Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5379 Luo Chen


Chu Yan stabbed Luo Chen with a sword.

Luo Chen's eyes widened.

Beside him, Cao Jianjia was also confused and covered her mouth with her small hands.

Luo Chen turned around and stared at Chu Yan, shocked: "Why?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Do you still want to pretend?"

Luo Chen's eyes were still full of disbelief: "I, why am I pretending? I don't understand... Chu Huang, you..."


Chu Yan suddenly drew his sword and stabbed again.

Luo Chen wanted to hide, but it was too late.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Come on, keep pretending, I want to see how many swords you can take from me."

Luo Chen was silent for a while, then he suddenly regained his composure. Not only that, he smiled when he looked up at Chu Yan: "Interesting, interesting, really interesting."

Cao Jianjia was shocked when she heard this, and quickly stepped back: "Emperor Chu, what is going on? He is..."

Chu Yan looked at Luo Chen and smiled: "Should I call you Luo Chen now, or call you Ghost Lord? Or should I call you Ghost Lord Luo Chen?"

Cao Jianjia's face changed: "What?"

Chu Yan said lightly: "He is the original body of the Ghost Lord, the master of all puppets."

Cao Jianjia's face changed drastically, so from the beginning, she has been standing with the Ghost Lord?

This... is too scary.

At this time, Luo Chen looked at Chu Yan and suddenly smiled: "Can I ask you a question?"

Chu Yan shrugged: "You ask."

Luo Chen chuckled: "How did you guess that I was the original master? How did you think of me?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and said calmly: "To be honest, I really didn't think much about it at first, and I didn't think of you. I just carefully recalled the whole process of your appearance, and there was almost no disclosure! But there is only one thing, it's very wrong."

Luo Chen was puzzled: "What?"

Chu Yan said lightly: "Your courage!"

Luo Chen frowned: "Courage?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, I just observed all the disciples of the Ghost Sect. Their emotions fluctuated, they were very nervous and terrifying, even Cao Jianjia, and you...very calm! You gave me the feeling of being an...outsider, as if this battle has nothing to do with you, you are just a spectator."

Luo Chen was stunned, and then fell silent.

After a moment, he laughed: "So that's how it is... I thought my acting was pretty good."

Chu Yan said lightly: "The acting is indeed good, but you overlooked one thing, people can act out anything, but not emotions! Emotions can't deceive people."

Luo Chen nodded slightly: "Indeed, you surprised me, besides that? Are there any flaws?"

Chu Yan smiled: "Yes!"

Luo Chen said "What?"

Chu Yan smiled: "Death Scythe!"

Luo Chen was stunned and laughed: "What's wrong with the Death Scythe?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "You know too much! Don't say you are just a little disciple of the Ghost Sect. Even if you are a core person, as a ghost master, will you tell others the function of the Death Scythe?"

"Don't talk about you, Lian Tian Many people around me don't know the sword, but you know too much about the Death Scythe, and even know how it came from. This is very abnormal. "

Luo Chen suddenly realized, and then laughed: "So that's it... I thought that I would take the initiative to remind you and help you there, so that you would be less suspicious of me. "

Chu Yan smiled and said: "It's a good idea, but it's a pity... It's a bit superfluous. "

Luo Chen nodded: "Too clever is too clever."

Chu Yan looked at Luo Chen at this time and chuckled: "Ghost Lord, are you ready to go now?"

Luo Chen was stunned and laughed: "Chu Yan, I didn't expect you to find my original body, but do you think you can really beat me if you find my original body?"

Chu Yan was stunned.


The next second, Luo Chen suddenly put his hands together.


Then he flashed back and instantly broke away from the Refining Heaven Sword. Then blood kept dripping from his chest, but he didn't seem to be in pain.

Chu Yan frowned: "You... are okay?"

It shouldn't be!

The target of his sword just now was very clear, and it was directly pierced into Luo Chen's heart.

It is understandable that a puppet will not die after being pierced in the heart, but how can a person be pierced in the heart and still be fine?

Luo Chen looked down at the bloody wound on his chest and smiled: "It hurts so much, but... you underestimate me too much, boy, I am a puppeteer! How can a powerful puppeteer only make puppets? I know too well that the heart is a defect and weakness of human beings, how can I not transform it?"

Chu Yan was stunned when he heard this.

The next second, Luo Chen grinned, and with a sneer, he tore open the clothes on his chest, revealing half of his shoulder, and in the bloody hole on the shoulder... there are indeed some blood vessels, but... there is no heart.

Through the bloody hole, it can be seen that there are countless mechanical structures in Luo Chen's body.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "Isn't your heart on the left?"

Luo Chen grinned: "Of course, such an obvious weakness, how could I leave it there, I changed it a long time ago, kid, you want to kill me, you are still too naive."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, but then he snorted coldly: "So what, you can dodge one sword, what about the second sword!"


In an instant, Chu Yan disappeared.

Then when he appeared again, he landed directly above Luo Chen, and the Refining Heaven Sword in his hand swung slightly, spinning out a sword flower, and then slashed towards Luo Chen's throat.

The position of the heart can be changed!

But the head can't be, right?

However, Luo Chen stood there, chuckling all the time, and did not dodge.

Chu Yan frowned, but then he exerted force with his palm, and the sword energy snapped, instantly splitting the surrounding space.

Swish - the next second, the sword energy was about to pass through Luo Chen's throat.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's face changed, the sky above his head suddenly darkened, and the whole person was shrouded by a huge shadow.

Chu Yan looked up suddenly, and saw that the giant puppet appeared and punched Chu Yan.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and was forced to give up attacking Luo Chen. His body rotated in the air, and the long sword was across his chest.


There was a loud noise.

Chu Yan's whole body fell directly into the ground, and with a snap, a deep pit of hundreds of meters appeared on the ground.

After a moment, Chu Yan jumped out of the deep pit.

Luo Chen chuckled: "Chu Yan, you found my true self, but my true self is also level one. It is not as good as the puppet, but not as weak as you think. So, tell me, will you kill me first, or will my puppet kill you first?"

Chu Yan's face darkened.

Yes, he overlooked one thing. The true self of the puppeteer is indeed a little weaker than others in the same realm, but no matter how weak it is... it is still level one.

Luo Chen's mouth corners rose: "Go on."

The next second, he gently hooked his finger.


In an instant, the giant puppet rushed out.

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