Pandora's box. Once opened, big things will happen.

The pattern of nothingness will undergo tremendous changes.

So without Nanmu and the others, Chu Yan would actually go to fight against the Tianyan Sect. Now, having more people is a good thing.

Are they taking advantage of each other?

At this time, Nanmu looked at Chu Yan: "Donor Chu, how are you thinking about it?"

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Are you really willing to help the universe regain the mystery of the universe?"

Nanmu Zhengyi said calmly: "We will do whatever we can."

Chu Yan thought for a moment, then suddenly shook his head: "How about forget it, Tianyan Sect is very strong, we can't beat them."

Nanmu's eyelids twitched.


How could we forget it?

Nanmu was really a little anxious.

Of course, Chu Yan did this on purpose. He just wanted Nanmu and the others to understand that he was no longer that interested in the mysteries of the universe.

Nanmu said in a low voice: "Donor Chu, how can you let it go? Do you want to stop fighting just because the enemy is strong? By doing this, are you worthy of all sentient beings in the universe and worthy of those in the universe who trust you?"

Chu Yan: "..."

When Chu Yan heard this, everyone went numb!

Come on, how can this be elevated to life education?

Chu Yan laughed, and then he pretended to be coy for a while: "But we can't beat him."

Nanmu said indignantly: "How do you know you can't beat me if you haven't fought before? Do you choose to give up without even starting? How is this possible!"

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu and blinked: "Then you will really help me?"

Nanmu patted his chest: "Definitely."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly nodded: "That's okay, we can join forces together to deal with Tianyan Sect, but as far as I know, Tianyan Sect is very powerful, we can't defeat it together now, right?"

Nanmu was silent for a moment.

This is true!

Others don't know it, but they were just beaten out of Tianyan Sect.

And until they left, the palace master of Tianyan Sect had not yet taken action.

So Nanmu is actually also thinking, even if he wins over Chu Yan, can he really win against the Tianyan Sect?

At this time, Nanmu looked at Chu Yan: "Donor Chu, can you let the spirit of the universe take action?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly and said helplessly: "If you are dissatisfied, that one will not take action for me."

Nanmu frowned: "But I heard before..."

He didn't say the rest because he saw the Blood Ancestor!

But the general meaning is... the spirit of the universe helped Chu Yan, went to the Blood River, and convinced the blood ancestor.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "It's different. I won't hide this from you. You can ask Senior Blood Ancestor that I am actually the puppet of the Spirit of the Universe. And do you think he is sincere to me? No! In fact, he has been taking advantage of me. Me, he just wants to make me stronger and then devour me.”

Nanmu and others were shocked: "Is there still such a thing?"

Chu Yan said angrily: "Yes, he is very hateful. Do you think I want to be your enemy? In fact, I don't want to at all, but my relatives are all in the universe and are controlled by the spirit of the universe. Alas... I don't To tell you the truth, my life has not been happy at all these past few years, and I have been working for others.”

Nanmu was silent for a while, then suddenly sighed: "Donor Chu, it's not easy."

Chu Yan: "..."

at the same time.

A crystal palace above the universe.

Chen Tianzhen rolled up her sleeves and was about to go out. A figure next to her pulled her tightly: "Don't be impulsive!"

Chen Tianzhen gritted his teeth: "Let me go, and I promise not to beat him to death! You bastard, you just finished defrauding me, and now you go out to slander me like this. I'm so angry."

Figure: "..."

For a moment, Chen Tianzhen stopped. She didn't really take action.

And this time.

Outside the universe, Chu Yan was boasting, and suddenly a cold laughter came from his ears: "Little boy, just wait for me."

Chu Yan shuddered violently and coughed: "Haha, it's not painful, it's not painful... let's change the topic."

At this time, Nanmu fell into silence.

The spirit of the universe cannot take action.

So what to do.

On the Universe side... the combat power is actually average. Except for Chu Yan, only those from Blood Ancestor and Blood River can fight, and the rest are not worth mentioning at all.

In this case, they still couldn't defeat the Tianyan Sect.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning: "Everyone, I have an idea. Do you want to listen to it?"

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