Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5372: Still a puppet!

Chu Yan steadied himself and looked up, feeling somewhat powerless.

Very strong.

This was the first time he suffered a loss since the opening of the blood pool.

Of course, the incident with the Spirit of the Universe did not count.

The strength of the Spirit of the Universe was no longer something he should consider now, so naturally it could not be counted.

And the Ghost Lord was the first one.

But he did not give up.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, whoosh!

He rushed out again.

The Ghost Lord sneered: "Don't give up yet?"

Chu Yan shouted angrily: "There is no word giving up in my dictionary!"

After the words fell, he held the sword with both hands and chopped it hard.


The void exploded.

The Ghost Lord swept the Death Scythe forward.


The swords collided, and Chu Yan flew out again, but in just a moment, the Ghost Lord stepped on the sole of his foot. This time he did not give Chu Yan a chance, but chased him directly.

His speed of pursuit was even faster than Chu Yan's backward flight.

In an instant, he was face to face with Chu Yan. He was holding a sickle and wearing a long black robe. At this time, it rang in the wind. He actually looked a bit like the god of death, harvesting lives in the world.

The next second, the corners of his mouth rose, and the sickle in his hand gently slashed.

Chu Yan's eyes widened, and he quickly turned in the void, not daring to be hit by the sickle of the god of death.

But just as he dodged the knife, the tip of the sickle of the god of death quickly extended out and hit Chu Yan's back.

Chu Yan had been suspended in the air and actually lost some balance, so when he wanted to dodge, it was too late. Seeing that the sickle of the god of death was about to pass through his heart, he gritted his teeth slightly, and a small black tower suddenly floated out of his heart.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower!


The next second, Chu Yan flew out again, but blocked the fatal blow with the small tower.


At this moment, a shattering sound suddenly came from the distance, which made everyone stunned.

The ghost master also frowned. He looked down and saw that the tip of the death sickle... was cracked.

The ghost master narrowed his eyes slightly: "Boy, what kind of tower is this?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

He was actually a little surprised.

The death sickle even blocked the Liantian Sword, but it actually cracked because of attacking the Jiutian Xuan Tower?

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "It's normal. Your tower is so weird. The Liantian Sword can't be destroyed because the Liantian Sword is stronger than the death sickle, and the death sickle is not as good as the Liantian Sword after all."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

Then he was surprised.

There is a way!


In an instant, Chu Yan took the initiative to attack.

The Liantian Sword in his hand slashed at the ghost master's throat.

The ghost master's face changed slightly, and he immediately drew his knife.

But just as he slashed with the sickle, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Because he clearly saw that Chu Yan put away the Refining Heaven Sword at this moment, and then replaced it with the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda.

The Ghost Lord hurriedly retracted his strength, not daring to touch the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda with the Death Scythe. He only had this one magic weapon, and he didn't want it to be broken here.

As soon as he retracted his strength, Chu Yan suddenly replaced the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda with the Refining Heaven Sword, and once again slashed at the Ghost Lord's throat.

The Ghost Lord's eyelids jumped, and seeing that the Refining Heaven Sword was about to hit him, he could only draw his sword again...

As soon as he drew his sword, Chu Yan immediately changed the tower.

He retracted his strength again, and Chu Yan drew his sword again...

The Ghost Lord couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "You... are so cheap!"

Too cheap!

Chu Yan rolled his eyes.

What's the point of being cheap or not? Winning is the real skill.

If you really lose, you'll lose your life, so what's the point?

Swish--Instantly, the long sword in Chu Yan's hand slashed again.

The Ghost Lord was passive this time, and could only flip and dodge continuously in the void.

However... he could dodge one sword, he could dodge the second sword, but he could not dodge the third and fourth swords no matter what...

At this time, Chu Yan pressed forward step by step, and seeing that the Refining Heaven Sword was finally about to fall, he smiled.


There was a loud noise, and then Chu Yan's sword hit the Ghost Lord's heart.

Piercing through!

The Refining Heaven Sword pierced directly from the chest, and then went out from the back of the chest.


The Ghost Island was quiet for a moment.

Below, countless Ghost Sect disciples' eyes widened, their eyes were about to burst, and there was some despair.

Although the Ghost Lord had not been very good to them over the years, at least they were in the same group. Now that the Ghost Lord was dead...what would Chu Yan do to them?

They were not sure.

On the other side, Luo Chen and Cao Jianjia were both happy.

Did they win?

Chu Yan kept staring at the Ghost Lord and was relieved.

He put a lot of strength into this sword, so he was sure that if he penetrated it, the ghost master's body and soul would not be able to escape, and it could be said that he would definitely die.

However, before he could be happy, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he saw that the ghost master seemed to... smile?

No, not as if!


Chu Yan clearly saw that the ghost master's fingers moved at this time, and then the ghost master slightly raised his head and looked at Chu Yan, chuckled: "Really good! How long has it been since I was injured so badly!"

Chu Yan's face changed drastically: "You... How is this possible?"

Before he could speak, the ghost master's hand suddenly raised, grabbed the Liantian Sword, and then pulled it hard, dragged Chu Yan in front of him, and punched him.

Chu Yan was shocked, but this time it was too close...

He wanted to hide, but it was too late.


A punch hit Chu Yan in the face.


Chu Yan flew out with his sword, and flew a distance of 100,000 meters!

As soon as he stopped, half of his face was covered with blood, and his head collapsed slightly.

That was a full-strength attack from a first-level giant, how terrible.

But this is not the point, the point is... He stared at the Ghost Lord, he couldn't understand why the Ghost Lord was okay?

He was sure that he had hit the Ghost Lord with a sword, and the heart was pierced, so he should be dead...

The Ghost Lord sneered: "Boy, are you surprised? Are you curious why I didn't die?"

Chu Yan was silent.

The Ghost Lord sarcastically said: "Do you think you can kill me with your power at my level?"


The next second, the blood hole in the Ghost Lord's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye?

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

"How is it possible?" Luo Chen and Cao Jianjia also opened their mouths wide...

Even if the heart was pierced, they can survive, so they can't be killed?

Chu Yan also stared at it.

Somewhat powerless

It was the first time for him to encounter such an enemy. If he couldn't kill him, what should he do?

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Boy, that's not right! We were all fooled by him!"

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "There is no such thing as an immortal in this world! But he can't be killed now, there is only one possibility."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What?"

"Unless... he is not a human!" Xiao Jiu said.

Chu Yan was stunned when he heard it: "Not a human?"

Xiao Jiu nodded slightly: "I have said it before, the puppeteer has been practicing puppets, and the original body must be very weak. He was very strong when he first came out. I was also a little confused and couldn't figure it out! But now, I think I understand! This one is not the original body at all, it is also a puppet."

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