Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5371: The powerful original body?

Chu Yan's face darkened.

The ghost master opposite has always been a puppet?

So, I have been fighting a puppet from the beginning?

The point is, after fighting with a puppet for a long time, the result is that they are still inseparable?

what does that mean?

The ghost master's strength is even more exaggerated than he imagined?

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's face darkened.

At this moment, the ghost master opposite sneered: "Boy, are you starting to despair now? You can't even defeat one of my puppets, so what else do you have to fight with me?"

Below, the expressions of countless disciples of the Ghost Sect also changed drastically.

The ghost master they always thought... was just a puppet?

Oh my God!

Then how strong will their sect leader be?

this is too scary.

At the thought of this, the eyes of countless Ghost Sect disciples became hot and excited.

Below, Luo Chen and Cao Jianjia's faces turned pale.

Luo Chen sat down on the ground and screamed: "It's over, it's over! The ghost master is so strong, I'm dead, I'm dead. I betrayed him, he will never let me go."

"Shut up!" Cao Jianjia scolded.

Luo Chen shouted as if he didn't hear him: "Did I say something wrong? Did I say something wrong? Emperor Chu can't even defeat a puppet, let alone the real one."

Cao Jianjia didn't speak, his eyes were solemn and worried.

She had long known that the Ghost Lord was powerful, a being even stronger than the Wandao Domain Lord, because her Witch Sword Continent was not too far away from the Ghost Sect.

But she didn't expect that there would be such a huge gap between the same first-level giants.

This time it was really difficult.

The Ghost Lord smiled ferociously: "Boy, I have to say, you really surprised me. I have used this puppet for many, many years, and no one has ever been able to threaten me. You are still the first, but the more you act like this, the more you More damned."

Chu Yan clenched his fist.

But at this moment, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Don't listen to him bragging about thirteen, he is deliberately putting pressure on you."

Chu Yan was startled and frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "He is right, he is a puppet master. A real puppet master always keeps himself hidden in the dark, but there is one more thing about a real puppet master, that is, he is weak!"

Chu Yan couldn't help but be stunned: "I am weak? What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "The puppet master's ability is to use puppets, and the puppets are his strongest means. Although he has not taken action until now, it also means one thing, he is not strong enough at all."

Chu Yan was startled: "So, he is deliberately scaring me?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "That's right. Puppet masters rely on puppets. They are a bit like magicians. They are often very fragile. This is why most puppet masters will not look at people with their true appearance."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he looked at the ghost master and sneered: "You bitch, you acted like one. I thought you were so awesome, but all in all you are just a showman? Okay, aren't you going to act like yourself? Then Let your true self come."

The ghost master narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly looked into Chu Yan's body and said, "There is... a spirit in your body?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "You care about me?"

The Ghost Lord sneered: "Are you looking for death? OK, I'll help you!"


Suddenly, the huge ghost island shook crazily.

The ground shook.

A monstrous force came from the Ghost Lord's palace.


The next second, a figure flew out.

This man was wearing a black robe, and he was exactly the same as the previous ghost master. The only difference was that this man's aura was obviously stronger and his momentum was like a rainbow.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Is this me?"

The Ghost Lord ‘I’ sneered: “Boy, I’m out.”

Chu Yan looked at this deity, hesitated and couldn't help but said: "Xiaojiu...are you sure? His deity has a very strong aura, several times more powerful than the puppet just now."

Xiao Jiu thought for a moment and said: "It must be a pretense! The puppet master has been practicing puppets, I can't be too strong."

"are you sure?"

"Believe me, that's right." Xiao Jiu said.

Chu Yan looked at the person opposite him and took a deep breath after hesitating: "Okay, then I'll make a bet!"


In an instant, Chu Yan disappeared from the place.


His kick directly crushed the space, dragging a huge ravine in the void.

On the opposite side, the corner of the Ghost Lord's mouth raised, and then disappeared together, quickly flying towards Chu Yan. The two people rushed towards each other, and when they were about to collide, the Ghost Lord punched out.

Without saying a word, Chu Yan punched out.


In an instant, the two collided, and a huge crack was blown out of the sky.


The next second, a figure let out a scream and quickly flew backwards. This flight was a full 100,000 meters away, and then crashed on the ghost island with a bang.


The ghost island was suddenly smashed into a huge deep pit.

After a while, a person jumped out of the pit!

This person...is none other than Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan climbed out of the pit, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and his face turned green: "Xiao Jiu!!!"

He roared angrily: "Didn't you say that the puppet master himself is weak!!!"

He's going crazy.

He had just punched the Ghost Lord himself, and it turned out... that the ghost was several times more powerful than the puppet. The punch just now almost broke his arm.

Xiao Jiu's eyelids twitched, and he was a little bit unbelievable: "It shouldn't be... The puppeteer's puppet is powerful, and the original body is weak. There is no reason for his original body to be stronger..."

Chu Yan: "... Then why now?"

Xiao Jiu: "... I, I don't know either."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

You don't know?

Is it okay if you don't know?

Chu Yan suddenly had a headache.

Across the way, the original body of the ghost lord sneered: "Boy, aren't you very confident? Now? Come on, continue."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a mistake...

But the next second...


In an instant, Chu Yan disappeared.

He rushed towards the original body of the ghost lord in one step.

Although the original body of the ghost lord was different from what he imagined, he had no other way. He had come, and he could not avoid this battle.

At first, he thought that Xiao Jiu was right, and the original body was a little weak, but since there was no, he could only bite the bullet and fight.

No choice.


Swish-Chu Yan slashed with a sword.

Almost instantly, the ghost master chuckled and spread his palm slightly. Then the puppet in the distance suddenly let go of his hand. With a buzz, the death sickle flew out.

The ghost master grabbed it and held it in front of him.


The swords collided, and the blades kept rubbing against each other, producing terrible sparks. But the next second, the ghost master stretched out his other hand and pressed lightly on the blades.


Chu Yan flew out with his sword.

Bang bang bang!

This flight smashed three mountains in succession.

The ghost master held the sickle and walked forward step by step, sneering: "Boy, you can't do it."

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