Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5513: The Land of God's Fall

Nanmu and the others looked at Chu Yan together.

"Donor Chu, please speak."

Nanmu still chose to listen to Chu Yan's words.

It's not because Chu Yan is so strong... but because Chu Yan is so mean and has so many tricks!

Although it was Nanmu's first time to see Chu Yan today.

But he had learned about the battle between Chu Yan and Tianhai before...

How to say it!

In Nanmu's mind, this is a person with many tricks and full of routines!

When the hidden forces just appeared, Chu Yan's strength was still very weak, but he relied on several tricks to not only not be defeated, but also pit the major hidden forces to death.

For this point, Chu Yan's words... he felt that he could still listen.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyelids jumped again.

Because he could read Nanmu's heart.

You are the one with many tricks...

Of course, he was too lazy to say it. After thinking for a while, he suddenly spread his palms, and with a hum, a violent roar suddenly occurred in the surrounding space.

Then, a small black tower appeared in Chu Yan's hand.

At the same time, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned red, and a monstrous blood rushed out, spreading in all directions.

Nanmu and others' faces changed, and they quickly stepped back a few steps, as if facing a great enemy.

Because they found that at the moment when Chu Yan's blood burst out, his breath suddenly increased, and it even directly exceeded the upper limit of this era.

Nanmu said in a deep voice: "Chu, are you okay?"

Chu Yan forcibly suppressed his blood and said: "It's okay... a small problem, everyone don't look at me, look at this tower in my hand."

Everyone looked at the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, a little puzzled.

They knew about this thing a long time ago.

Not long ago, all parties investigated Chu Yan, so the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower was recorded in the intelligence.

Chu Yan has two divine objects in total, one is the Refining Heaven Sword, needless to say.

The other is this Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

But at this time, Nanmu asked in confusion: "Donor Chu, what do you mean by taking out this tower?"

Chu Yan said: "The origin of this tower is mysterious, and I don't know where it came from, but I know that there were nine laws in this tower. If you can help me find any one of them, I have the confidence to deal with Tianyanmen."

Nanmu and others' eyes shrank.

All silent.

Help Chu Yan find the law?

If he really finds it, Chu Yan may be able to beat Tianyanmen, but then what?

Can they still beat Chu Yan by then?

At this time, Guiguzhu sent a voice message: "Nanmu, be careful! If we help him now, it is equivalent to aiding the enemy. Even if we really beat Tianyanmen, once this kid reaches another level, we will only be trapped in our own trap."

Nanmu also fell into hesitation.


At this time, Nanmu said: "Donor Chu, have you determined a law that can deal with Tianyanmen?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly: "I don't know, but this is the only thing I can think of. Or think about it, are there any other ways? Tianyanmen must have someone who exceeds the upper limit. If we want to win, we must have a way to break the upper limit."

Everyone fell silent.

What the hell!

If there is, why would they keep staring at the mystery of the universe?

Isn't it because they have been stuck by the upper limit?

Nanmu was speechless again.

Seeing this, Chu Yan suddenly put away the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and waved his hand and said: "It seems that everyone is unwilling, so forget it. Anyway, I don't want the mystery of the universe anymore, so give it to Tianyanmen. Okay, Master, help me see the guests off."

The Master nodded slightly.

The faces of Nanmu and others changed.

In a hurry, Nanmu suddenly gritted his teeth: "Don't worry, Mr. Chu, we will agree."

Chu Yan stopped and chuckled: "Really?"

Nanmu said helplessly: "We have no other choice."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, get the law. In this battle of Tianyanmen, I can't represent the universe, but only represent myself. I can be the main force."

Nanmu's eyes shrank slightly when he heard this.

This is also a good thing.

Chu Yan is the main force, and they can just sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Nanmu looked at Guiguzhu and others: "What do you say?"

Guiguzhu hesitated and said: "It can only be like this. We must not let Tianyanmen open the mystery of the universe."

Nanmu nodded: "Mr. Chu, how can we help you? Where are these nine laws?"

This time, it was Chu Yan who was silent.

How to help...

He didn't know.

Let alone where the nine laws are, he just heard about the nine laws from the spirit of the universe.

He thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I don't know, but the nine laws of this tower must be extraordinary. You have been in the void for a long time. Do you know what is special about the void?"

He didn't know where the nine laws were.

But he knew one thing, where the nine laws were, they would definitely not be mediocre.

So as long as you stare at some special places in the void, you still have a chance to find the nine laws.

After this, Nanmu and others fell silent.

"Special places..."

Nanmu frowned slightly, and said helplessly: "Donor Chu... your range is too large! This is the void, the whole void... can be said to be a special place. In the void, there is no place that is normal."

