Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5477: Treasures Left Behind

Everyone in the four directions was stunned.

See Emperor Chu?

What the hell?

The next second, Gui Ji's expression suddenly changed: "No, Xuehe and Universe are on the same side?"

The faces of the people from the Buddhist sect, the Demonic sect and the Orc Valley all changed.

"How is this possible?" Everyone in the area couldn't understand.

But at this time, they could no longer think about everything.

At this time, the Blood Ancestor raised his arms and said to the Blood River man behind him: "Take action and seize the four treasures for the Emperor of Chu."

As soon as the voice fell, countless giants from the Blood River took to the air and immediately started to kill the people from all directions.

The faces of the people in the Quartet changed, and Gui Ji immediately said: "Defend the enemy! Bastards, Xue He, you are betraying nothingness, and you will not end well!"

The blood ancestor's eyes were cold.

It won't end well?

If he didn't compromise, Xuehe would have already met a bad end.

Blood Ancestor actually feels very complicated now, but since he has made his choice, don't regret it.


The war is about to break out.

It stands to reason that Blood River and the Quartet of Buddhism are forces of the same level, and it is impossible to defeat four of them with one.

But the problem is... Blood River is the strength of the entire clan.

But the rest of the four parties only sent some of them. Who are Blood River's opponents?


In an instant, everyone in the four directions was at a disadvantage.

The four people headed by Gui Ji were better off. They held four sacred objects, but the rest of them were not so lucky and were suppressed one after another.


Almost instantly, there was a shocking loud noise above Onigashima.

A strong man in Guigu's eyes widened, his heart was directly pierced, and he was killed without even his soul escaping.

"No...I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!!!"

The strong man in Guigu roared in despair, "It's been hundreds of millions of years. He has been practicing for hundreds of millions of years to be as strong as he is today, and he died like this?"

Gui Ji's face also darkened: "Ghost Eyes!!!"

Then his eyes turned red: "Bastard, bastard! Blood River, why?"

Blood Ancestor's eyes were calm: "How can there be so many reasons in this world? I'll just beat you and that'll be it."

Gui Ji said ferociously: "You are our enemy from all directions, and we will not let you go."

The blood ancestor's face darkened slightly.

This was actually what he was worried about.

If all the clans from all directions come, he will definitely not be able to defeat him.

But he soon calmed down.

What are you afraid of? Isn’t there still the spirit of the universe?

Although the spirit of the universe said that he would not help Chu Yan, the two of them were together after all.

As long as the spirit of the universe takes action...the rest of the world doesn't matter?

The Blood Ancestor didn't know if there was anyone in this void who was stronger than the Spirit of the Universe, but at least in his knowledge, the Spirit of the Universe was the strongest person.

none of them.

Killed their blood ancestor instantly with one sword.


At this time, Gui Ji suddenly roared.

Can't beat it.

With Blood River's participation, this battle was already one-sided.

When people from all directions heard this, they immediately turned around and disappeared like the tide.

However, when they wanted to run away, Chu Yan was not happy for a moment and shouted angrily: "Asshole, you can run away if you want, but keep all the treasures, otherwise we will fight to the death today!"

Gui Ji's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he showed a look of weakness.

He lowered his head and glanced at the summoning gong in his hand, his eyes full of reluctance, but he knew that if he didn't throw the summoning gong away, he might really die today.

Thinking of this, he glared hard, turned around and threw out the soul-calling gong.

Chu Yan took it, full of excitement.

The first one arrived.

This is a treasure. Although he does not have a soul, others do.

He has been in the void for so long, but he has never met another person whose soul and body are one, and as long as a person has a soul, this thing can be said to be an absolute weapon.

Of the four treasures, the one he valued most was the soul-calling gong.

Dropping the soul-calling gong, Gui Ji turned around and ran away.

Chu Yan really didn't chase him.

No need.

He has been to the Blood River, so he knows how strong the hidden giant's background is.

Gui Ji's group of people is just a drop in the bucket. Even if he kills them, it will be of no use.

Instead of doing that, it’s better to get more treasures.

The next second, Chu Yan shouted: "Chase the other three parties. No one is allowed to leave without leaving the treasure behind."

The three parties' mouths twitched when they heard this.

The Buddhist monk was the first to come to his senses, and the leading Bodhisattva immediately threw out the golden relic.

Chu Yan took it and chuckled: "Buddhism is Buddhism, you know what it means to be willing to give up."

The Buddhist Bodhisattva's eyelids twitched slightly, but he didn't speak at all and led the people to escape into the distance.

For a time, only the Orc Valley and the Demon Sect were left.

The wolf-headed man in the Orc Valley gritted his teeth and immediately threw out the Demon King Beast Pill.

Chu Yan took it and got the third one.

Then he looked towards the Demon Sect.

The Demon Sect man clenched his fist slightly.

He didn't want to give up the demon wings.

Chu Yan watched for a while, and when he saw that Mo Zong didn't hand it over, he didn't waste any words and shouted directly: "You won't give it to me, right? Okay, kill them!"

The blood river breaks out again.

The point is, not only the people of the Demon Sect, but also the people of Xuehe directly targeted all directions.

Gui Ji and the three parties were about to run away, but their expressions changed in vain, and they were stopped again by the people from Xuehe.

Gui Ji's face changed: "Chu Yan, we have left the treasure..."

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I want four things, and one of them is indispensable. If one thing is missing, you will all keep them for burial."

"Damn it!" Gui Ji cursed in a low voice, then he looked at the Demon Sect and said in a deep voice: "Demon Sect, hand it over, do you want to kill us all?"

Demon Sect: "..."

The Demon Sect man growled: "No need to hand it over, we can rush out together."

However, he was shocked the next second.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gui Ji and the other two parties looked at each other, and suddenly someone disappeared.

They appeared behind the Demon Sect together.

Swish - in an instant, the three parties rushed towards the Demon Sect together.

The Demon Sect's face changed: "Asshole, what are you doing?"

It was just the Blood River, because it was divided into four branches, they could barely deal with it.

Now the Ghost Valley, the Buddhist Sect and the Orc Valley are all coming towards them, they are no match at all.

Gui Ji didn't say anything.

Nonsense, we have handed it over, and you still want to take the treasure away?

Are you kidding?

Chu Yan has been watching silently from behind, with a smile on his face.

Everything is under his control.

At this time, Xue Zu looked at Chu Yan meaningfully. He didn't know if these were in Chu Yan's calculations. If they were... that was really too cruel.

The four parties that were originally together collapsed directly.

Chu Yan ignored it. He came out of the universe and understood the meaning of the word "human heart is unpredictable".


That is only based on the premise of mutual benefit. When there is no mutual benefit, these people turn their faces faster than turning a book.

And the universe actually did a good job in this regard.

The strength of the universe may not be very strong, but when Chu Yan is in the universe, he can always trust his back to others.

Below, Cao Jianjia watched silently. It was not surprising. He knew that the Demon Sect was finished.

He was once a person of nothingness. The reason why he chose the universe was not because the universe was strong, but because the people of the universe were united enough.

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