Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5476: Blood River Meets the Emperor of Chu

Yes, it’s a lie!

The reason Chu Yan didn't let the Blood Ancestor take action was because he was waiting.

He wanted people like Gui Gu and Mo Zong to get a few more treasures and catch them all in one fell swoop.

In fact, there is a river of blood in this battle, and Chu Yan is already in an invincible position.

It’s not that Blood River is necessarily stronger than places like Buddhism, Ghost Valley, and Demon Sect, but because Blood Ancestor is here!

Buddhism and Guigu are also very strong, especially Buddhism, which has a long heritage and is even stronger than Blood River, but they have not tried their best, such as those Buddhas who have never appeared.

But Xuehe is different. The entire Xuehe clan has taken refuge in Chu Yan.

The Blood Ancestor is here.

This battle can be won.

But not so winning.

Wait a moment.

But now, he must solve this soul-calling gong.

Hey - he swung the sword in his hand again.

He slashed towards Gui Ji.

However, Gui Ji did not fight Chu Yan this time, but quickly dodged to the side to avoid the sword. He also noticed it at this time and sneered: "Chu Yan, you are not afraid of yourself, but what about the rest of the universe? ? Do you really want to watch them all die?"

Chu Yan stared at Gui Ji.


Suddenly, the eight swords merged into one and stabbed forward again.

Gui Ji frowned and dodged back again. However, as soon as he dodged, his expression changed, because he found that the Liantian Divine Sword separated again and was coming towards him from eight directions, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

Forced, Gui Ji could only grit her teeth and use the soul-calling gong to block it.


The Heavenly Refining Divine Sword hit the soul-summoning gong, instantly severing the soul connection with the rest of the universe.

The souls of countless people in the universe quickly returned and suddenly woke up.

The Lord and the Emperor were both shocked and secretly thankful.

Tsk—Chu Yan waved his hand again.

One sword slashed Gui Ji away.

He sneered: "Gui Gu's trump card doesn't seem to be very good? Don't your Demon Sect and Buddhism have any trump cards?"

Gui Ji's face darkened, she looked at the other three parties and said: "His spirit and body are one, and he is naturally capable of restraining our ghost clan."

A man from the Demon Sect narrowed his eyes, suddenly walked out and clasped his hands together: "Come on!"

As the voice fell, in a distant and unknown place, a black light suddenly shot into the sky. As soon as this black light came out, the demonic energy flew quickly towards the universe.

After a while, a huge evil wing appeared.

Xiao Jiu's expression changed: "Demon God's Feather!"

Chu Yan was startled: "What is this?"

Xiao Jiu said seriously: "This is already a treasure from the last era. You also know that the last era was called the Era of Gods and Demons. In addition to gods, there were also demons! And this wing is a very powerful demon god. wing."

Chu Yan was stunned when he saw Demon God's Feather, and then he was ecstatic: "What a treasure... The Demon Sect is so polite."

Xiaojiu: "..."

He really has no worries now.

The more treasures, the better.

It's all his anyway.


At this time, the Demon Sect man flew into the air, and the Demon God's Feather appeared behind him. The next second, the man's aura suddenly increased sharply, and a Demon God Totem actually appeared on his forehead.

In an instant, the man seemed to have turned into a real demon. He took a step forward with a bang, and punched Chu Yan with his demonic power.

Chu Yan's eyes froze, because the punch was too fast, shattering the void in a second and landing directly in front of him.

But almost at the same time, Chu Yan took out a small tower and stood in front of him.


The Jiutian Xuan Pagoda trembled slightly, and then the shadow of the fist disappeared without a trace.


The Demon Sect man's eyes narrowed: "What kind of weird thing is this?"

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

That punch just now was really strong.

If it weren't for the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, he might not have died if his body was touched, but he would definitely be seriously injured.

But the next second, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because this means that the Feather of the Demon God is really powerful.

Chu Yan was a little excited, and he challenged: "If this thing doesn't work, is there anything else?"

The Demon Sect man frowned.

At this time, Gui Ji said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please stop delaying. The longer you delay, the longer it will take. Don't forget that the mystery of the universe is still in Tianhai's hands."

As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions changed slightly.

Indeed, after they took over the universe, they still wanted to find Tianhai.

After another delay, Tianhai really ran away.

They are also hard to find.

Thinking of this, a Buddhist monk and a wolf-headed man from the Orc Valley walked out.

Both of them were very strong. After looking at each other, the Buddhist monk raised his hand first. He also had a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, which he pinched slightly.


The sky suddenly brightened, and a ray of Buddha's light came from thousands of miles away.

The wolf-headed man looked up to the sky and roared: "Ouch——"

Immediately, an animal energy broke out.


Both forces are very powerful.

The oscillating universe keeps shaking.

The faces of the host, emperor and others all darkened.

Somewhat desperate.

Chu Yan, on the other hand, looked excited after seeing the two forces, and he became a little excited.

Xiaojiu took a look and suddenly said: "It's the golden relics from Buddhism and the Demon Emperor's Heart from the Orc Valley."

Chu Yan said excitedly: "Is it awesome?"

Xiao Jiu was speechless: "Nonsense, now these four things are one of the peerless treasures in their power, very powerful."

Chu Yan smiled: "That's really great."

Gui Ji and others were startled when they heard this, and their expressions changed slightly.

What's so good?


At this time, the Buddhist relics and the Demon Emperor's Heart have descended into the universe.

It fell into the hands of Buddhism and Orc Valley.

Ghost Princess sneered: "Chu Yan, do you have anything else to say now?"

Chu Yan looked at Ghost Princess for a long time, and suddenly blinked and said: "What? Say... Thank you for the gift of nature?"

Ghost Princess was stunned when she heard this, and said in a deep voice: "Chu Yan, what do you mean?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Nothing, just telling you that I, Chu Yan, want these four treasures!"

Ghost Princess was stunned and laughed; "Chu Yan, are you talking in your sleep?"

However, Chu Yan ignored him at all, but looked directly at the Blood Ancestor and clapped his hands.


The sound rang out, and the people of the Blood Ancestor and the Blood River understood.

The Blood Ancestor smiled slightly, suddenly stood up and walked towards the universe.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

When Xue Zu walked behind Gui Ji and the others, he did not forget to smile and said, "Make way."

Gui Ji also frowned and hurriedly said, "Senior Xue Zu, you don't need to do anything, we can solve it ourselves, really..."

Xue Zu chuckled, "I'm not going to do anything, I just want to go over."

Gui Ji was puzzled, but he still made way. After a while, Xue He led all the people of Xue He to the front of the universe.

Below, the human master and the others were all extremely nervous.

And the next second, Xue Zu came in front of Chu Yan, and suddenly led the people of Xue He to bow slightly: "Xue He of Nothingness, see the emperor!"

"Xue He of Nothingness, see the emperor!"

"Xue He of Nothingness, see the emperor."

Chu Yan's mouth corners slightly raised: "You're welcome, can you help me grab these four things?"

Xue Zu laughed: "I will definitely not let the emperor down!"

The next second, the eyes of the people from Guigu, Buddhism, Demon Sect, and Orc Valley were all wide open.


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