Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 530 Fighting for Ye Bingning

On the Chilian Palace, the chariot arrived, guarded by many strong men. They were uniform and extremely solemn, giving people the illusion of inviolability.

The cart landed steadily, not even the dust was picked up. A moment later, a handsome young man walked out of it. He had blond hair and sharp eyes, as if he was born with an imperial aura. He glanced at the whole place, letting everyone know No one dared to look at him.

Chu Yan knew that this person was the first master of Chilian Hall.

"His aura is very strong." Chu Yan praised him, and everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes at him, speechless for a while.

"Of course it's very strong. A few months after I started the Imperial Path, I held several meetings among the Seven Halls of Chiliantang. The rankings of all the hall leaders have changed, but he was the only one who didn't. From the moment I entered the Imperial Path, he was the number one The Hall Master has always been number one and has never been surpassed," Han Dong said with admiration.

In Chi Lian Sect, no one knows the name of the First Hall Master, and they are all called the First Hall Master, because he has never been defeated. In addition, he also has an alias called the First Sword.

It's just this name. It is said that in the Chilian Sect, only the sect master calls him. The origin of the name is his superb sword skills. Rumor has it that he can kill no matter who he is with just one sword.

The exchange meeting at Qitangkou was also initiated by him.

"You're welcome." The first hall leader waved as he walked out of the cart. Then he raised his head and looked at the highest place. He jumped up and sat there naturally, as if he should sit in that position.

"It's so fast. It's been another month. I think everyone has made some progress in the Imperial Road. I hope this exchange can be more exciting." The first class member smiled, looked at Ye Binning and said with a smile: "Bing Ning Ning, your deputy hall master is very interesting."

He heard what Chu Yan said just now and shook his head in amusement.

"Don't blame the first hall master for the newcomer's ignorance." Ye Binning glared at Chu Yan and said to the void.

"It doesn't matter." The first hall leader shook his head and looked at Chu Yan: "It's a good thing for newcomers to be motivated, but I hope you are really capable. Since the establishment of our Chilian Sect, you are the first deputy hall who is not at the level of the Emperor of Heaven. Lord, if you don’t have fighting power, you will be miserable.”

"My subordinates will do their best not to disappoint the hall master." Chu Yan said without humility. The first hall master smiled and then looked at everyone: "Okay, since everyone is here, let's start. The old rule is to order your troops and generals, start from the entrance of the seventh hall, challenge upwards, the hall leader versus the hall leader, the deputy hall leader against the deputy hall leader, and prepare for a melee. "

The eyes of several people in the lobby flashed, and they had been saving for a month, hoping to express themselves today.

"Seventh Hall Master, you come first." The first hall master looked at the last hall master, a white-faced scholar. He nodded and took a step forward to look at Ye Bingning; "Master Bingning, what's next? Be careful, I have made great progress this month."

"You too." Ye Binning said with an unfamiliar air.

The white-faced scholar smiled brightly and looked at the deputy hall master beside him: "You go to the first battle."

"Yes." The man took a step with a bang, and there was a flash of light, and his body changed into the shape of a giant ape. He put his arms on the ground and let out a roar.

"Who will teach me!"

"It's Kuang Yuan, he looks very confident."

"What a strong physique. It is said that he is a human-monster, and his mother is a top-level demon ape in a demon forest. He has half the blood of demon apes, and his life soul is born. After countless castings, he is the giant ape of the forest. He was able to look down upon him when he was at the eighth level of the emperor. The top Heavenly Emperor, now that he has broken through to the top Heavenly Emperor, he seems to be even stronger." Many people looked at Kuang Yuan and nodded. Monsters are born with a powerful physique that is incomparable to humans, and Kuang Yuan seems to be a perfect fusion of the bloodlines of the two races.

Ye Binning frowned slightly, and was shocked by Kuang Yuan's strength.

"Who is willing to fight the first battle for this emperor?" Ye Binning was still calm, still standing on the storm, her arms folded and she said calmly.

"I'll do it." Han Dong took a step forward, and the other party directly sent a deputy hall leader and ordinary subordinates to fight. He was bound to lose, and the first battle was extremely important, related to the morale of the following, so he had to win. , he chose to fight in person.

"We were defeated a month ago. Today, I will take back all the humiliation with profit." Kuang Yuan roared, and Han Dong slowly held the hilt of the sword at his waist: "I'm afraid you won't have that chance."


"Boom!" The two of them took action immediately. Kuang Yuan was extremely domineering, running on the ground with all four limbs, and the ground kept shaking. In the end, he flew directly into the air, and his huge ape arms shot at Han Dong.

The strong wind kept beating on his face, Han Dong felt as if he was about to be torn apart, and he became solemn. Then his sword was unsheathed, and his life soul bloomed, forming a terrifying sword shadow on the sky. His life soul was It is a shadowless sword. The sword comes without a shadow and kills people invisible.

"Bang!" The sword shadow shot out, like a strangulation machine. Blood marks were immediately drawn on Kuang Yuan's arm, but they were not deep. His speed did not slow down. After a moment, he showed a cruel smile: "You are scratching me. Is it itchy?”

