Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5373 Killing the Puppet

Chu Yan's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this.

Not a human!

This one is also a puppet?

Is this possible?

To be honest, Chu Yan really didn't think in this direction at first... But now, he is a little unsure.

Because he just used the Refining Heaven Sword to pierce the opponent's heart, but the opponent still didn't die.

As for the blood suppression and power suppression the opponent said?

Stop it.

If Chu Yan didn't use the Refining Heaven Sword, he might still believe it... The problem is that he used the Refining Heaven Sword.

The Ghost Lord may have the ability to make his attack fail, but he can never make the attack of the Refining Heaven Sword ineffective. This sword is the sword of the Lord of Refining Heaven.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the ghost master: "So that's it!"

The ghost master sneered: "What do you mean, kid, what do you know?"

Chu Yan sneered: "You are not a human at all, right?"

The ghost master was startled and narrowed his eyes: "Kid, what do you mean?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "Xiao Jiu is right, a person's energy is limited. A puppeteer spends his whole life practicing puppets, so his energy and flesh will definitely be inferior. So all puppeteers' original bodies will be very weak."

"But you didn't. After your flesh body came, you have always been very strong, but... is this really your original body?"

The ghost master's face changed slightly, and then suddenly sneered: "Interesting, you are smart..."

After that!


The so-called original body of the ghost master suddenly burned up. After a while, his flesh and skin were burned out, and finally turned into a series of mechanical-like bones.

Chu Yan's pupils shrank: "Sure enough!"

It's really a puppet!

I was almost fooled.

Of course, we have to admit that the ghost master is smart. He deliberately threw out a puppet first and told you, and then the real body appeared.

This makes many people subconsciously think that the second one is the real body.

But who could have expected that the second one was also fake.

It can be regarded as a psychological warfare with Chu Yan.

The ghost master grinned: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to guess it, but how can it be? Can you find my real body? Do you want me to show you my real body?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.


Suddenly, a huge and vast force rose on the ghost island.

Then another figure flew out from the ghost master's hall.

This person was also wearing a black robe, and he was exactly the same as the two ghost masters who appeared before.

The ghost master sneered: "Boy, my real body is here, do you want to try it?"

Chu Yan looked at the third ghost master and his face changed slightly.

Is this the real body?

Xiao Jiu said: "Don't be fooled, kid. This is also a puppet. The aura of this one is even stronger than the previous one. If it were me, there would be absolutely no way to do it." Chu Yan's face changed slightly. On the opposite side, the third ghost lord grinned: "Haha, you won't be fooled this time? Then you will die!" Whoosh! Suddenly, this ghost lord disappeared. Chu Yan's face changed, and then the space in front of him twisted, and a figure stepped out from it, and then punched Chu Yan. Chu Yan's face changed, and he quickly blocked with his sword. However, an amazing scene appeared. This ghost lord did not dodge, but pierced straight through with his fist. Puff, his fist first attacked the Liantian Sword. Boom! The Liantian Sword split the ghost lord's fist, but the ghost lord still did not stop, and let the long sword pierce into his fist, and then hit Chu Yan's chest. Bang! Chu Yan flew thousands of meters away and vomited blood. Looking at the other side, the situation of the ghost master was not good either. One of his arms was cut off by the Refining Heaven Sword.


When the arm flew out, Chu Yan saw clearly that there was no flesh and blood inside the ghost master's arm. There were all kinds of mechanical parts...

This is a puppet.

Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "Be careful, kid, he is a puppet. He doesn't care about pain and death at all, but you can't. He is exchanging moves with you."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched.

He also found out.

When the ghost master was found to be a puppet by himself, he directly chose to fight with a broken jar.

One for one!

Anyway, I am a puppet.

Not to mention not knowing fatigue and pain, I don't even know death.

The ghost master grinned: "Boy, come on, I see how many of my puppets you can replace."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a buzzing sound.

Two more figures flew over from a distance.

They were the two puppets at the beginning.

In an instant, the three puppets merged together.

Chu Yan couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw the three people.


It was a problem for him to fight one now, but now there were three?

He finally understood why Cao Jianjia said that the Ghost Lord was more powerful than the Lord of the Ten Thousand Daos.

Let alone quality, the puppet master was superior in quantity.

In the same realm, a puppet master could be used as a thousand troops.

This was the most terrifying.

Chu Yan looked at the Ghost Lord opposite him.

The Ghost Lord grinned: "Chu Yan, I have to say, you are more evil than I thought, and you must have a lot of karma... Unfortunately, man's plans are not as good as God's plans, and you will eventually fall into my hands."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "You are too early to be happy, everything is not over yet."


Instantly, Chu Yan disappeared.


The void exploded.

Swish—a terrifying sword energy flew out quickly, and this sword energy was extremely dark, and then a ray of light was born in the endless darkness.

Instantly, a ray of sword energy enveloped all three ghost masters.

The three ghost masters' eyes shrank, and they also felt a touch of surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chu Yan to dare to take the initiative to attack when he knew about the three of them.

The three ghost masters said in unison, their voices were exactly the same, giving people a mechanical feeling and grinning: "Don't know whether to live or die!"

As soon as the words fell, the three ghost masters did not dodge the terrifying sword energy, and punched at the same time.


Another loud noise.


The next second, Chu Yan and his sword were already a thousand meters away.

As soon as he stopped, he suddenly looked up.


There was a crisp cracking sound in the void, and then cracks appeared on the bodies of the three puppets.

The three ghost masters were also shocked, and one of them said in a deep voice: "Boy, you have some skills."

Chu Yan sneered: "Is this called skills?"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hands high, and a small tower flew into the sky, and then turned into a huge black nine-story iron tower.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower!



With a huge roar, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower pressed down directly towards the three people.

The three people's eyes shrank, and they punched again, but this time they were not so lucky. One of the puppets was obviously unable to withstand the power of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and was finally crushed into powder.

Chu Yan looked at the ghost masters who were only two and grinned: "Aren't there only two left?"

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