Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5378 Find the real person

The remaining ghost master puppets looked gloomy.

Another one died!

Seventeen now!

These clones of his were not cabbages. Any one of them was a first-level giant, and they were all beings that could walk sideways in the void.

However... in just a short while, he had lost three of them.

You know, he didn't refine puppets by making clay figures. He didn't just create one whenever he wanted.

He put his infinite energy into each one!

As a result, three of them died so easily?

The seventeen ghost master puppets looked fierce, and they stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, you really pissed me off this time!"

Chu Yan glanced at him and sneered: "I'll piss you off!"


In an instant, he flew out again.

However, as soon as he moved, the ghost master did not choose to passively take the beating this time.

Although Chu Yan's speed was so fast that he couldn't catch him...

But that didn't mean he had no other way.

One of the ghost master puppets said fiercely: "Boy, you forced me to do this!"


In an instant, the seventeen puppets suddenly flew together at this moment.

Chu Yan frowned, somewhat puzzled.


But the next second, his eyes shrank.

When the seventeen puppets gathered together, the leading puppet suddenly split...

Yes, it split.

Chu Yan hadn't attacked yet, but the puppet itself split, and then not just one... but the rest of them all split.

Chu Yan was stunned...

No, how could he commit suicide?

But the next second, his eyelids jumped, and a bad premonition came to his mind.


Because at this time, the seventeen broken puppets... suddenly began to merge together.

The hand of this puppet was inserted into the body of another puppet, and the leg of another puppet merged into it...

Seventeen puppets... are merging?

Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "Boy, be careful, these puppets of his can merge! Once the seventeen first-level giants complete the fusion, their strength will be several times stronger than before!"

Chu Yan's mouth twitched: "I'm not blind, I know!"

Xiao Jiu said: "Then you can stop it!"

Chu Yan had a headache, but he disappeared in a flash.

He rushed directly towards the seventeen puppets.


However, when he rushed over, the seventeen puppets had all completed the fusion and turned into a huge, tall and strange figure!

This figure was ten meters tall, like a giant, and not only that... there was also a puppet that directly turned into a super huge spear, becoming the weapon of this giant!

At this time, Chu Yan rushed over and slashed with a sword.

And almost at the same time, this giant-like puppet also took action, sweeping the spear in his hand with force.


The sword and spear collided.


The next second, an amazing scene appeared.

A figure suddenly exploded and retreated thousands of feet!

And this person...is Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan was knocked away, he left a series of red lights in the void. When he stopped, he was also stunned.

Was he... knocked back?

You know, he is now in the state of opening the blood pool.

Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "He is stronger."

Chu Yan said with a dark face: "I know!"

The ghost master puppet after the integration grinned: "Boy, you forced me to do this. I didn't want to use it, but you insisted on seeking death, so today I will fulfill your wish."


The next second, the huge puppet stepped on the sole of its foot.


In an instant, the puppet disappeared!

He was obviously very huge, but when he attacked, his speed was not affected by the size of his body at all. He rushed directly in front of Chu Yan in one step.

Then, he swept the spear in his hand.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched and he quickly crossed the sword.


But almost in an instant, Chu Yan was knocked away ten thousand meters again.

After stopping, Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Boy, you can't beat him."

Chu Yan had a dark face and didn't say anything.

He also discovered that, and there was something worse...

The speed of the blood pool in his body was getting slower and slower, and the blood energy around him was also decreasing.

The blood pool... was closing little by little.

Of course, it was not completely closed, but returned to the previous stable state.

But once this happens, Chu Yan's strength will surely decline, and he will become the same as when he first came to Ghost Island. At that time, he would have a hard time beating an ordinary clone of the Ghost Lord, let alone such a behemoth?

Xiao Jiu said: "Your anger is decreasing, because you know that the Ghost Lord didn't plan to go to the universe at the beginning, and you lied to yourself, so it's okay to burst out for a short time, but it can't be sustained at all."

Chu Yan said helplessly: "I know that too, but you can help me find a way."

Xiao Jiu hesitated and suddenly said: "How about... I piss you off?"

Chu Yan: "..."


Piss me off, is this also a way?

Chu Yan sighed, it's useless!

The blood pool is open, and it is not easy to get angry.

Xiao Jiu thought for a while: "Why don't you continue to try to find his real body? If you find it, you can kill his real body."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched: "You are talking nonsense, if I can find it, I will find it just now."

Xiao Jiu spread his palms: "Then there is no way, you wait to die."

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan fell silent.

Definitely can't wait to die!

Chu Yan has never thought about dying!

Now there is only one way.

Find the original body!


At this time, the giant puppet attacked Chu Yan again, but Chu Yan did not choose to fight hard this time, but quickly dodged the attack.

Because it was useless for him to fight hard.

He was no match for the ghost master at all, unless he found the original body of the other party...


Where would the original body be?

Suddenly, Chu Yan closed his eyes, and the blood pool was barely still running, so it could control the body on his behalf, and his consciousness retreated back to the universe and entered into thinking.

He was recalling!


The ghost master was a puppeteer, and he did not believe that the original body was not on the ghost island. In his opinion, people like the ghost master would definitely enjoy the pleasure of hiding in the corner.

Where is it?

Chu Yan opened his eyes again.

And this time, he opened the eye of the big world.

He looked towards the palace of the ghost master.

But he saw through it directly, and found that the palace was empty, with nothing left.

All the puppets of the Ghost Lord have been sent out, and there is no one inside.

Not in the palace... then where is it?

Chu Yan's brain was working quickly. He scanned everyone on Ghost Island one by one, trying to find a flaw among these disciples, but...


He looked, and no one was there.

Could it be... really not on Ghost Island?

This is impossible!

He must have overlooked something.

If he were the Ghost Lord, where would he hide his body?

Where is the safest place?

And how does the saying go?

The most dangerous place... is the safest place!

Suddenly, Chu Yan's eyes condensed!

He remembered!

There is a person!

There is another person he overlooked, and this person is on Ghost Island and can see everything!

Suddenly, Chu Yan disappeared, puff!

The next second, he stabbed a person with a sword.

Luo Chen!

Luo Chen turned around, staring at Chu Yan with wide eyes.

Chu Yan chuckled: "I found you!"

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