Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5511: Don’t bother

Chu Yan was shocked and said, "Is there really something in this tower?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded slightly: "Yes, and this tower has nine floors, and each floor has a trace of the true law of heaven and earth."

Chu Yan asked: "What is the law of heaven and earth?"

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "Do you remember how many core roads there are in this world?"

Chu Yan was stunned, and then his pupils shrank: "Nine core roads?"

In fact, it turned out to be ten.

Because in the creation world, the human way and the demon way were separate, but after arriving in the universe, these two roads were integrated into one.

The way of living beings!

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "It shouldn't be called the way, the way is still limited, and it is limited by some things. To be precise, the nine floors here should be called the law!"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.


It was the first time he heard about the things in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "As long as you can master the law of any layer, Tianyanmen... is not your opponent."

Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly.

Suddenly, he asked, "Where are these laws?"

The eyelids of the Spirit of the Universe jumped, and he sighed, "Forget it, I'll help you destroy the Tianyan Sect. You have too many questions."

Chu Yan: "..."

He smiled awkwardly.

Obviously, he also realized that his last question was wrong.

It was very kind of the Spirit of the Universe to tell him, but he had no obligation to help him find the laws.

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe said, "Okay, you should go. The wooden box will not last long in the hands of the Tianyan Sect. If they really open it and release the incomplete section of the Only Path, hehe...you can think about the consequences yourself."

Chu Yan's face changed.

Then he turned around and left.

It really can't be delayed.


Chu Yan left.

In the palace, the figure in the dark appeared again.

Still laughing, laughing so hard that tears are about to come out.

The face of the Spirit of the Universe turned black: "You are laughing, I really want to hit you."

The figure hurriedly shut up, and then said: "You just said too much, many things should not be told to him now."

The Spirit of the Universe sighed: "I don't want to either... but look at how fast he gets into trouble. If I don't tell him, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to protect him."

The figure: "..."

Don't say it, it's really possible!

The Spirit of the Universe just mentioned Tianyanmen, and Chu Yan started fighting with the people of Tianyanmen.

This ability to cause trouble... is absolutely first-class.

The figure said: "Really not taking action? Once the wooden box is opened, it will be very troublesome."

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head: "It's useless. In fact, the path to the ego is never a path, but the human heart. You can't stop them. If they really want to break through the ego, whether the wooden box is opened or not, this road will appear sooner or later."

After speaking, the Spirit of the Universe looked up.

Suddenly, in her eyes, another avenue seemed to appear in the sky!

That avenue was cut off, and the place where it was cut off was a rolling river.

At this time, countless corpses have piled up in the long river, and soon these corpses will fill up the long river.

The Spirit of the Universe sighed: "Even if that section of the road does not appear, the Road of Only Me will soon be filled with people. If some more people try to die there, this road will be paved with corpses."

The figure was silent.

The truth!

Although the Road of Only Me is broken, countless people have flocked to it for more than 100 million years, and they will not give up even if they will eventually die. The result is... Originally, the Road of Only Me was broken, and there was an uncrossable long river.

Now, the long river is almost filled with corpses.

If this continues, there will be no need for that section of the road, and the corpses will naturally pave a new road.

The Spirit of the Universe said: "Human hearts are the most terrifying in the world."

The figure said: "Then he went to Tianyanmen this time?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Don't worry, he is very smart and will find a way himself."

The figure didn't say much.


At the same time.

Chu Yan left the Spirit of the Universe and fell into silence alone.

What should I do?

The wooden box must be taken back.

Tianyan Sect...

His best solution now is to find the laws in the Jiutian Xuan Tower.

But he has no idea where to find them.


At this moment, he was wondering, the universe suddenly trembled violently, and then a deafening bell sounded!

Alarm bell!

This will only be rung when the enemy attacks.

Chu Yan's face changed slightly, and he was immediately angry.

Someone else is attacking the universe?

It's not over yet, right?

I have already handed over the mystery of the universe, yes, it is the mystery of the universe, as long as I paralyze myself, then what I say is true.

In the end, someone still comes to trouble the universe?

Do you really think the universe is easy to mess with?


The next second, Chu Yan flew out in one step.

At this moment, the universe was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Countless people gathered at once.

The Buddhist Sect, Ghost Valley, Demon Sect, Orc Valley, and many hidden forces that Chu Yan didn't know all came.

Chu Yan showed up, and his face darkened when he saw these people.

The human master and the others all entered a state of preparation for war.

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu of the Buddhist sect and sneered: "Okay, you are not done yet, right? I have handed over the mystery of the universe, and you are still coming. Okay, that means that the hatred between us has nothing to do with the mystery of the universe, so let's start the war."

At this time, he was really a little angry.

Even a clay Buddha can still be angry!

Bullying me, right?

However, just as he was about to make a move, Nanmu suddenly spoke up: "Donor Chu misunderstood. We are not here to cause trouble for the universe this time, but to apologize to the universe."

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Master, what do you mean?"

Nanmu said calmly: "I know that there were some unpleasant things between us and the universe before, but at that time, because of the mystery of the universe, we were also stuck in the giant realm for too long, and some of our eyes were blinded."

Chu Yan's eyes were strange, and he suddenly said: "Speak human language!"

He would not believe that these people came to apologize.

Nanmu thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I know that Tianyanmen came to rob Donor Chu of the mystery of the universe not long ago. This behavior is really abominable. As people of nothingness, we can't stand it, so we came to Donor Chu today to help the universe get revenge."

Chu Yan: "..."

Human Lord: "..."

Emperor: "..."

They all opened their mouths.


How did this monk say such shameless words?

Chu Yan originally thought that he was the most shameless, but now it seems... he really has to admit defeat.

The next second, Chu Yan pondered for a while, and suddenly understood, and sneered: "Help Yuzhou to avenge? I think you were just beaten out by Tianyanmen?"

He understood that this group of people probably went to Tianyanmen, but failed, so they came to find him.

Nanmu and others' faces changed slightly.

Nanmu pondered for a while and said calmly: "Donor Chu is right, but we are not defeated. We just think that this matter is caused by the universe. Donor Chu, are you really willing to accept it?"

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu for a while and nodded slightly: "I am willing."

Nanmu: "..."

Chu Yan chuckled: "Why shouldn't I accept it? I have the mystery of the universe, and all the people in Quanxu want to beat me. Look, now I give up, you don't beat me anymore, and you still want to help me, then why do I still need the mystery of the universe? It's a disaster."

Nanmu was anxious when he heard it: "Donor Chu, you can't do that! The mystery of the universe is a thing of the universe, how can it be in Tianyanmen."

Chu Yan waved his hand: "What universe or not, it's a disaster. I took it back, and you still want to beat me, so I don't want it."

Nanmu: "..."

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