Han Dong was shocked when he saw a huge ape arm breaking through his sword shadow formation and grabbing at his throat. He hurriedly slashed out several swords and tried to retreat, but it was too late. His throat seemed to be locked. As if he was still alive, he was grabbed from the air and smashed to the ground with a thud, his body twitching non-stop.

"Defeated?" The people in Ye Bingning's hall looked embarrassed. They were defeated in the first battle, and they were defeated very quickly. Han Dong was almost instantly killed by Kuang Yuan.

Unfortunately, the opponent is still in the seventh hall. It is a complete shame to challenge one party and win so easily.

"If they are all this kind of stuff, there is no need to compete. You are not worthy of the Sixth Hall!" Kuang Yuan grabbed Han Dong and threw him towards Ye Bingning. A Heavenly Emperor fell to Ye Bingning's feet like a chick in his hand, causing frost to gradually rise on her jade face.

Han Dong was her deputy hall master. It can be said that he was the strongest person in the Sixth Hall Master except her. He was killed in seconds. If she wanted to win Kuang Yuan, she had to do it herself.

But the other party was the deputy hall master. As soon as she appeared as the hall master, even if she won this battle, she would be defeated.

"With just this battle, you are so arrogant and invincible. No wonder you can only be the last one." However, at this time, a voice sounded calmly, attracting many eyes.

Kuang Yuan looked at Chu Yan and showed an interesting expression: "You are just an emperor of the earth, and you dare to interrupt?"

"Hasn't your hall master taught you what respect is? The exchange meeting is not over yet. I am the deputy hall master of the sixth hall, and you are from the seventh hall." Chu Yan said contemptuously, and Kuang Yuan's eyes flashed with anger.

"Haha, you are right, but soon, you will not be the deputy hall master. Is there anyone who wants to fight?" Kuang Yuan stood alone on the central battle stage, extremely arrogant, and looked down on the sixth hall.

Xu Miao and others clenched their fists, feeling angry, but they did not dare to step forward. Han Dong was defeated, and it would be useless for them to challenge him.

"Let me do it." Chu Yan hesitated and took a step forward.

"Can you do it?" Ye Bingning looked at Chu Yan in surprise. It was not that she did not trust Chu Yan. On the contrary, she trusted Chu Yan more than anyone present. Otherwise, she would not have appointed him as the deputy hall master. It was just that Kuang Yuan was too strong. Han Dong was killed in seconds. Although Chu Yan defeated Yang Tiansha, the two Yang Tianshas were not as good as Han Dong in terms of combat power.

Moreover, the gap in realm was too big.

"Do you have any other way?" Chu Yan blinked. Ye Bingning was speechless for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, you be careful."

"I will keep the sixth place for you." Chu Yan smiled and strolled to the battle stage. He did not use his blood. His body was as thin as usual, which formed a sharp contrast with the demon ape-like Kuang Yuan.

Looking at the battle stage, everyone showed an interesting look.

"Looking for death!" Yan Long from the second hall mocked. In his opinion, Chu Yan was just a pretty boy raised by Ye Bingning. As for the deputy hall master, it was just a false title. Now he dared to take the initiative to stand up.

Kuang Yuan looked at Chu Yan, his demon eyes widened as if he wanted to swallow Chu Yan: "Since you are seeking death, I will fulfill your wish today."

"Roar--!" Kuang Yuan moved, his huge demon body seemed to dominate the battlefield, he stepped out with a thump, leaving deep footprints on the battlefield with every step, demon light soared into the sky, and the huge ape arm became stronger. With just this one blow, I don't know how many top-level emperors he could kill.

"Han Dong was defeated by this punch." Someone stared at Kuang Yuan and said: "The demon ape cultivates power, and his punch is stronger than that of an ordinary emperor."

"What is that kid doing?" In addition to paying attention to Kuang Yuan, some people also looked at Chu Yan, but compared with Kuang Yuan's might, Chu Yan was like a pool of stagnant water, standing there quietly, even standing with his hands behind his back, closing his eyes, listening to the whistling wind, and turning a blind eye.

"Is he crazy?" Someone said again, wondering what Chu Yan was doing. Was he suppressed by Kuang Yuan's power and even forgot to dodge?

Ye Bingning, Xu Miao and the others all clenched their fists slightly, a little nervous.

"Boom!" Then the demon arm smashed down, but at the same moment, golden light burst out from Chu Yan's body, and his momentum was like a rainbow, breaking through the clouds directly. His body became ten feet tall, and his skin turned golden. The demon arm slammed into his flesh, but the scene of him being smashed as expected did not appear. He still stood there motionless.

On the contrary, it was Kuang Yuan who punched out, his facial features twitched, and a piercing pain came from his fist, directly to his heart, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the moment just now, he felt that he was not hitting a person at all, but more like an iron plate, and all the power was shaken back into his body, causing internal injuries.

"Is that all the power? Are you scratching me?" The same words, but this time they came out of Chu Yan's mouth, and then a black giant hammer suddenly appeared beside him, attracting the starlight of heaven and earth. At this moment, he was unstoppable, holding the giant hammer high, and smashing it down mercilessly at Kuang Yuan.

"Boom!" The black hammer fell like Mount Tai. Kuang Yuan kept flashing with shock. He raised his demon arm to resist, but it was useless. His bones broke one by one. Suddenly, his body was severely suppressed by the huge hammer. He turned back into human form and looked miserable.

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