Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5462 Bleeding River

The Blood Ancestor was speechless when he heard this.

When did he ask Chu Yan to keep only 9 pieces?

"Take me there." Blood Ancestor said.

The guard nodded slightly.

After a while, the Blood Ancestor came to the treasure house. What is worth mentioning is... the treasure house is really clean.

The Blood Ancestor remembered that because there were a lot of treasures in the Blood River, they were usually piled up in it. It was very chaotic and had eaten a lot of dust. But now, the treasure house is so clean, there is not even a speck of dust. In the middle, there is a regular There are 9 treasures placed neatly.

Chu Yan was overjoyed when he saw the Blood Ancestor. He clapped his hands and said, "Old man, how do you think I cleaned up this treasure house for you? Is it clean?"

Blood Ancestor's eyelids twitched slightly, and he said helplessly: "It's quite clean, but Emperor Chu... didn't I tell you to leave some treasures for Xuehe?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, I kept it, you see."

After speaking, he pointed to the nine treasures in the middle.

The Blood Ancestor said helplessly: "Only 9 pieces?"

Chu Yan said strangely: "Didn't you ask me to keep these? I even kept a little more on purpose."

The Blood Ancestor said with a headache: "When did I tell you to keep 9 pieces?"

Chu Yan said seriously: "How many pieces did you say to keep? Look, how many pieces did you say? It must be single digits. If you said dozens of pieces, then I will definitely keep a few more." , but you mentioned a few pieces, I can’t keep more.”

The blood ancestor's eyes were dull.

Others felt numb all of a sudden.

Is this okay?

But think about it carefully...

Chu Yan seems to be right...

Chu Yan said strangely: "Old man, are you reluctant to let go?"

The Blood Ancestor sighed: "That's all, just take it."

He didn't want to have a dispute with Chu Yan on this matter.

If Chu Yan can really help Xue He break through the ego in the future, then the contents of this treasure house will not be worth mentioning.

At this time, Chu Yan was still about to speak.

The Blood Ancestor's face changed and he said hurriedly: "Emperor Chu, we should leave. Although I, the Blood River, have followed you, there are other forces in the Buddhist sect that have been outside. If they can't wait for you to come back, what if? It would be troublesome to take action against the universe.”

Chu Yan was startled, then thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Then he said regretfully: "It's a pity. I still want to stay in the Blood River and see more."

The Blood Ancestor laughed and said, "Let's go quickly. He didn't dare to let Chu Yan stay, otherwise he would doubt that Chu Yan could be packed away by Xue He."

Don't tell me, Chu Yan has really considered it...

He was just thinking about whether he could use a space ring to directly transport Xuehe away.

But he tried it, and it didn’t work.

He doesn't have this ability yet.

So I had to give up first.

The Blood Ancestor said: "Emperor Chu, shall we go out? I will be with you, just in time to help you get back the mystery of the universe."

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Thank you."

The Blood Ancestor said hurriedly: "Your Majesty Chu, you are welcome."


As long as you are willing to leave, let me go with you to fight Buddhism and I will go with you.

Then, Chu Yan did not stay in the Blood River, and he was worried about what the Blood Ancestor said.

After a while, the Blood Ancestor gathered a group of people and flew towards the outside of the Blood River with Chu Yan.

Beyond the river of blood.

There are countless strong people gathered here.

Among them, Tianhai Bodhisattva is the leader, and next to him is the long river of blood, as well as other powerful men from various major forces.

It has been some time since the spirit of the universe entered the Blood River, but they have never waited for anyone.

The spirit of the universe has gone, but they can't even notice it.

Someone frowned slightly: "Why don't you come out yet?"

"Is he already dead inside?" someone questioned.

"It's possible that the Spirit of the Universe is not weak, but down below is the headquarters of Blood River. If the two of them go in, they will most likely die."

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva suddenly looked at Changhe and said: "Changhe, this is your territory, why don't you go down and take a look? Find out what happened."

Changhe thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay."

After saying this, Chang He stood up and walked towards the Blood River.

He also wanted to know whether Universe Spirit and Chu Yan were dead.

As for the defeat of Blood River...

He didn't think about it.


At this moment, before the blood river entered the blood river, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the huge blood river.


The next second, several people flew out of the vortex.

The leader is none other than the Blood Ancestor.

Behind him were Chu Yan and countless strong men from Blood River.

Tianhai Bodhisattva's expression changed when he saw these people.


Someone said in a deep voice.

Changhe was also shocked when he saw the Blood Ancestor and hurriedly knelt down on one knee: "Junior, see you, Ancestor."

The Blood Ancestor nodded slightly: "Get up."

Then he looked around and chuckled: "It's so lively. People from Buddhism, Demon Sect, and Guigu are all here."

Tianhai Bodhisattva's eyes were solemn and he saluted slightly: "I have met Senior Blood Ancestor."

In terms of identity, the Blood Ancestor is stronger than him. If the Blood Ancestor is placed in Buddhism, he can be on par with those Buddhas.

Blood Ancestor nodded: "You're welcome."

At this time, Chang He saw Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. Then he looked around again and found that there was no Universe Spirit. He sneered at Chu Yan: "Boy, are you defeated? Where is the Universe Spirit? Was he killed?" "

Tianhai Bodhisattva and others also noticed this and all smiled.

"Two people provoked the blood river and sought death." Someone laughed.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes looked strange.

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva said to Xuezu: "Senior Xuezu, this boy is a great evil in the universe. Today, Xuehe is willing to take action. I am glad for all the living beings in the void. This is a great kindness."

Xuezu looked strange.

At this time, Changhe said in a deep voice: "Old Ancestor, leave him to me."

Xuezu glanced at Changhe.


Suddenly, a slap was pulled out.

This slap came out from the air, and Changhe's face changed drastically, but the speed was too fast. Before he could react, the whole person flew out ten thousand meters.

As soon as Changhe stabilized himself, he covered his face and was confused. He looked at Xuezu and asked in confusion: "Old Ancestor...you are..."

Xuezu snorted coldly: "Who allowed you to be rude to Emperor Chu?"

Changhe was shocked when he heard this: "Emperor Chu?"

Xuezu nodded slightly and said seriously: "From now on, Xuehe will submit to the universe, and Emperor Chu is the emperor of my Xuehe. If you dare to be rude to him again, the next time you are slapped in the face, it will not be a slap."

Bang! !

Changhe was stunned.


Tianhai Bodhisattva and the other powerful people around him all changed their expressions at the same time.

What's going on?

Xuehe, surrendered?

Changhe said in disbelief: "Ancestor... why is this?"

Xuezu said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I said surrender, that's surrender!"

After that, he looked around at everyone present and said lightly: "I heard from Emperor Chu that you guys robbed his mystery of the universe before?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva and others changed their expressions.

At this time, with a thud, Xuezu took a step forward, and there was a terrifying bloody energy rolling behind him. He said word by word: "Please return the mystery of the universe, otherwise today... no one will be able to walk out of Xuehe."

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