Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5478 Kill them


The war continues.

Almost instantly, the Demon Sect was defeated by three parties.


At this time, the man from the Demon Sect was killed by Gui Ji, the Buddhist Bodhisattva and the man with the wolf head. Until the moment he died, his eyes were wide open and full of unwillingness.


Unfortunately, he never had the chance to find out.

Chih - Gui Ji cut off the Demon Sect man's throat with one sword, then grabbed the Demon God's wings and threw them at Chu Yan, saying in a deep voice: "Chu Yan, you have got all four treasures, can you let us go now?"

Chu Yan took the Demon God's wings and smiled slightly: "Of course, you go."

The Blood Ancestor frowned at the side: "Emperor Chu..."

According to the Blood Ancestor's thinking, now that everyone has become enemies, they should all be killed to avoid future troubles.

In the eyes of the Blood Ancestor, Chu Yan's behavior was undoubtedly letting the tiger return to the mountain.

Chu Yan chuckled: "What's the hurry? If I kill them, the forces behind them won't come to trouble me?"

Blood Ancestor shook his head.

Will not!

As long as Chu Yan is involved with the universe, not to mention the four forces, the entire void will not let Chu Yan go. Chu Yan's enemies will only become more and more, and they will continue to kill him.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "That's it. Since it doesn't work, does it make any difference if there are more enemies and one less enemy?"

The Blood Ancestor said solemnly: "But killing them will at least make you have fewer enemies, right?"

Chu Yan sighed: "It would be useless to play with a few less."

The Blood Ancestor added: "Kill them, and today's news can be hidden for a while, buying you more time."

Chu Yan turned to look at the Blood Ancestor and said seriously: "Senior, with my current level, how long do you think it will take for me to become able to fight against the forces from all directions?"

The Blood Ancestor was startled. He thought about it briefly and said, "One year?"

Chu Yan said: "Senior, do you think they will give me a year?"

The Blood Ancestor thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.


Even if Chu Yan killed Gui Ji and the others, the delay would be ten days and a half at most. It would be absolutely impossible to say that it would take a year.

Nihil news circulates quickly.

Especially those big hidden forces, they have 10,000 ways to know what happened today, and then come to seek revenge on Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said: "That's it, they won't give it for a year, and ten more days and a half month are useless."

The Blood Ancestor said speechlessly: "Emperor Chu, why do I feel that you are not anxious at all?"

Chu Yan's eyes were strange and he said, "Because it's useless for me to be anxious. Isn't it you, senior, who should be anxious now?"

The Blood Ancestor was startled when he heard this and said speechlessly: "Why are you still related to me?"

Chu Yan said seriously: "Senior, look, is this the truth now? If the forces from all directions come to attack me, I will definitely not be able to defeat them. Unless they give me one year, they will definitely not give me one year." time, what do you think we should do about this last thing?”

The Blood Ancestor asked: "What should I do?"

Chu Yan said matter-of-factly: "I can't beat him, so of course you have to fight him."

Blood Ancestor: "..."

Blood Ancestor's eyes suddenly widened.

Wo Cao, where is this logic?

Chu Yan said confidently: "Yes, you see you have taken refuge with me. You must fight the people I can't beat. If you can't beat me, then I will be dead. Will the spirit of the universe let go?" I don’t know about you.”

The corners of Xue Zu's mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, Chu Yan patted the Blood Ancestor on the shoulder again: "So, senior, you have to practice hard and you must protect me. I am optimistic about you."

Blood Ancestor: "..."

Blood Ancestor suddenly wanted to curse.

What is this thing called?

This is the first time he has seen a person say shameless things so confidently...

But the Blood Ancestor then thought about it... Chu Yan seemed to be right, why did this pressure fall on him inexplicably.

Chu Yan smiled slightly and said nothing.

He was actually just joking. Of course he would not entrust the safety of himself and the universe to others.

He will definitely find a way to deal with the four forces.

Even if he can't beat him, he will think of some countermeasures.

As for letting Gui Ji and others go, he had another purpose.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Send an order to the Demon Sect and tell them that all their people were killed by the three parties of the Buddhist Sect."

The Blood Ancestor was startled, frowned and said, "You want to provoke?"

Chu Yan nodded.

Blood Ancestor shook his head: "It's too difficult. The Demon Sect is also a hidden force and will not be fooled by your little tricks."

Chu Yan chuckled: "It doesn't matter if they believe it or not, I'm just telling the facts. In addition, I will plant a seed of grudge in their hearts first. As for what it will develop into in the future, that is unknown."

The Blood Ancestor nodded slightly.

At this time, Chu Yan said again: "Okay, senior, let's go too."

The Blood Ancestor was startled: "Where to go?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Of course I'm taking you to watch the show. Let's go quickly, otherwise we will really miss a good show soon."

The Blood Ancestor looked confused, but Chu Yan didn't give him any time and pulled the Blood Ancestor away.

Of course, the main reason why he pulled the Blood Ancestor was because... he was not fast enough, so he asked the Blood Ancestor to clear the way for him after he reached the air.

The Blood Ancestor took Chu Yan and flew towards the distance. He was a little confused: "Emperor Chu, where are we going?"

Chu Yan said: "Catch up with Gui Ji and the others."

Xue Zu was stunned: "Didn't you say you wouldn't kill them? You let them go, and now you want me to take you alone... Chu Huang, tell me the truth, do you want to kill me?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Xue Zu was really confused. Chu Yan didn't kill them when Xue He's whole clan was here. Now they've run away, and he wants me to chase them alone.

This is really going to kill him.

Chu Yan's face was dark: "Don't ask, you'll know when you go."

Xue Zu thought about it and nodded slightly. He felt that Chu Yan didn't need to kill him.


At the same time.

Thousands of miles outside the universe.

A group of people appeared, panting.

It was Gui Ji and others who had just escaped from the universe.

They all looked grim.


"Damn, it was a mistake. I didn't expect Xue He to join the universe."

At this time, Gui Ji said: "What do you think Xue He is thinking? Why did he join the universe?"

He didn't understand. Xue He himself was a hidden giant. There was no need.

The people from the Buddhist sect and the Orc Valley shook their heads.

They didn't know either.

Gui Ji sighed: "No matter what, this matter must be reported back to the sect. We have underestimated the universe."

The other two parties nodded slightly.


At this time, the space around them suddenly twisted, and then a group of strong men suddenly walked out.

Gui Ji and others' faces changed, thinking that the people from the universe were chasing them, and they were immediately facing a great enemy.

But the next second, Gui Ji and others were stunned, and the people coming from the opposite side were also stunned when they saw Gui Ji.

Then, Tianhai Bodhisattva and others saw Gui Ji and became excited: "My lord? Is it you?"

Gui Ji and others looked at Tianhai people, and their eyes became strange.

The next second, Gui Ji shouted angrily: "Kill them!"

Tianhai Bodhisattva: "..."

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