Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5463 Kill him

After the Blood Ancestor said this, everyone's expressions changed.

Even Chang He was stunned.

Has Blood River surrendered?

Forget it, now you still want to help Chu Yan win the mystery of the universe?

Tianhai Bodhisattva narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "Senior Blood Ancestor, does he want to be an enemy of Quanxuwu?"

Blood Ancestor glanced at Tianhai Bodhisattva and sneered: "What a big hat. Buddhism seems not to understand that from beginning to end, it was not our universe that made the first move, but you came to my universe to rob the treasures of my universe. What if If your banditry can be considered justice, what about being an enemy of Quanxu?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva's expression changed.

Our universe!

Yes, the Blood Ancestor was very smart. He first found a righteous identity for his side.

Tianhai Bodhisattva said in a deep voice: "What the Blood Ancestor said is interesting, but don't forget that among those who go to the universe to snatch the mystery of the universe, there are also your blood rivers."

The Blood Ancestor nodded: "Yes, so now I know I was wrong. What does your Buddhist saying say? Yes, you can correct your mistakes if you know them. There is no greater good. We have changed them now."

Tianhai Bodhisattva: "..."

The Blood Ancestor smiled and said: "How about you Buddhists also follow the universe?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva said in a deep voice: "Senior Blood Ancestor, there is no need to play word games with me here. We are all smart people. You know very well what the mystery of the universe represents. Now if you want us to hand it over, that is obviously impossible. Not to mention that we Buddhists will not agree, I believe that all the donors present will not allow it. "

Tianhai Bodhisattva is also very smart.

His words brought everyone around him together.

United front.

Because he knew very well that today, he alone would definitely not be the opponent of Xuehe.

At this time, Blood Ancestor glanced at Tianhai Bodhisattva and said calmly: "Does that mean we have nothing to talk about?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva said calmly: "If Blood River insists on betraying nothingness, then I, the Buddhist sect, will never back down."

Both sides fell into silence.


The Blood Ancestor was thinking about what to do.

He can actually kill Tianhai Bodhisattva directly and get back the mystery of the universe. Tianhai Bodhisattva is not weak, but he is the Lord of the Blood River after all.

But once he did this, the feud between Xuehe and Buddhism was completely forged.

At this time, Chu Yan thought for a while and suddenly said to the Blood Ancestor: "Senior, maybe you can let me say a few words?"

The Blood Ancestor was startled, but still nodded slightly.

He now respects Chu Yan from the bottom of his heart.

Treat Chu Yan as a leader.

Because he has lived in nothingness for hundreds of millions of years, he knows very well what is the correct way to survive.

What is the most taboo thing in nothingness?

Swing position, wallflower!

He must be decisive in doing things. Now that he has chosen to follow Chu Yan, he should be sincere and don't waver all the time. He agrees with his mouth but is not convinced in his heart. Such a person will not end well in the end.

The Blood Ancestor took a step back.

Chu Yan stepped forward.

He looked up at Tianhai Bodhisattva and chuckled: "Tianhai Bodhisattva, let's talk?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva looked at Chu Yan and gave a slight salute: "What does Almsgiver Chu want to talk about?"

Chu Yan said: "Tianhai Bodhisattva, I want to know one thing. Do I have any grudge against your Buddhist sect?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva shook his head slightly: "No."

Chu Yan added: "Then I'm curious about one thing. Does Buddhism always talk about compassion? Don't you always say that kindness is the greatest thing?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva looked at Chu Yan and nodded slightly: "That's right."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Then I would like to ask Tianhai Bodhisattva, is what you are doing now good? Also, why are you not compassionate to me at all?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Compassion is also divided among people. There is a saying in Buddhism, which is not to help those who have no destiny."

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't understand, what does "Senior" mean by fate? I, Chu Yan, believe that I have never done anything wrong in my life. Maybe I have, but it was all unintentional. In my heart, I still believe Good deeds are rewarded with good deeds, but I have not been rewarded with good deeds even though I have survived to this day. Can senior help me solve my doubts?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva looked at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Some things are not decided in this life, but in countless reincarnations. Grantor Chu may not have done anything wrong in this life, but your birth may be a mistake for this world. "

Chu Yan suddenly fell silent, then he smiled and said: "Master, I don't understand even more when you say that... What is another saying in Buddhism? All living beings are equal? ​​Then why was my birth a mistake?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva suddenly fell silent.

Chu Yan continued: "Your Buddhist school talks about being compassionate, treating all sentient beings kindly, and not committing sins of killing. But now, look at your hands. Have you broken the precepts?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva's expression kept changing.

There are some tangles in my heart.

At this time, a strong man next to him said in a deep voice: "Master, he is destroying your Taoist heart."

Tianhai Bodhisattva took a deep breath and nodded slightly: "I know."

Then, he looked at Chu Yan and said, "Donor Chu, there is no need to say more. My Taoist heart cannot be destroyed by you."

Chu Yan laughed loudly: "I just told the truth, but when it came to your mouth, it turned out to be a bad way for you? And then I am a bad person? I want to know, you Buddhism... is only what you say is right, the others say Are they all wrong? Master, you are...superstitious."

Tianhai Bodhisattva stared at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "What I did is worthy of my heart. The mystery of the universe involves too many things, and it is the source of sin in nothingness. This kind of thing cannot be left in the world."

Chu Yan sneered: "What a shameless person. I hope you will have the nerve to say this when you see the real Buddha."

After that, he suddenly turned to look at Xue Zu and said: "Senior, kill him!"

Xue Zu: "..."

Xue He: "..."

The people of Xue He were stunned.

So direct?

Chu Yan said calmly: "Look, there is nothing to talk about between us, so why bother talking? They will not give up the mystery of the universe, but the mystery of the universe cannot be lost. Senior, have you forgotten what you promised the Spirit of the Universe?"

Xue Zu's eyelids jumped slightly, then he took a deep breath and suddenly waved his arms: "Xue He, listen to the order, surround all the people here."


In an instant, countless strong men from Xue He flew out.

Surrounded the four sides.

Chang He was also a little stunned at this time.

He didn't even know who he was with.

But soon, he mixed into the crowd of Xue He.

Although he didn't know why Xue Zu suddenly followed Chu Yan, he understood one thing... His ancestor was very strong. Since he followed him, something must have happened in the Blood River before...

It's better not to do anything stupid.

At this time, Chu Yan looked at Changhe, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yan didn't care about the rest of the people in the Blood River, but Changhe... attacked the universe.

Xue Zu also noticed this and sent a voice transmission: "Emperor Chu, can you give me a favor?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and smiled slightly: "Okay."

Xue Zu breathed a sigh of relief, but his fear of Chu Yan became stronger.

This person... is not easy to mess with.

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