Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5461 He farted

After Chu Yan received the Blood Ancestor's permission, he suddenly became excited. He didn't even eat, turned around and walked towards the Blood River's treasure house.

However, he had just walked halfway when he suddenly thought of something and turned around and returned to the dining table.

Blood Ancestor looked puzzled: "Why is Emperor Chu coming back again?"

He thought that Chu Yan's conscience found out that he was no longer planning to take Blood River's treasure?

But the next second, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

His face suddenly turned green.

Chu Yan looked at the Blood Ancestor and sneered: "Haha... I want to ask you something, do you still want to eat this meal? You are all Blood River people, you must have eaten enough of these things, right? If you don't eat... I'll give it to you Put it on?"

Blood Ancestor's eyelids twitched slightly.

Come on.

This is not a discovery of conscience.

This is back to pack.

Blood Ancestor's heart is bleeding, and he has eaten enough bullshit in the Blood River. Do you know how many precious treasures are used on this table?

Even he could eat those things only once in a million years.

But when Chu Yan opened his mouth, what else could he say?

The Blood Ancestor endured his heartache and said, "The Emperor of Chu likes it...just take him away."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up and he laughed and said, "Then I'm not welcome."

After saying this, he waved his hand.


All the delicacies on the table were put into the space ring by Chu Yan.

After doing everything well, Chu Yan turned around and walked towards the treasure house of Blood River.

Blood Ancestor's eyelids twitched again.

This guy... is like plucking his hair.

At this time, a strong man from Xuehe looked at Chu Yan's back and said solemnly: "Ancestor, are we really following him like this?"

The Blood Ancestor glanced at the man and said calmly: "Otherwise? Are you waiting to die?"

The strong man clenched his fist: "He just said that even if we don't follow him, he will let us go."

Blood Ancestor rolled his eyes: "That's him, but what if the spirit of the universe disagrees?"

The strong man frowned: "Isn't that right? He is also the emperor of the universe. If he speaks, will the spirit of the universe not give him face?"

The Blood Ancestor was silent for a while and said: "It's hard to say, haven't you noticed? The relationship between him and the Spirit of the Universe is actually very subtle. They may not be in the same group, and the Spirit of the Universe may not listen to him."

The strong are silent.

At this time, the blood ancestor said again: "Ten thousand steps back, even if the spirit of the universe really listens to him and spares us, have you ever thought that our generation of blood ancestors is dead and we have no future... Once this matter spreads, what do you think will happen to Buddhism and other major forces?"

The strong man's face darkened: "Do they still dare to take action against us?"

The Blood Ancestor rolled his eyes: "Why don't you dare? Our ancestors have been destroyed, and they will still indulge us? We usually have a good relationship, which is based on equal strength. Once the strength is not equal, the other forces will The first one to jump out and eat us."

After saying this, the Blood Ancestor sighed: "Nothingness... there is no true love, only infinite interests. If we are strong, it is okay, but if we are weak, we will be eaten by others without even leaving our bones."

The strong man frowned: "But by following him, can we save the blood river?"

The Blood Ancestor calmly said: "He may not be able to do it now, but he has the spirit of the universe behind him, so he can. And... I am actually betting on something this time."

The people in Xuehe looked at Xuezu.

The Blood Ancestor said in a deep voice: "I'm betting that he can break through the only one!"

The faces of everyone in Xuehe changed.

One of them said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, are you saying that he can break through Soli?"

The Blood Ancestor shook his head slightly: "I don't know, but I have a hunch that the Self-Only Realm will not disappear for no reason. Now that the inheritance has been cut off, no one can break through, but the Self-Only Realm will reappear in the world sooner or later, and that When the time comes, he has the best chance.”

"Why?" The people in Xuehe were dissatisfied: "Just because he has good talent?"

The Blood Ancestor shook his head: "It's not just because of the talent. If the talent is good, the early breakthrough may be faster, but the road to the Self-Important Realm is blocked. No matter how good the talent is, there is no way to break through without a road. Just like us, we reached the halfway point very early. Bu Weiwei, but we haven’t made a breakthrough in hundreds of millions of years.”

After saying this, he sighed: "To be the only one is no longer a matter of talent."

The strong man frowned: "Then why do you think he can?"

The Blood Ancestor was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Because he has only me by his side."

The faces of the people in Xuehe changed.


Others may not be able to break through solipsism, because this road has been cut off, and it has been cut off for too long. Countless strong men in the void have been groping, but they have never found the direction of this road.

But Chu Yan is different. He can easily know the path that others don't know.

Because there is a living strong man in the solipsistic realm beside him.

The spirit of the universe!

The Blood Ancestor said seriously: "The spirit of the universe must be in the solipsistic state. There is no doubt about this. If not, it is impossible for him to kill a generation of ancestors with one sword. As for whether he is the only solipsistic person still alive in the world. I don’t know the situation.”

The Blood Ancestor paused for a moment and then said: "So as long as the spirit of the universe is willing to give guidance, then Chu Yan will definitely be able to break through to the solitary state. As for us... it depends on whether he will abide by the agreement and guide us in the direction of this path. ”

Speaking of this, the Blood Ancestor suddenly said: "But before Chu Yan entered the Blood River, I did some research on him. One thing worth mentioning is that this person's character is still very good. He has always treated his enemies very well. They are all ruthless, but they are very kind to their own people. He has not treated anyone who has followed him badly over the years. "

The rest of the people in Xuehe nodded slightly.

Everyone in the Void knew this.

The rest of the people in the Blood River fell silent.

After listening to the analysis of the Blood Ancestor, following Chu Yan did not seem to be a bad thing.

At this time, the Blood Ancestor said earnestly: "I know that it will take some time for everyone to accept this, and I can understand it, but the Haotian catastrophe is coming, and this may really be the only chance for my Blood River."

Many people in the Blood River nodded slightly.

Finally accepted it.

At this moment, an old man from Xuehe suddenly ran over from a distance. This old man was the guard of the Xuehe Treasury. He was running so hard that he almost got a stitch in the side. He ran and shouted: "Old Ancestor... It's bad, something happened, it's a big deal!"

Xuezu was stunned and said in a deep voice: "What happened to Emperor Chu?"

The guard stopped and took a few breaths, and said with great sorrow: "He is fine... But our treasury... The treasury was emptied."

Xuezu frowned slightly: "Didn't I tell him to leave a few pieces for Xuehe..."

The guard nodded: "He left, but only 9 pieces in total."

The corner of Xuezu's mouth twitched: "There are tens of thousands of treasures in my Xuehe Treasury, and he only left 9 pieces? No, why 9 pieces? What's the meaning of this number?"

The guard said helplessly: "He said you asked him to leave..."

Xuezu's eyelids jumped, and he almost cursed: "He farted!"

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