Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5380: Changing lanes and disappearing

Chu Yan's face suddenly changed.

Before he could come back to his senses, the giant puppet had already rushed in front of him, and the huge fist slammed down at Chu Yan.

It was called a fist, but the giant was too big. Just one fist was two meters big, a little bigger than Chu Yan's height, and it slammed down like a moving hill.


Before the punch landed, it directly caused an air explosion, and the surrounding space collapsed directly.

Chu Yan gritted his teeth and quickly swung his sword.


The next second, Chu Yan appeared 100,000 meters away.

The gap was too big.

Luo Chen chuckled: "Chu Yan, you want to kill me, but can you get close?"

Chu Yan stood still and was silent.

He didn't expect that he had found the original body, but he still couldn't win.

The original body was found, but if he wanted to kill Luo Chen, he had to face the giant puppet first.


At this time, Luo Chen hooked his fingers again.


The giant puppet disappeared again. Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and his hands quickly clasped together. Then a huge black tower flew out of his body, and then the tower immediately fell.


The giant puppet punched the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.


A terrible shock suddenly sounded nearby.


The next second, Chu Yan flew backwards again, his face gloomy.

At this time, he discovered something. After he found Luo Chen, the strength of the giant puppet was even stronger than before.

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "He took control of the puppet again."

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "He was hiding in the dark before, worried about being discovered by you, so he kept the puppet connected to the mainland. Although it was also very strong when connected to the mainland, it could only attack mechanically."

"But it's different now. Look carefully at his fingers."

Chu Yan took a look and his face sank.

The energy line on the top of the giant puppet was no longer connected to the mainland, but fell into Luo Chen's hands.

Xiao Jiu said: "A puppet's strength will change dramatically in the hands of different puppeteers. A powerful puppeteer can have a huge bonus to the puppet."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "In other words, I found his true self, but the difficulty is even greater than before, is that what you mean?"

Xiao Jiu thought for a while and nodded: "Almost."

Chu Yan almost cursed: "Then what's the point of me looking for his true self?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "It's different. If you don't find his true self, you can't beat the giant puppet. You can only passively take the beating and have no chance at all. But now it's different. You know where his true self is, and you at least have a chance to sneak attack and win."

Chu Yan was silent.

It's the truth.

But now he has no chance to sneak attack at all.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Swish-at this time, the giant puppet came again.

And Chu Yan quickly dodged, this time he didn't choose to fight hard, because he couldn't beat it.

But as soon as he dodged, the giant puppet's spear chopped quickly.


Chu Yan flew out again, spitting blood crazily.

But this time he did not complain, nor did he argue with Luo Chen, but fell into silence alone.

What to do!

If he wants to win now, he must kill Luo Chen.

As long as Luo Chen dies, no matter how strong this giant puppet is, it will become a pile of scrap metal and energy.

At that time, this puppet will not be an enemy, but his nourishment!


Killing Luo Chen is not an easy task.

Now, there is a giant puppet between him and Luo Chen, so he has only two ways!

First, push forward, kill the giant puppet, and then kill Luo Chen.

But if he could do it, he would not have been forced to that point just now.

Obviously, he can't kill the giant puppet.

Second... sneak attack!

Bypass the giant puppet!

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "How can I bypass the giant puppet..."

Suddenly, he had a bold idea.


At this time, the giant puppet punched him, Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Refining Heaven Sword was across his chest.


The two forces intertwined, and in almost an instant, he flew backwards a thousand meters, but he didn't care. He sent a message while flying: "Jianjia, go to Luo Chen!"

Cao Jianjia was suddenly startled when she heard the voice transmission, full of doubts.

I go?

Cao Jianjia actually thought about it just now, but... Luo Chen is level one.

Luo Chen's strength before was all fake, and now he is exposed. It's useless to restore his strength and go by himself.

Cao Jianjia is only a level five giant now!


At this time, Chu Yan shouted again.

Cao Jianjia's autumn eyes flickered, and then she really ran out and rushed towards Luo Chen.

At this time, Luo Chen also saw this scene. He was also stunned, and then he wanted to laugh...

He sarcastically said: "Chu Yan, you...are you crazy? Do you want her, a waste, to kill me?"

At this time, Luo Chen even felt humiliated...

I am a first-level giant. Even if I am a puppeteer, my body is not very powerful, but that is relative. If you find another first-level giant to kill me, then forget it.

Maybe there is hope.

Because his body is indeed not powerful.

Not as good as the Lord of the Ten Thousand Daos.

His strength has always been because of the puppet!

The problem is...you found a fifth-level one?

Aren't you looking down on people?

Luo Chen snorted coldly, and then he suddenly stretched out his palm, and then a terrible suction force surged out.

Cao Jianjia's face suddenly changed, and then her delicate body froze, and then the suction force wrapped around her and dragged her towards Luo Chen in an instant.

Luo Chen didn't even need Cao Jianjia to come, he just forcibly pulled Cao Jianjia over.

The next second, he clasped his palms, and with a click, he grabbed Cao Jianjia's throat.

Luo Chen sneered: "Witch Sword, you are also a famous character, I didn't expect you to be so stupid.

Cao Jianjia's face changed drastically.

Full of fear.

She turned and looked at Chu Yan, a little confused and puzzled.

You let me come... Then what?

At this time, another voice suddenly rang in her ears: "Don't resist, I will force you into my universe next! Complete the lane change for you. "

Cao Jianjia clenched her jade hand, and then she didn't dare to speak.

Luo Chen sarcastically said: "If you must seek death, then go on your way!"

The next second, his palm began to exert force.

Cao Jianjia immediately showed a painful look.

At the same time, Chu Yan's mind moved, and he enveloped Cao Jianjia with the power of the universe. Then, he quickly pulled Cao Jianjia's avenue into the universe.

Fusion giant!


Chu Yan's tiger body was also shaken.

At this moment, the giant puppet rushed over and appeared in front of Chu Yan again, punching Chu Yan.

But this time, Chu Yan did not dodge or resist the punch, but let the punch hit him.

Luo Chen was also stunned when he noticed this scene, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Give up?


The next second, a punch fell.

But then, his pupils shrank, because he clearly found that with the punch, Chu Yan... disappeared?

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