After speaking, Nanmu hesitated and said: "If you want to say the most special place, it is actually not somewhere else, but behind Donor Chu."

Chu Yan was startled: "Behind me?"

He turned around and took a look, nothing was there.

Nanmu pointed to the universe: "Universe! This is the most special place in the void."

Chu Yan: "..."

Don't mention it, it seems to be true.

Nanmu said again: "As for the other special places... they are all very special. In the void, do you think natural disasters are special or man-made disasters are special? Natural disasters, there are countless thunder pools, earthquakes and floods in the void. If you talk about man-made disasters, there are many battlefields shrouded by evil spirits in the void. All the people there have been possessed by evil spirits and have only known killing for years."

Chu Yan was helpless.

Damn, the range is too large.

Where can I find this?

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly reminded: "Ask them where in the void there is a place similar to the universe."

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "Chen, there are nine laws hidden in this Jiutian Xuan Tower, and these nine laws correspond to the nine core avenues. But you have to understand that the avenues will also attract each other."

Chu Yan puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "Take the law of heaven for example. The heaven is very strong, so it will inevitably attract many avenues to come to join. Over time, this area will become a place with perfect rules. Of course, because the avenues are unbalanced and the levels are different, it will not form a universe, but compared to the chaotic void, it will definitely have more rules."

Chu Yan thought about it and nodded slightly.

It makes sense.

The next second, he looked up and repeated Xiao Jiu's words to the Buddhist sect.

Nanmu pondered: "The rules are perfect, like the universe..."

This time the scope is much smaller.

And before Nanmu spoke, Guiguzi looked strange and suddenly said: "This place... I know."

Nanmu looked at Guiguzi.

Guigu Master took a deep breath: "Nanmu, recall, Tianyanmen!"

Nanmu was startled, then his pupils shrank, and he looked at Chu Yan and said: "Donor Chu, Tianyanmen... is very similar to the place you said, with perfect rules."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly: "Not a master, aren't you a monk? Is it really appropriate for you to trick me into going to Tianyanmen like this?"

Nanmu shook his head slightly: "I didn't lie to you, Tianyanmen is really very similar to what Donor Chu said, with perfect rules, very similar to the universe, with the sun, moon and stars, the only thing missing is the lack of some great way of operation."

Chu Yan fell silent.

Does Tianyanmen really have the law of the great way?

The problem is, even if Tianyanmen really does.

It would be difficult to win if I went there rashly like this.

Chu Yan said: "Besides Tianyanmen? Are there other places similar to the universe?"

Nanmu thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I know another place."

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu.

Nanmu said seriously: "The battlefield of the fallen gods in the north."

Chu Yan was startled: "The battlefield of the fallen gods? What is that place?"

Nanmu said calmly: "A very special place. Let me tell you this. In the last era, it was the place where the most gods fell. Logically, there were countless gods falling there, and it should have become a place of gods' tombs long ago, but it didn't. On the contrary, the bodies of those gods were all absorbed by the heaven and earth, and then formed an extremely special ecosystem."

As he spoke, Nanmu added: "Over there... the power of the avenue is very strong, stronger than in ordinary places."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "There is such a thing?"

Nanmu nodded: "That world seems to have spirits too, it is a living world."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and then Xiaojiu said: "Let's go and have a look, it looks like the power of the law."

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Senior, can you take me to this place where the gods fell?"

Nanmu nodded: "Sure!"

Although they were using each other, he also hoped that Chu Yan would become stronger.

Otherwise, they really had no chance of winning against Tianyanmen.

He came to win over Chu Yan, because he really wanted to deal with Tianyan Sect, not to take Chu Yan with him to die.

No, Chu Yan could go to die, but he didn't want to die.

So Nanmu agreed.

"Donor Chu, let's go?" Nanmu asked.

Chu Yan nodded, and then Nanmu said: "Donor Chu and I, as well as the Demon Sect Master of Guigu, go together, and the rest of you don't have to follow, otherwise the speed will be too slow."

The Human Lord frowned slightly.

At this time, the Blood Ancestor said: "Can I go too?"

Chu Yan waved his hand: "It's okay, I believe that Senior Nanmu will definitely not harm me, anyway, I don't have the mystery of the universe, right, Senior Nanmu."

Nanmu: "..."

He smiled and said: "Of course."

Chu Yan sneered, he was actually thinking, at this time, if he asked the Blood Ancestor for some blood, and several people left together, would he have a chance to kill Nanmu and the others?

Of course, he was just thinking about it, now Tianyan Sect is the biggest enemy.

The Buddhist sect... leave it for now.


The next second, several people took off into the air together and flew quickly into the distance.

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