Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5479: Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

Gui Ji and others were not so angry after being chased out of the universe, but when they saw Tianhai and the others, they couldn't hold it back any longer.


"Kill them!"

Gui Ji roared and was the first to attack.

Behind him were countless strong men from Buddhism and Orc Valley, and they had no reservations.

Everything comes.

The eyelids of Tianhai Bodhisattva and others twitched, and they hurriedly shouted: "No! Seniors, it's us. I am Tianhai, and we are our own people."

"Nice yourself!"

Gui Ji shouted: "It's you Tianhai who did it, kill, kill, kill!"

At this time, Gui Ji and the others were really angry, not so angry.

If it weren't for Tianhai and the others, they wouldn't have gone to the universe, let alone the grievances they encountered later.

So infuriating.

Tianhai Bodhisattva and the others were all confused.

But they didn't dare to be careless and immediately shouted: "Defend the enemy!"

The people around him were all stunned and quickly gathered together. Tianhai put his hands together and immediately opened a huge Buddha shadow for defense.


But in just one second, Gui Ji put her hands together, and the clouds exploded above his head. A huge ghost claw protruded out, and punched the Buddha's shadow in the sky.


The Buddha's shadow turned into powder.

Tianhai Bodhisattva twitched the corner of his mouth and was really panicked.

He could see that Gui Ji and others had really killed someone, but he couldn't figure out one thing... why?

We are all our own people, so we can't have such a big hatred, right?

Tianhai Bodhisattva roared: "My lords, why exactly? We are together, why do we kill each other?"

Gui Ji said ferociously: "You still have the nerve to ask me this? You also know that we are our own people? Then you are going to die to harm us?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva was startled: "I cheated you? What are you talking about? When did I cheat you?"

Gui Ji said coldly: "Buddhist, you have to explain your own affairs. Also, you tell him how he died after hearing the Tao."

Tianhai was shocked when he heard this: "What? Bodhisattva Hearing the Way is dead?"

There are a total of seventy-two Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, and Tianhai is only at the bottom, but Ke Wendao is a genuine Bodhisattva who is at the top. How could he die suddenly?

At this time, a Buddhist disciple coldly snorted: "Tianhai, do you still want to pretend?"

Tianhai said in a deep voice: "Why am I pretending? I don't know anything at all."

The Buddhist disciple said coldly: "You don't know? Okay, then let me ask you, do you have the mystery of the universe in your hands?"

Tianhai was startled when he heard this, but did not deny it: "Yes, it is in my hands, but what does this have to do with me cheating you?"

The Buddhist disciple said angrily: "Then let me ask you, you have obviously obtained the mystery of the universe, why did you send a message to let us come to the universe? And you also deliberately tried to trap us? Don't you just want us to help you delay the universe and fight for yourselves? Escape time?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. He said in a low voice, "Did Chu Yan tell you all this?"

The Buddhist disciple said: "Don't worry about who said it. Is all this true?"

Tianhai gritted his teeth and said: "The mystery of the universe is indeed in my hands, but the situation was tense at that time. Xuehe defected to the universe and forced me to hand over the mystery of the universe. In order to keep the mystery of the universe, we sent a message to the clan. I hope you can Help us delay."

As soon as these words came out, Gui Ji and others were slightly startled: "Sound in the east and attack in the west? You didn't run away?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva said helplessly: "If we wanted to run away, would we still be here now?"

Gui Ji was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make sense.

Although they escaped from the universe, they are still very close to the universe.

If Tianhai and the others wanted to run away, why wouldn't they run towards the universe?

Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?

In an instant, the scene became quiet.


The two figures have been hiding in the void.

It was none other than Blood Ancestor and Chu Yan.

The blood ancestor's mouth twitched slightly when he saw the scene just now. He finally knew what Chu Yan was talking about.

A good show indeed.


Chu Yan also said helplessly at this time: "Is this the end? I was still thinking about why I didn't kill a few of them too. This would be pointless."

And just as he was thinking about it.

Below, Gui Ji and others are in a stalemate.

Suddenly, a person in the Orc Valley said in a deep voice: "That's not necessarily true. Although this place is near the universe, there is a saying that the most dangerous place is actually the safest."

Chu Yan almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

This is a teammate.

Chu Yan said to the Blood Ancestor: "Quick, quick, remember this person. Don't kill him when you attack him. You must let him go. I like this kind of person. If you keep him, I will definitely give him something in the future." We bring surprises.”

Blood Ancestor: "..."


Gui Ji and others frowned upon hearing this.

It was impossible to tell for a while.

Tianhai Bodhisattva twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, although I don't know what happened just now, this is really a misunderstanding. The reason why we want to go to the universe now is to join you."

The man from the Orc Valley said coldly: "Why should we believe you? It's because of your previous summons that killed countless of us, and the entire Demon Sect team was wiped out by the universe."

As soon as this statement came out.

The expressions of the powerful Demon Sect masters on Tianhai's side changed.

A member of the Demon Sect said in a deep voice: "How is that possible? I am summoning a Demon General..."

Gui Ji's face changed slightly, and she quickly said sadly: "It's true... the cruelty of the universe is beyond our imagination..."


At this moment, a loud curse suddenly sounded from the sky.

Everyone was startled.

Then, two figures appeared.

It was Chu Yan and Xue Zu.

Gui Ji and Tian Hai were shocked when they saw Chu Yan, and then they were facing a great enemy: "Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan said with a dark face: "I didn't want to come out so soon, but isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to frame me in public like this?"

Gui Ji's mouth twitched.

At this time, the Demon Sect's strong man said in a low voice: "Chu Yan, what happened? Why did all the people in my Demon Sect die?"

Chu Yan looked at the Demon Sect's strong man with sympathy and sneered: "Are you stupid?"

The Demon Sect's strong man was startled and frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Think about it yourself, the four forces went to the universe together, and now most of the people from the three parties have escaped alive, but only your people from the Demon Sect have not returned. What do you think is the reason?"

The Demon Sect's strong man was startled, and then said in a deep voice: "Is it because my Demon Sect is the last one to leave for the other three parties?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan's eyes widened.

What kind of logic is this?

The Demon Sect...are all fools?

Chu Yan suddenly looked at Ghost Princess and said with great sorrow: "Listen to it yourself, look at how good the people in the Human Demon Sect are, they are all dead and still want to leave for you. Look at you again, I ask you, don't you feel guilty when you hear this?"

Ghost Princess: "..."

Buddha Sect: "..."

Orc Valley: "..."

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