Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5464 Something is wrong


Blood River took action.

Surround Tianhai Bodhisattva and others.

The expressions of all the powerful men changed greatly.

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva said in a deep voice: "Blood Ancestor, do you really know what you are doing? There is no one weak here. Does the Blood River want to be the enemy of Quanwu?"

The Blood Ancestor said coldly: "You still can't represent Total Nothingness. As I said before, hand over the mystery of the universe and let you leave today. Otherwise, we will all stay here."

The corners of Tianhai Bodhisattva's mouth twitched slightly.

But how could he be willing to hand over the mystery of the universe that he had finally obtained?

If nothing else, the mystery of the universe may very well involve a way to break through solipsism.

This alone is too precious.

This is also the reason why the people of Quan Niang have been staring at the mystery of the universe.

If this thing is not opened, everyone will be stuck under the ego. But once it is opened and a certain party controls the way to the ego, it will be devastating to the other forces.

So Chang He said before that no party in the void can exclusively enjoy the mystery of the universe.

The rest won't allow it.

But now, Xuehe wants to snatch it.

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva realized that he could not talk to Xuehe, so he turned around and looked at the others around him: "Everyone, do you really want the Xuehe side to become bigger?"

The crowd was silent.

Handing over the mysteries of the universe is clearly not an option.

But don't hand it over, these people are far from the opponents of Blood River.

This is the place of Blood River, and everyone from the Blood River clan is here.

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva said: "Now we have only two choices. First, hand over the mystery of the universe, and second, find someone."

The people around him said solemnly: "Tianhai Bodhisattva, I want to make sure of one thing. When we find someone, is Buddhism really willing to share the mystery of the universe with us?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva nodded slightly: "This is natural. I have said that the mystery of the universe belongs to all sentient beings, not to any one person."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan, who was below, suddenly became unhappy. He sneered and said, "Do you believe this kind of nonsense? Give me back the mystery of the universe. After I open it, I am willing to share it with you."

Tianhai Bodhisattva twitched the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, no one believed Chu Yan.


At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva said: "Everyone, make your decision."

After a while, a man with a human head and an animal body stepped out and said in a deep voice: "I, the Orc Valley, would like to believe in the Bodhisattva Tianhai."


After saying this, he took out a piece of golden dragon scale and crushed it.

Golden light flew out.

After seeing the dragon scales, the Blood Ancestor concentrated slightly: "They are the scales of the six-pointed dragon in the Orc Valley. They have begun to recruit people."

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "Senior, you also know how to find someone, so you should take action...Don't you understand one thing, it is better to strike first, and suffer disaster if you strike later?"

He was convinced...

Blood Ancestor came out for a long time and just chatted with people.

They surrounded people, but they never took action.

The Blood Ancestor was silent.

There was a reason why he didn't take action, because there were too many forces involved here, and if possible, he didn't want to be an enemy of everyone.

But now, there is no agreement.

The Blood Ancestor sighed: "Why bother!"

After saying that, he waved his arm: "Kill!"

The strong man from Blood River shrank his eyes, and his energy immediately exploded, rushing towards Tianhai Bodhisattva and others.

The faces of Tianhai Bodhisattva and others changed, and they also shouted: "Welcome the enemy!"

A group of strong men also shouted angrily, each showing their magical powers.


The war is about to break out.

Chu Yan kept watching.

Obviously, Tianhai Bodhisattva and others are no match for Blood River.

But Tianhai Bodhisattva and others are not weak either. They can be sent out by various parties to go to the universe to seize the mystery of the universe, and that is because they have some special skills.

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva clasped his hands in front of his chest, and golden light suddenly appeared in his body. Then, a golden Buddha shadow appeared behind him, directly covering him.

At the same time, Xuehe punched hard, but with the punch, the Buddha's shadow only shook, without any loss.

Blood Ancestor narrowed his eyes: "Buddhist golden bell! It is still blessed by the shadow of Buddha."

Tianhai Bodhisattva shouted: "Everyone come closer to me!"

At this time, he did not give up on the others because he needed to use the energy behind these people.

The people around him came to their senses and quickly flew towards Tianhai Bodhisattva.

Protect your body with the shadow of Buddha.

Bang bang bang - the next second, hundreds of fist shadows struck.

But they were all blocked by the Buddha's shadow.

Chu Yan was envious when he saw this.


Each of these hidden forces in the void has some trump cards.

At this time, Tianhai Bodhisattva has been hiding in the shadow of the Buddha, and the others are also with him.

However, they can do nothing but defend and are obviously unbeatable.

Chu Yan kept watching, frowning slightly.

Because he found that although Tianhai Bodhisattva was very passive, he did not show any panic until now.

Suddenly, Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "Something's wrong."

The Blood Ancestor was confused: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan looked at Tianhai Bodhisattva and others and said, "Senior, what would you do if you were Tianhai Bodhisattva and knew that you couldn't defeat him?"

The Blood Ancestor subconsciously said: "Run."

After speaking, he added: "If the mystery of the universe is in my hands, I will definitely leave first and find a place to comprehend the mystery of the universe."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, but they haven't left, and if you look carefully, they have no intention of running away now. Even if they find someone, can they fight across the blood river?"

The Blood Ancestor thought for a moment and said: "My Blood River is still very strong, although not as good as Buddhism, but here is the Blood River. If they want to defeat us, they will have to come together with the strength of the clan, but this is obviously impossible."

Chu Yan said solemnly: "In other words, even if they find someone, they will not be able to defeat us in the end, right?"

The Blood Ancestor thought for a while and nodded: "It can be said that I have never been in a hurry, and it is also because we have always been in an invincible position."

If it were another place, Blood Ancestor would not dare to say this, but in the old lair of Blood River, it would be too difficult for these people to defeat them...

It’s not possible to find anyone.

At this time, Chu Yan said again: "Senior, if they find someone, how long will it take to get here?"

The Blood Ancestor calculated and said: "In fact, it will be very fast, because these people have positioning coordinates on their bodies. If they are like the Buddhist gate, they can directly open the Buddhist gate and teleport over. Logically speaking, they should have arrived a long time ago."

After hearing these words, Chu Yan's face became darker and darker: "That's even more wrong! They...may be delaying time on purpose."

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly raised his head to look at Tianhai Bodhisattva and said in a deep voice: "No, your goal is not here at all. The person you are looking for did not come here, but went to... the universe?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva hid in the shadow of the Buddha and said with a chuckle: "Donor Chu, have you noticed? Counting the time, they should have arrived by now."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned red: "How brave, you are looking for death!"

The next second, he no longer cared about the mysteries of the universe, and said to the Blood Ancestor in a deep voice: "Senior, quickly take people to follow me back to the universe."

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